OBJECTIVE: The objective of the Procedures Manual is to clearly define responsibilities of all officers of the Council, all employees of the Council and all appointed committee chairpersons. It will also outline appropriate procedures as established by the Council to achieve the responsibilities.
Distribution: A copy of this manual shall be distributed to each member of the Executive Board, each contracted employee and professional service provider of the Council, each appointed member of The National Examinations Committee and the Appointed Chairperson of all other committees.
Officers 4
Employees 7
Committees 9
Individual Appointments 18
Removal Procedures 19
Aurie J. Gosnell Scholarship 22
Conference Rules 24
Election Procedures 25
Administrative Procedures 26
Retention of NIC Documents and Records 33
Official Forms: 34
Nominating Committee Questionnaire- pg. 34
Honorary Membership Qualification Form – pg 35
Conference Receipt – pg. 36
Conference Survey Form – pg. 37
Conference Site Application Form –pg. 38
Conference Host State Responsibilities – pg. 39
Agreement for the purchase and/or use of NIC equipment – pgs. 40
Request for Travel Form – pg. 42
A. President - The President shall:
1. Carry out the duties and responsibilities set forth in Article VI, Section 1 A of the Bylaws and as stated herein.
2. Be knowledgeable in parliamentary procedures and Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
3. Attend all committee meetings when possible.
4. Be available to all members on a daily basis for consultation.
5. Advise all Executive Board members in writing of activities, which will cause absence from the Office of President.
6. Appoint all committees within 90 days following the Annual Conference with the exception that the appointment to the expiring term on the NEC shall be made at the pre Annual Conference meeting of the NEC.
7. Create special committees when necessary to achieve objectives of the Council. Should special committees need budget authority, the committee Chair shall submit a budget request to the President for review. The President shall submit the proposed budget request to the Executive Board for review and approval before any expenditure of Council monies is made for special committee funding. Amended 3-14-14
8. Recommend changes, additions or deletions, which will benefit and progress the direction of the Council to all Executive Board members.
9. Prepare written activity reports to be delivered at each Executive Board meeting which will be attached to the minutes of the meeting.
B. First Vice-President - The First VicePresident shall: (Amended 11-13=16
1. Carry out the duties and responsibilities set forth in Article VI, Section 2 A of the Bylaws and as stated herein.
2. Be knowledgeable in parliamentary procedures and Robert's Rules of Order newly revised.
3. Possess the ability to conduct business meetings of the Council in the President's absence.
4. Attend all meetings of the Council.
5. Complete all assignments as directed by the President.
6. Attend committee meetings when possible or when assigned by the President or in the absence of the President.
7. Advise all Executive Board members in writing of activities, which will cause absence from the office of the First VicePresident.
8. Recommend changes, additions or deletions, which will benefit and progress the direction of the Council to all Executive Board members.
9. Prepare written activity reports to be delivered at each Executive Board meeting which will be attached to the minutes of the meeting.
C. Second Vice-President - The Second VicePresident shall: (Adopted 11/13/16
1. Carry out the duties and responsibilities set forth in Article VI, Section 3 of the Bylaws and as stated herein.
2. Be knowledgeable in parliamentary procedures and Robert's Rules of Order newly revised.
3. Possess the ability to conduct business meetings of the Council upon request by the President.
4. Attend all meetings of the Council.
5. Complete all assignments as directed by the President.
6. Attend committee meetings when possible or when assigned by the President.
7. Advise all Executive Board members in writing of activities, which will cause absence from the office of the Second VicePresident.
8. Recommend changes, additions or deletions, which will benefit and progress the direction of the Council to all Executive Board members.
9. Prepare written activity reports to be delivered at each Executive Board meeting which will be attached to the minutes of the meeting.
