The musical Association SPAZI SONORI , born in 1994, is a non-profit

organization belonging to the National Register of O.N.L.U.S.


Since its birth, thirteen years ago, the association has taken part to a lot of manifestationsto promote and spread music not only in Italy, but also abroad.

A particular attention goes to the instrumental didactics for young students and

professional musicians in this field.

In 2003 it took part, as a partner, to a European project for didactic exchanges withHungary; in 2004/2005 it joined the long-term cooperation“GRUNDWIG”

with other five European countries, to appreciate the local musical traditions.

With the help of municipal authorities, the association produces concerts, performances,national and international competitions, to rediscover thevalues

of ancient music (from Middle Age to the baroque period).

In these last years the association has given birth to the production of institutional

audiovisual media, above all in the cultural andtouristic field.

At the moment the association is looking for some partners to realizethefollowingprojects; (since our web-site is not available) you maycontact usby

e-mail, as soon as possible, before the fixed dates for theannouncements

of the European cultural project 2008.


History, culture, art, music, usages and customs

This project wants to promote the knowledge of the historical period,fromXIII to

XVI century, studying the cultural European background indepth.

Thesubject of the projectconcerns the knowledge of the territory anditspurpose

is to have a global vision of the cultural patrimony, for thesurvival of Middle Age in the present usages and customs(places,jobsandproduction development, poetry, music and dance, myths and legends,religiousness, medieval roots of aristocracy and nobility in thecastles).


This project provides the realization of a multimedia and audiovisualproduct,

as a real trip on motorcycle , made by real motorcyclistswith atelevision crew,

where there will be actors, extras, technicalequipment,make-up and hairstyles.

It is about a road-movie telling a trip through Europe, wheremotorcyclistsfollow

byroads to taste new emotions. This is a dynamic narration,wherethe cameras never leave the protagonists, even they visit suburbs,museums and other places in general.

This audiovisual product would like to involve many other Europeancountries through the most important European net-works.



President of SPAZI SONORIMusical Association