Scarcroft Village Development Group Meeting

Minutes of Meeting 16 April 2012

Those present:

Councillor Ruth Middleton, group leader

Breeda Murray

Gary Jameson

Tom Wainman

David Cross
Rob Murray
District Councillor Matthew Robinson

Malcolm Lobley
Ann Lobley
Janet Hoskins

Mary Welsh

Alex Jackson
Jackie Jackson
Roger Shirley
Councillor Paddy Procter
Melvin Dawson

Chris De Whytell
Peter Syron

Apologies for absence

Bernard Mageean

Charles Milne
Chas Hardy
Bob Jackson
1.Welcome and Introductions - Councillor Middleton opened the meeting, welcoming all those attending. Breeda, Tom and Gary introduced themselves as Committee members.
2.Review of the questionnaire to be sent to Scarcroft Residents - Councillor Middleton provided an update on the progress of the Questionnaire.
The content is generally agreed and there are just a few final points to confirm. The questionnaire needs to include a clear, easily readable map and we need to confer with Bob Jackson to achieve the best way of achieving this. The Questionnaire will appear on the new website; it would be good if people could 'zoom in' on particular areas of the map but the site does not have scope for that.
Councillor Middleton ran through the content of the Questionnaire, setting out which questions had been included and why, and giving greater detail on some of the questions and the issues arising.
The Questionnaire will be distributed to the wider Scarcroft population, which will include some Bardsey parishioners. Councillor Robinson said that other parishes are facing the same issue of an overlap between neighbouring parishes. Councillor Procter said that the Chairs of the Bardsey, East Keswick and Scarcroft Parish Councils had met in January of this year and agreed that a 'common sense' approach would be taken to such issues.
Councillor Middleton sees a need to link up with other Parish Councils, in particular Bardsey, given the land lying in and between Bardsey and Scarcroft and marked on the SHLAA plan.
There was wider discussion of this and other issues relating to the Questionnaire.
Peter Syron asked if we could talk to landowners in the area to see if they wanted to see development on their land in the next few years? Councillor Middleton said we could identify landowners from Land Registry searches. Gary Jameson pointed out that a couple of members of the Scoping Group were tasked with talking to known landowners in the Parish and that this was ongoing. He also pointed out that a Land Registry search will only provide the detail we seek if the land in question is registered, but if unregistered land comes to light he will take the lead on this, drawing on his experience as a property lawyer.Land passed down over the years, through families, often remains unregistered.
Roger Shirley asked if we put land forward , are we endorsing development on that land? Councillor Middleton confirmed that that is the case, but if we don't do it 'from within', it may be done anyway. Councillor Robinson reminded us of the new 'Neighbourhood Development Orders' (NDO) that came in with the Act. The NDOs are not something we should be looking at at this juncture but it is useful to know of them.
Roger Shirley made the point that there will probably be a 'quilt' or 'patchwork' of land across Scarcroft where some land is proposed for development within our Neighbourhood Plan and some not. There may be conflict arising - how would we resolve this? Councillor Middleton advised that Strategic Planning Principles would be used.
Gary Jameson re-iterated the point that the Neighbourhood Plan can be seen as giving us 'one hand on the steamroller's steering wheel'. A large part of the work we are doing may not have any effect, but at least we are doing something.
Councillor Middleton made the point that the '5%' that has an effect makes it all worthwhile.
Councillor Middleton asked Councillor Robinson what do we think our housing allocation will be?
Kathryn Holloway, Team Leader (Local Plans East) hasn't been in touch.
Councillor Middleton went on to say that if we allocate land in the Parish it will be developed. Land value might, and almost certainly will, compensate for any adverse factors relating to the land in question. In addition the types of housing built and the density can be strong factors.
Gary Jameson made the point that we still await confirmation of the Leeds City Council Green Belt Allocation for Scarcroft and surrounding area, and without that we can't go forward to answer the question. Councillor Robinson said we need notice of several allocations.
Councillor Middleton re-iterated the need to avoid any 'vested interests' influencing the collation or content of the Neighbourhood Plan. Where such an interest arises the member will have to leave the meeting until the matter involving the interest has been dealt with.
A question was raised as to the threshold for the majority required in the Referendum towards the end of the Neighbourhood Plan process, after the Independent Examination. This query was linked to us not knowing how many will participate in the Referendum. Councillor Robinson confirmed that a simple majority is required.
Alex Jackson made the point that if the Village don't accept the Plan or don't participate then the Plan may be forced upon them.
Councillor Procter asked that her explanatory piece be included in the covering letter with the Questionnaire, so people know what is going on.
Tom Wainman confirmed thatrespondents won't be able to complete theQuestionnaire online, though they will be able to print it off.
Councillor Robinson was asked for confirmation that the Council can pay the postage costs for mailing the Questionnaire. He replied that the cost can be met if the Group pay for the printing of the Questionnaire.
One Questionnaire will be sent to each household, but it can be photocpoied to enable each member of the household to participate in the referendum and give their views. This is seen as being very important. Councillor Middleton hopes that the younger age groups in the village participate, as they could be said to be the future of the Village.
Melvin Dawson asked if landlords of tenanted properties will be sent a Questionnaire. If they live outside Scarcroft, or the area within which the Questionnaire will be distributed, then they won't. Their tenant or tenants could provide them with a copy.
The Questionnaire is likely to be collated within the next two weeks.
Councillor Middleton will talk to Bob Jackson about how we are to analyse the data received when the Questionnaires are returned. The Group may deal with the analyses.
The results of the Questionnaire will be posted on the Parish Council Notice Boards and the Website and publicised in the Wetherby News and the Parish Magazine.
3. Wood Farmsite visit update - Following the site visit to Wood Farm on 30th March, we need to include the site on the plan or map that will accompany the Questionnaire, and to that end we need to show a clear boundary for the site. The site is accessible directly from the A58 and presents a range of options and possibilities.

