Application for the year 2020

The Guidance Notes give detailed information on how to fill in this form.


Name of responsible English-speaking contact person:
Function within Federation:

2.Local Applicant

Name of local applicant:
Name of responsible English-speaking contact person:


What is the federation’s / (local) applicant’s experience in organising major orienteering events?

4.Event Dates

Preferred dates
or period:
Reason for proposing
this period/these dates:
Other suitable dates or period:
Impossible dates or period:

5.Event Programme and Combination with another IOF Event

Indicate which competitions you intend to organise:

Competition 1
Competition 2
Competition 3
Competition 4
Competition 5

Have you already decided on the order of the competitions? If yes, what are your plans? Are there any restrictions?

Do you plan to offer a training camp or other training opportunities prior to the event?

Would you like to organise another IOF Event in conjunction with this ESOC and World Cup Round?

Mark / Answer / Comment
Yes, absolutely. / (Which event?)
Yes, if possible. / (Which event?)
It does not matter to us.


Description of climate and temperatures during suggested event dates.


What is your vision for the event?

8.Event Concept

Briefly describe yourevent concept with emphasis placed on the strengths of your event for all stakeholders according to the event objectives.

9.Combined Events Plan

Is the event intended to be combined with a national event? If yes, what event?

10.Public Events Plan

What public events are planned?


What plans do you have to make your event attractive to media and spectators that will visit your event?

What plans do you have to make your event attractive to media and spectators that will follow you event online (through internet)?

12.Opportunities for Socialising

What facilities (at the accommodation, event centre or town) are provided to enable contacts amongst participants outside of the competitions?

13.Venue and Event Centre (EC)


Town of Event Centre:
Distances between EC and planned accommodation (km and minutes):

If possible: Please add a link to a Google map with relevant event points of interest and map areas.

Infrastructure/facilities of Event Centre

Type of EC (hotel, sports centre etc.):
Room for team officials’ meetings:
Facilities for media representatives:
Will accommodation be available at EC?
Other facilities (restaurant etc.):
Will the EC also be the venue for ceremonies (prize givings etc.)?

Distance to planned competition areas/arenas

Competitionarea/Arena / Distances between Event Centre and planned competition areas
(km and minutes):
Competition 1
Competition 2
Competition 3

Distance to airport(s) and railway station

Name / Means of transport to Event Centre / Distance (km) and time (min.) of transport to EC
Nearest international airport:
Nearest domestic airport:
Nearest railway station:


Where are the ceremonies (opening, prize givings, closing) planned?


Description of planned accommodation for teams, team officials, media representatives and IOF officials. Describe place, type and capacity.

Accommodation level / Type
(hotel, hostel etc.) / Place / Capacity
(number of rooms, beds)
(most expensive)

Comments on accommodation:


Competition 1
Competition 2
Competition 3
Competition 4

Additional comments regarding terrains:


Do previous orienteering maps of the planned competition areas exist? If yes, please list them here:

Map name/area / Competition / Map year / Other map details (e.g. link to map):

Information about relevant major events (orienteering and non-orienteering) held in the planned competition areas within the last 5 years:

Event / Year / Event details (size; venue; arenas; media; organiser etc.)

Additional maps comments:


Have you decided on the location of the arenas?

If yes, have you checked these locations for their suitability?

If yes, have you already been given permission to use these areas?

Will there be joint arenas (= the same arena for two competitions)?


18.Fees and cost for participants

Information about planned feesto be paid by the participants

Fee type
(Entry fees must include possible obligatory transportation.) / Fee in EUR per competitor
Accreditation fee (including model event/s)
Accreditation fee for team officials
Entry fee per individual competition
Entry fee Sprint Relay (per team)
Entry fee Relay (per team)
Participation fee for banquet (if there’s a banquet)
Fee for one training map

Please note:This information about the entry fees is binding. This means, unless there is a valid reason, the actual fees must not be higher than indicated in the application form.

Comments on fees:

Information about approximate cost for accommodation and meals

Accommodation: cost per room and night / Cost per type of accommodation in EUR
A / B / C
Single room
Double room
Triple room
Other type of room (please specify)
Other (please specify)
Cost for meals
Is breakfast included in the rates above? Mark YES or NO.
Cost for dinner/person

Comments on accommodation and meals:


Describe budget and financial plans for the event. How do you plan to cover the expenses and costs of the event?

20.Permissions and partnership agreements

Inform whether area/land access permissions have already been obtained from landowners and/or relevant authorities.If yes, specify which ones and what for.

Describe the planned relationship/contracts between the National Federation and the local organiser.

Agreement with host venues/local authorities

Agreements with sponsors

Agreements with media

Special arrangement to attract non-orienteering spectators

21.Further remarks

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