The Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias
Domain of Ohio
6469 Runkle Rd.
St. Paris, OH 43072
Dale R. Gray
The Supreme Ruler of the Universe has called Brother Dale Gray, Past Grand Chancellor, to take his place in peace eternal.
Brother Dale was a member of Concord-Walbridge Lodge # 20, Walbridge, Ohio and Ramadan Temple #60 of the Dramatic Order Knights of Khorassan. He earned the honor of Past Grand Chancellor by serving the Domain of Ohio as Grand Chancellor in 2003 and 2004. He was an active participant in all facets of Pythian life, including Grand Lodge affairs and in his subordinate Lodge (serving as secretary).
Now, therefore, I, Phillip Morgan, Grand Chancellor of the Grand Domain of Ohio, Grand Lodge Knights of Pythias, do hereby proclaim a period of mourning to continue for thirty (30) days from the reading of this Proclamation. I also hereby direct that with appropriate cere-monies, the Charter of each Subordinate Lodge shall be draped forthwith and remain so during this mourning period.
Phillip Morgan Ray Snarr, PGC
Grand Chancellor Grand Secretary