The NGEAO Connection Newsletter “Quick Clicks”
Learn how Anadarko solved the problem of crossing a river to connect a well (January 2005)
the latest/greatest version of the Adobe Reader 7.0. The newer version launches faster and has more search features. (January 2005)
here to receive FREE and daily emails of business related news tailored to your interests by city, industry,and/or company name. (January 2005)
on “Launch the National Map” and access a database of geospatial data and information from federal, state, local and tribal agencies (March 2005)
how and why concrete is used on LNG facilities (March 2005)
Another mapping site provided by the US Geological Survey with geospatial data (information about a place using computer files, maps, demographics tables, etc. (March 2005)
EIA historical gas prices 1930 through 2000 (May 2005)
out the golf course at the Cherokee Casino, the site for our annual membership meeting and sports tournament in September 2005 (May 2005)
– Did you miss the last NGEAO luncheon? This is a great story about Excelerate Energy’s LNG facility (May 2005)
in NM wells? Use this link to find out New Mexico's Oil Conservation Divisions' rulings regarding operations of an oil or gas well. Click on “Rulebook” link on the left side of the page. (July 2005)
baseball trading cards? Here’s a site where you can request a FREE set of Power Plant Trading cards. Click on “Visit the industcards pages” at the bottom of the page. Then click on “free set” at mid-page. (July 2005)
here for a listing of the active gas plants (as of 03/2004) and their locations. (July 2005)
Society of Petroleum Engineers offers a number of energy education slides to be used in PowerPoint presentations (Sept 2005)
Click on “Oil & Gas Quiz” at the bottom left hand side of the page to test your oil and gas knowledge (Sept 2005)
Natural Gas Weekly Update via Energy Information Administration including prices, storage and trends (Sept 2005)
Eldorado Exploration is using Passive Induced Polarity (PIP) to find oil and gas reserves. Their proprietary process uses satellite images of the amount and intensity of gamma ray protons released above a hydrocarbon field (Feb 2006)
The Energy Information Administration’s (EIA’s) Short Term Energy Outlook report includes updates as to the status of hurricane related shut-ins, pricing projections, demand forecasts, etc. (Feb 2006)
Start here to learn more about the federal deficit (Feb 2006)
A mapping website that includes layers for rivers, county lines, highways, etc (May 2006)
Check out this website for maps of Oklahoma counties that include townships, ranges and section numbers (May 2006)
These are great sized pins to use on wall maps (May 2006)
Take a 360 degree tour of an oil rig using iPix technology (May 2006)
Want to know the average rate of taxation on a gallon of gas? Check it out here (June 2006)
Want to know Tulsa’s economic outlook as prognosticated by OSU’s Center for Applied Economic Research? (June 2006)
Want to know Oklahoma City’s economic outlook as prognosticated by OSU’s Center for Applied Economic Research? (June 2006)