D. Secretary / Treasurer – The Secretary/Treasurer is responsible for overseeing the maintenance and administration of the finances and accounts of the organization to ensure that the organization meets operational and legislative support requirements that have been set forth by the Bylaws and Procedures of the organization. (adopted 2-27-15) The Secretary/Treasurer shall:
1. Carry out the duties and responsibilities set forth in Article VI, Section 5 of the Bylaws and perform all duties and as stated herein.
2. Be knowledgeable of basic financial reporting and accounting principles.
3. Possess knowledge of recording minutes of business meetings to include all motions, seconds and results, as well as condensed discussion.
4. Be responsible to obtain knowledge of the Council's fiscal policies and financial statements.
5. Ensure that the Comptroller has the financial records of the Council audited every two years by a certified public accountant approved by the Executive Board. The Executive Board may approve that the audit be conducted by a firm of certified public accountants.
6. Serve as Chairman of the Budget Committee and serve as a member of the Bylaws Committee. (adopted 2-27-15)
7. Ensure that the Comptroller makes arrangements for the preparation and submission of all required tax returns on behalf of the Council.
8. Report to the President and/or the Executive Board any violation of the Council’s fiscal and/or financial policies and procedures.
9. Advise all Executive Board members in writing of activities, which will cause absence from the office of the Secretary/TreasurerPresident.
E. Regional Directors The Regional Directors shall:
1. Carry out the duties and responsibilities set forth in Article VI, Section 4A of the Bylaws and as stated herein.
2. When Regional Meetings are authorized by the Executive Board, Regional Directors will: (adopted 11/13/16
a. Elect a Chair and Vice Chair. The Chair, or the Vice Chair in the absence of the Chair, shall facilitate all activities of the Regional Directors. The Chair, or the Vice Chair in the absence of the Chair, shall keep the President and the Administrative Services Provider apprised of all activities. Adopted 3-14-14
b... Conduct one meeting within the Region. Regional Directors may combine Regional meetings with the approval of the President.
c. Recommend a time, date and location of the Regional meeting to the Executive Board who will determine the date and location of the Regional meeting.
d. Plan a program for a one-day meeting. If warranted, the President can authorize a two-day meeting.
e. Plan an agenda and educational program that will be of interest to the entire Region and that will stimulate the exchange of ideas with input from the states within the Region. A request may be made that the Chairperson of the National Examinations Committee be in attendance as part of the program. The agenda and educational program are subject to approval by the President.
f. Regional Director Meeting Expense: The Council will allot each Regional Director $500 to cover hotel expenses in connection with the meeting (meeting room rental, catering, and AV rental). Other meeting related expenses may be approved by the President provided that the expenses for the Regional meeting do not exceed the allotment. A registration fee may be charged to cover all or part of the hotel expenses in connection with the meeting. All contracts relating to a meeting shall be subject to the provisions contained in Article V, Section 4 of the Bylaws.
g. Record actions of the Regional meeting and prepare and submit a written report to the Executive Board and Editor of the NIC Bulletin.
3. Prepare written activity reports to be delivered at each Executive Board meeting which will be attached to the minutes of the meeting.
4. Perform the duties as it pertains to the Aurie J. Gosnell Scholarship as prescribed herein under Article VI hereof.
5. Act as a liaison between NIC and the states in respective region. This shall include, but not be limited to, reaching out to the state boards in the region at least once a quarter to offer assistance and encourage state participation at the regional meeting and annual conference; and monitoring state board websites and meeting minutes, reporting crucial information such as law changes, deregulation discussion, etc., to the President. Adopted 3-14-14
6. Advise all Executive Board members in writing of activities, which will cause absence from the office of Regional Director.
E. Executive Directors - The Executive Directors shall perform duties set forth in Article VI, Section 6 of the Bylaws and other duties as directed by the President. (Amended 11/13/16)
F. Immediate Past President – the Immediate Past President shall serve as a source of information and guidance and will perform other duties as requested by the President.
The Executive Board may employ or retain the services of independent contractors to provide professional services to support the operations of the Council.