Alex Jackson, the owner ofWood Farm, said it would be an idealsite for the a Farm Shop, and a cafe, if the Farm Shop becomes established.The Farm also presents opportunities for children's facilities and a nature trail, given that there is a public footpathrunning from the Wood Farmentrance on the A58 to Bay Horse Lane.

The Questionnaire is to be amended to include a question or questions relating to the possibility of a Farm Shop.

4. YEB site visit update - Members of the Parish Council, the Clerk to theParish Counciland the Group's committee are visiting the YEB or nPower site on Wednesday 18th April, and the committee will report back on this. The visit is being hosted by Jeremy Good MRTPI, asAgent for the owners of the site. The visit follows Jeremy's presentation to and Question and Answer session with the Parish Council and Group on19th March.

5. Village Website - The Scarcroft Village website is nearly complete. Copies of the Group's press releases will be forwarded to Bob Jackson by Gary Jameson, the Group's secretary. Councillor Paddy Procter's piece explaining what the Neighbourhood Plan is will be included on the site. The site's address is

6. Village Centre considerations - Malcolm Lobley has taken the trouble to prepare a Powerpoint presentation 'Scarcroft Village Development Plan - A centre for our village.' The committee will view the presentation, discuss it with Malcolm and report back at the next meeting.

7. Liaison with Bardsey - Neighbourhood Plan proposals - Councillor Paddy Procter and Peter Hart, Clerk to the Parish Council, will provide the Group with Bardsey Parish Council's contact details. Councillor Matthew Robinson will provide the contact details for Thorner's and Shadwell's Parish Councils.

Councillor Procter said that other villages havedrawn up Village Design Statements and may draw on the content of these statements when preparing their Neighbourhood Plans. Scarcroft hasn't embarked on a Village Design Statement and this may be advantageous.

David Cross commented that whereas the Village Design Statement is descriptive, highlighting features and amenitiesthat may attract visitors, a Neighbourhood Plan will have a different focus.

Tom Wainman pointed out that preparing the Neighbourhood Plan should bring the village together and engender further contact within the village.

Councillor Middleton re-iterated the point that Scarcroft residents have been given and continue to have the opportunity to get involved; she is confident that there will be a constructive dialogue with Bardsey Parish Council and those others preparing Bardsey's Neighbourhood Plan.

On the issue of the Boundary Review, proposed with regard to the Scarcroft/Bardsey boundary, it was made clear that the Review will be independent. The residents of both Bardsey and Scarcroft will have no say in the Review. When the referendum prior to the Review takes place the issue will be whether such a review is wanted, not where any new boundary may lie.

8. Resources -Scarcroft Parish Council has made some money available to the Group, primarily to enable title searches to be made at Her Majesty's Land Registry. Should further funds be required then the Group will approach the Parish Council.

9. Any Other Business - Jackie Jackson asked if we have any indication as to how many newhouses Scarcroft will be required to provide? Councillor Middleton replied that we need to look at the past 5 years development in Scarcroft and the density of development, as a guide. With these factors in mind we should consider the contentof a supplementary document within the Neighbourhood Plan that would address housing design. The Quarry Site, off Syke Lane, will have individually architecturally designed dwellings.

On the issue of design, David Cross, drew the meetings attention to the development at North Stainley, which is designed around a village pond.

Councillor Middleton said that Prince Charles' viewpoint on architecture and design could be really useful. She will source the links and provide them to the Group.

Gary Jameson re-iterated the point that we need to see the LeedsCity CouncilGreen Belt Allocation, as this is a 'bigpiece of the jigsaw'. There followed a brief discussion on the Green Belt issue.

The meeting closed just after 10pm.

THE NEXT MEETING IS PROPOSED TO BE ON MONDAY 21ST MAY AT 8PM IN THE VILLAGE HALL - I will email confirmation as soon as I have it.

Kind Regards

Gary Jameson


Scarcroft Village Development Working Group
