Aries New Moon, March 27, 2017
Every cycle has a beginning, requiring a release of energy in order to break through the inertia of the past. At the New Moon, when the Moon conjuncts the Sun, something new is about to be born.New Moons signal the beginning of a new cycle and there is no sign more indicative of new beginnings than Aries. This first sign of the zodiac stands for the original cause, the archetype of will and emergence. It is related to the beginning of any cycle, process or creation. This cardinal fire energy can be likened to the thunderbolt that emerges from the Akasha of Pisces, or the irresistible force of the seed bursting forth into life. Indeed, it representsthe fountain of life, the initial impulse through which our potential becomes the actual. It is our urge to take self-directed action in order to move forward into a new phase of our soul’s journey.
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.” Chinese proverb
Aries is the sign of new directions and rules initiationintoa new way of being. It is our pioneering instinct and the courage needed to explore new territory.Does something need to leave our livesso that something new can be born? The cosmic keynote to this New Moon is courage. It takes courage to let go of the past, to face the unknownand to break new ground. The Ram at his best is heart centered, courageous, pioneering and decisive; at his worst, he is arrogant, intolerant, tactless and reckless. Now is the time to initiate action, to have the courage to follow our hearts. As we summon the faith to take the necessary step forward,we allow new pathways to manifestand can unfold the divine plan for our lives.
“Faith is taking the first step when you cannot see the whole staircase.”Dr. Martin Luther King
The winds of change are now blowing ever stronger.We are experiencing a powerful cardinal outpouring of energy from the creative source of our solar system. It can expand our consciousness, opening our hearts and souls toward new expressions of the divine.In its highest cosmic application,Aries is the I AM Self, the divine essence that infusesus with light and love. This heightened solar energy that is now ever more available to us brings the opportunity to access the inner light of our Higher Selves. In Greek myth, Jason’s search for the Golden Fleece is symbolic of this search forour true spiritual identity, our source of inner strength and guidance. We are discovering that this magical fleece of gold lies within ourselves, within our own souls and within the souls of all people. It is our fearless inner spirit which is our birthright.
“Only when human beings are able to perceive and acknowledge the Self in each other can there be real peace.” Ammanchi
Where the New Moon at 8 degrees Aries falls in our chartswe are asked to develop faith, courage and initiative. Here we may need to disregard conventional wisdom as new pathways unfold. We are asked to move beyond our comfort zone and act from the guidance of our spiritual pioneer within…. to do something we have never done before.Mars, ruler of Aries, is trine (120 degrees) powerful Pluto and sextile (60 degrees) visionary Neptune, so once we arecommittedto proceed on our path forward nothing can stop us achieving our goals. It is time to act from our authentic Selves to follow our hearts. As we break out of old outworn conditions and mindsets we can plant and tend new seeds for our inner and outer gardens. We can change our lives for the better and do our part to promote the evolution of humanity and Planet Earth.
“A seed or bulb contains all the beauties of the flower…..You confront the conditions most necessary during your incarnations to develop that seed and bring forth a perfected soul and a flowering of the Christ spirit.” White Eagle,The Light Bringer.
With six celestial bodies in Aries, we are experiencing an important seed momentin the evolution of humanity. The pioneering spirit of Aries combines with perceptive, analytical and articulate Mercury,the far-sighted originality and liberation of Uranus the Awakener and the pioneering energies of the new planet Eris, the Feminine Warrior archetype.We are seeing the continuingvaliant efforts that are forwarding the rebirth of the wisdom of the Divine Feminine.This New Moon in Aries is conjunct Venuspowerfullypromoting our capacity to connect with the sacred feminine energy deep within our own souls and the soul of humanity. Venus is associated with the anahata chakra at the center of our soul life. The archetype of Venus derives from the Great Goddesses Innana and Ishtar. She is the Western counterpart of the Hindu Shakti, the creative power of the feminine.As we embracethe sacred feminine withinour own souls, as we listen to the wisdom of Sophia,we can reach out and connect with others atthat deep soul level.This magic of the sacred feminine within embraces the shadow with compassion and unconditional love. Thus we each do our part to reawaken the magic within the Soul of the World of which our individual souls are an integral part,bringing healing toPlanet Earth.
“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.” Rumi
The Sabian symbol for the New Moon at 8 degrees Aries:“A large hat with streamers flying, facing east.”
The wind blowing from the east symbolizes change.We are learning to become the non-reactionary observers of the winds of change that are ever flowing through our lives. Are we ready to welcome those changes now taking placeas opportunitiesfor spiritual growth?
“Open your arms to change, but don’t let go of your values.” Dalai Lama
Heather Threlfall – March 2017 – astro_dynamics1@