A. General Counsel: The General Counsel shall:
1. Be appointed by and receive such compensation as shall be determined and approved by the Executive Board.
2. Attend the Annual Conference and meetings of the Executive Board and National Examinations Committee as requested by the President or Executive Board.
3. Be authorized to review, approve and execute contracts, agreements or other documents on behalf of the Council.
4. Consult with and provide legal advice and services as may be requested by the President, Executive Board, National Examinations Committee or Council.
B. Administrative Services Provider:
The Administrative Services Provider shall:
1. Be appointed by and receive such compensation as shall be determined by contract approved by the Executive Board.
2. Perform duties as stated in the Bylaws and herein.
3. Perform all duties, under the supervision of the President, pursuant to the terms and conditions of the contracted agreement or be subject to removal procedures. Amended 3-14-14
C. Comptroller:
The Comptroller is responsible for the maintenance and administration of the finances and accounts of the organization in order to meet operational and legislative support requirements that have been set forth by the Bylaws and Procedures of the Organization. (Adopted 2-27-15) The Comptroller shall:
1. Be appointed by and receive such compensation as shall be determined by contract approved by the Executive Board.
2. Be knowledgeable of generally accepted accounting principles.
3. Perform duties as stated in the Bylaws and herein.
4. Consult with the Secretary/Treasurer and Executive Board as to fiscal policies of the Council.
5. Keep accurate and proper records of the financial activities of the Council in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
6. Disburse Council funds only upon receipt of proper documentation and shall secure the prior written approval of the President or Executive Board before disbursing funds that are not authorized by the procedures adopted by the Executive Board.
7. Prepare and submit to the Executive Board quarterly reports of the financial
activities of the Council no later than 30 days after the end thereof.
8. Serve on the Budget Committee and maintain previous, proposed and actual
annual budgets on a fiscal year basis. (Adopted 2-27-15)
9. Submit to the Executive Board year-end financial reports prepared on an accrual basis by a public accountant or certified public accountant not later than 45 days after the end of the fiscal year. Provide a copy of the year-end balance sheet and P & L statement in the state packet distributed to the delegates at the Annual Conference. Any NIC member who wants any other type of financial report other than those provided at the annual conference must submit their request in writing to the Comptroller. (Amended 2-27-15)
10. Be bonded, at the Council’s expense, in a maximum amount that is commercially reasonable, as determined by the Executive Board.
11. Perform all duties, under the supervision of the President, pursuant to the terms and conditions of the contracted agreement or be subject to removal procedures. Amended 3-14-14
D. National Examinations Committee (NEC) Coordinator:
The NEC Coordinator shall:
1. Be appointed by and receive such compensation as shall be determined by contract approved by the Executive Board.
2. Perform duties as stated herein.
3. Perform all duties, under the supervision of the Chairperson of the National Examinations Committee, pursuant to the terms and conditions of the contracted agreement or be subject to removal procedures. Amended 3-14-14
E. Examiner Trainer:
The Examiner Trainer(s) shall:
1. Be appointed by and receive such compensation as shall be determined by contract approved by the Executive Board.
2. Perform duties as stated herein.
3. Perform all duties, under the supervision of the Chairperson of the National Examinations Committee pursuant to the terms and conditions of the contracted agreement or be subject to removal procedures. Amended 3-14-14.
F. Conference Coordinator:
The Conference Coordinator shall:
1. Be appointed by and receive such compensation as shall be determined by contract approved by the Executive Board.
2. Perform duties as stated herein.
3. Perform all duties, under the supervision of the President, pursuant to the terms and conditions of the contracted agreement or be subject to removal procedures. Amended 3-14-14
G. Bulletin Editor:
The Editor of the NIC Bulletin shall:
1. Be appointed by and receive such compensation as shall be determined and approved by the Executive Board.
2. Collect, recruit, write and edit articles for publication in the Bulletin.