Biomes Project

The natural world is so complex that we can visualize it in many different ways and at various different scales. Ecologists use similarities among ecosystems to classify them into broad categories called biomes. Your task for this project is to learn about one of those biomes or aquatic ecosystems, put together a PowerPoint Presentation or a poster board and present it to the class.

ASSIGNMENT: Either working alone, or in pairs, you will be assigned a terrestrial or aquatic ecosystem. You will have approximately two weeks (Due 12/13 by midnight) to research your biome and to put together a PowerPoint Presentation or a poster-board explaining your biome.

PRODUCT: Your PowerPoint or poster must include the following information: 1) biome name and where on Earth it can be found, 2) climatic information about your biome, 3) wildlife and plant life found in your biome, 4) using several species discuss limiting factors (biotic and abiotic) and how species have adapted in your biome, 5) using a food chain or web describe how energy may flow in your biome, 6) importance of your biome and any threats or challenges it faces.

Presentations of your PowerPoint or poster should be 5-10 minutes in length.

RESOURCES: You may use your textbook Chapter 6 “Biomes and Aquatic Ecosystems.” Other resources found must be cited either at the end of your PowerPoint or on the back of your poster. Below are two suggested sites.

Suggested Web Sites: 1) University of California Museum of Paleontology

2) Blue Planet Biomes

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TIMELINE: You will have approximately two weeks to complete this project. At the end of the unit (probably 12/18-20) you will randomly present your work to the class in 5-10 minutes presentations.

DUE DATE : Thursday 12/13 (emailed to by midnight…each day late is minus 20%)

COMP LAB DATES: ______and ______.

Biomes Project

Grading Sheet


This form is to be turned in and will be filled out with your grade after you present.

PowerPoint/Poster Grade:

* Information:/60

Your PowerPoint/ Poster included a lot of information about your biome.

Your PowerPoint covered all 6 points given on the assignment sheet.

It was clear you learned about your biome.

* Neatness:/10

Your PowerPoint/Poster must be neat or you will lose points.

There is not too much text making it hard to read.

* Organized

Information was placed in an organized manner./10

Pictures and images added to presentation


* Informative:/10

You explained your biome well to the class.

* Organized: /10

You spoke clearly and presented yourwork well.

Total Score: /100
