The new course, "Transition Planning Made Easier" is now available in Michigan LearnPort. In order to enroll in the course please follow these steps:
* Register into LearnPort if you have not already done so. You
can enroll at by clicking the link "New User, Click Here" and follow the directions to open a new account.
* Once you have an account, log in using the login ID and
password you chose.
* To enroll in the course,
o From your homepage, click on the Courses link on the left side
of the page.
o Click on Catalog
o Type in the word, transition, in the keyword box and click on
o Click on the name of the course.
o Click on Take Course
o Click on Special Education Transition
* You are now in the course. Follow the online directions and
* The course will remain on your homepage until you finish it.
If the course does not appear on your homepage (we are experiencing a small problem with the learning management system), you can still find it and launch it from the catalog.
* When you have completed all of the course and have properly
logged off the course, you will find it in your development record under the My Portfolio tab. Click on Certificate next to the name of the course. You will need to fill out the survey in order to get to the certificate of completion.
* Please contact the Michigan Virtual University help desk toll
free at 888.889.2840 for assistance if you have any problems.