The following questions have been gleaned from your input. These were selected and composed based on the following criteria:
- Will the information tell us something that we can take action on in the near term?
- Can the response be summarized statistically?
- Can the question be presented with common language?
We also acknowledge that the number if responses is inversely proportional to the number of questions. Thus, we wish to keep the survey as short as possible.
1.How do you consume your on-line news and information?
Choose all that apply
a)By Email
b)On my Cell Phone, PDA or Blackberry
c)On News Web Sites
d)Through my RSS Feed Reader
e)On Weblogs (“blogs”)
2.How many hours per day do you spend reading news on average?
Choose one
a)Less than one
b)1 to 2
c)2 to 4
d)More than 4
e)It's my job
3.How many news sources do you scan daily?
Choose one
a)Less than 2
b)2 to 5
c)5 to 10
d)10 to 20
e)More than 20
4.Which of the following are your primary sources of news?
Choose all that apply
a)Major Print Newspapers (Ex: WSJ, NYT)
b)Cable News (Ex: CNN, Fox)
c)Network News (Ex: ABC, NBC, CBS)
d)Local News
e)On-line News Sites (Ex: Stratfor, Motley Fool,
g)On-line Forums
h)Syndicated Radio (Ex: Rush Limbaugh)
i)Local Radio
5.How important to you is detailed reporting on the following regions of the world?
Not important – Somewhat important – Very Important – Critical
a)Latin America (South America, Central America, Mexico)
b)Middle East (Including Egypt and Turkey)
c)African Continent
d)Europe (Including Eastern Europe)
e)Former Soviet Union
g)Southeast Asia (includes India, Australia)
6.I would like to see more coverage of ______.
Fill in the blank
7.Which of Stratfor's email products do you read most often?
Choose all that apply
a)Morning Intelligence Brief
b)Terrorism Brief
c)Global Intelligence Brief
d)Global Market Brief
e)Intelligence Summaries
f)Quarterly Forecast
g)I don't know
h)I'm not a subscriber
8.I prefer to read the following style of news (check one):
Choose all that apply
a)Short summaries
b)Short summaries with links to long form content
c)Long-form Briefs and Reports
9.When do you prefer to read geopolitical news like that provided by Stratfor?
Choose all that apply
f)It doesn't matter
10. I prefer to receive geopolitical news like that provided by Stratfor with the following frequency:
Choose One
a)As a monthly summary
b)As a weekly summary
c)As a daily summary
d)Immediately when available
e)It depends on the issue
f)It depends on the region
11. What percentage of Stratfor emails do scan or read?
Choose One
a)Less than 25% of the emails
b)25% to 50%
c)50% to 75%
d)Almost every email
12. I am a:
Choose One
a)Stratfor Subscriber
b)Member of the free Stratfor Email List
c)A frequent visitor to the Web site
d)An occasional visitor to the Stratfor Web site
e)None of the above
13. I subscribed to Stratfor's intelligence because:
Choose all that apply
a)It is important to my work.
b)I believe it is important to know what is going on in the world.
c)I prefer more detailed news than other sources offer.
d)I find mass media sources to be inaccurate or incomplete.
e)I prefer Stratfor's style of analysis.
f)Other ______
14. How did you learn about Stratfor or George Friedman?
Choose all that apply
a)I learned about one of your stories through a friend or other news source.
b)I saw a Stratfor presentation at a conference
c)I read one of George Friedman's books.
d)I found one of your stories through an on-line search.
e)I heard George Friedman on the radio.
f)Other ______
15. Have you recommended Stratfor to a friend or colleague?
Choose One
a)Yes, often
b)Yes, rarely
c)No, but I would
d)No and I would not
e)No, but I would if I was rewarded for doing so.
16. In which country do you live?
Select from List
17. In which languages besides English should Stratfor publish it's intelligence?
Open Comment
18. How could we improve our services for you?
Open Comment