GARFORTH VILLA JFC (Season 2015/16)
UNDER …….TEAM (……………….……..League)
Please complete all lines marked in blue
Players Full Name ……………………………………………………………………......
Date of Birth ...... ………Address......
...... ………………………………………...... Postcode……………………….
Parents/Carers Name(s) ...... …………………………………………………….……………………......
Telephone (Home) ...... …………………………(mobile)………………………………………….….....
Email Address....…………………………………………………….………......
Emergency Contacts...... …………………………………………………………………………......
School ...... ……………………………………………...... …Year……………...
Medical Conditions …………………………………………Medication Required ………………………………......
SUBSCRIPTION FEES membership £20…team sign on fee £20 November £45 February £45 family discount Y/N .
(Club membership & team sign on fee paid once only & due before representing the club.Family discount is both Siblings pay half price in November & February, Total per player £130, Total per family of 2 players £170, Total per family of 3 players £210) This Club is a non-profit organisation, entirely run by volunteers. No fees paid will result in No participation. Cheques payable to ; Garforth Villa JFC
(please state)Ethnic Origin………………………………… Country of Birth…………………………………………......
(Delete as appropriate)Preferred Player Position : Goalkeeper / Defender / Midfielder / Forward
Parents/spectators have a great influence on children’s enjoyment and success in football. All children play football because they first and foremost love the game — it’s fun. Remember that positive encouragement will contribute to - children enjoying football, a sense of personal achievement, good self-esteem, improvement in the child’s skills and techniques.Parent’s/spectator’s expectations and attitudes have a significant bearing on a child’s attitude towards - other players, officials, managers, spectators.Parents/spectators within our club should be positive and encouraging towards all our children, not just their own.Parents and spectators are encouraged to: applaud the opposition as well as our own team, avoid coaching the child during the game, refrain from shouting and screaming, respect the referee’s decision, give attention to each of the children involved in football, not just the most talented, give encouragement to everyone to participate in football.
Please ensure that other parents/spectators within the club agree and adhere to the club’s Code of Conduct and Child Protection Policy
Player/ Parent / Carer Agreement / Consent By signing this acceptance form I / we understand that :
- payment of subscriptions ensures inclusion in the squad but does not guarantee any player the right to be included in a playing team – the selection of players is entirely at the discretion of the Manager
- Any clothing or equipment provided remains the property of Garforth Villa and that upon the request of the Manager or in the event that a player leaves the team these MUST be returned
- Inclusion in the squad for future years will be based on ability and availability of places and that this may be determined by the holding of trials
- In the event that my child is injured whilst playing football / travelling to and from football events and I cannot be contacted, I hereby give my consent for my child to receive medical attention
PERMISSION FOR USE OF PHOTOGRAPHS & RECORDED IMAGES see Club Constitution for guidelines. Garforth Villa JFC recognises the need to ensure welfare and safety of all young people in football. As part of our commitment we will not permit photographs, video or other images of young people to be taken without the consent of the parent/carers of young people. By signing this form I consent to photographing or videoing under the stated rules & conditions and I also confirm that I am legally entitled to give consent & the child is not under a court order. By signing this acceptance form I agree to be bound by and observe the Club Rules, Codes of Conduct and The Rules and Regulations of The Football Association Limited, West Riding County Football Association, and all competitions in which the club participates. ALL CONTACT DETAILS FOR CLUB COMMITTEE MEMBERS & WELFARE OFFICER IS AVAILABLE ON OUR WEBSITE pitchero Garforth Villa JFC also regular club updates on facebook Garforth villa juniors.
Parents Signature……………………………………...Player signature......
CLUB COPY Age Group & Team...... Total Subscription fees due..£......
Players Full Name ……………………………………………………………………...... Shirt No......
Date of Birth ...... ………Address......
...... ………………………………………...... Postcode……………………….
Parents/Carers Name(s) ...... …………………………………………………….……………………......
Telephone (Home) ...... …………………………(mobile)………………………………………….….....
Email Address....…………………………………………………….………......
Medical Conditions …………………………………………… Medication Required ……………………......
.Indicate as appropriate any skills or trades, which the family can offer to the club if requested! Coaching / Admin / Fundraising / Social Events / Sponsorship/ Maintenance / Other……………………......
This club is entirely run by volunteers, for regular updates about our club please see our website, Pitchero Garforth Villa Junior Football Club