The monthly meeting of the Rusk County Forestry committee was called to order at 8:30 A.M., Monday, April 9, 2007. Present from the committee were: Gene DuSell, Roger Svoma, Phil Schneider, Tony Hauser. Absent was Jim Platteter. Also present were: Paul Teska, County Forest Administrator; Randy Tatur, County Board Chairman; Pat Zimmer, County Assistant Forest Administrator; Bob Grunseth of the Hawkins ATV Club; Dana Goin of the Rusk Riders ATV Club arrived at 9:30.

Hauser Motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting and adjust the agenda as necessary, 2nd by Schneider, Carried.

Bob Grunseth wondering the status of the ATV Trail. Teska explained what happened at the previous meeting with the committee making the motion to wait and see the status of the railroad grade. He said that according to Andy Albarado, within 1 year the abandonment is supposed to take place. When the first ATV Trail was completed, the committee wanted time to see how it works. He is not against ATV Trails, he wants to move slowly and see how things go with this first trail. Damage to trails off of the ATV Trail is on the increase. Feels that what will happen by the trail going into Weyerhaeuser will accelerate the damage.

Grunseth is concerned with tourism and this new trail is an avenue to bring more people in to ride and spend tourism dollars in RuskCounty. Feels we need to take a stronger look at this project and does not want to see this trail to Weyerhaeuser to die. If we are saying we are going to wait a year, the paperwork and permit policy could take a couple years as it did last time.

Hauser said that the committee did not intend to kill the trail. The easements were not in place, if the railroad grade would be available in a year, we hate to spend money developing a trail and then abandoning it later on. We are not in favor of the trail going on Hwy F.

Certification Audit is scheduled for this summer. Off Road Use Policy and Recreational Trails will be looked at during this audit and we will probably be forced to change our off road policy due to damage.

BucksLakeDam - Appearance by Larry Gotham of Morgan & Parmley: Took bids for construction materials at BucksLake and he presented the tabulation of bids received.

Go with the low bids of:

Todd’s Redi-Mix Concrete for supplying and plumping concrete $ 7,675.00

Wausau Concrete for reinforced concrete pipe & pre-cast box $ 17,061.05

Ruzic Construction Co., for Steel Piling $ 9,302.50

Stein Brothers Steel for stainless steel $ 8,459.48

Motion by Svoma to accept the low bids as recommended by Larry Gotham, 2nd by Hauser, carried.

Schneider made the motion to approve the resolution to amend the County Forest Ordinance Sec. 16.05

Undesignated camping fees from $10 to $15.00. Also change the date for ATV use at boat landings for the purpose of ice fishing from March 15 to April 15. 2nd by Svoma, carried.

Dana Goin of the Rusk Riders ATV Club made an appearance and asked about applying for the camping areas on the ATV Trail near BucksLake. The proposal would be to construct 6 or 7 remote camping areas near the ATV Trail and feels it would help to relieve pressure on Audie/Perch Lake Campgrounds. Feels that the application to apply would not be expensive.

Teska stated that they need to have a site plan and cost estimates and have to meet state code. The applications have to be in to the state in 4 days. Is in favor of this if we have the staff and the patrol to take care of it. Unless the ATV club wants to take care of maintenance of it. There would have to be garbage pick-up and restroom cleaning.

Committee felt that a plan needs to be drawn up and presented with the application to the state in 2008. Look at this area for the summer tour.

Forestry Technician Position – Teska reported that they interviewed 5 candidates. The 3rd candidate, Nick Wilson accepted the position. Motion by Schneider to hire Nick Wilson, 2nd by Hauser, carried.

Timber Contract Renewals – Committee went over recommendation sheet.

APRIL 9, 2007



APRIL 30, 2007, contract ending dates.

Contracts that are finished cutting, but need Renewals for 1 year/No Increase to allow for hauling/payment/road leveling.

2130Todd Schultz

2159Haenel Logging

2174Mike Olson

2176Earl Flora

2178Robin Winchel

2180Doug Thorp


2183Gary Beadles

2190ParkFalls Hardwoods


2227Chris Hershey


2230PineRiver Lumber

2243ParkFalls Hardwoods


Renew Contracts that are 3.5 years old

(SOLD IN 10-03)

(4.5 years old 4-30-08)

2177Steve Dassow (Blowdown is cut) 0 – 1.0 Initial Contract

2179Robert Soltis (Blowdown is cut)1.0 – 1.5 0%

1.5 – 2.0 0%

2.0 – 2.5 0%

2.5 – 3.0 5%

3.0 – 3.510%

3.5 - 4.5 0%

4.5 - 5.010%


Renew Contracts that are 3.0 years old

(SOLD IN 4-04)

(4.0 years old 4-30-08)

2185 Bruce Kohn 0 – 2.0 Initial Contract

2187Gary Beadles2.0 – 2.50%

2192 Great Lakes/Scott Hageny2.5 – 3.05%

3.0 - 4.00%

4.0 - 4.510%

4.5 - 5.010%


Renew Contracts that are 2.5 years old

(SOLD IN 10-04)

2195Johnson Timber Corp.(3.5 years old 4-30-08)

2196Rick Lukes 0 – 2.0 Initial Contract

2198Rick Lukes2.0 – 2.50%

2199Johnson Timber Corp.2.5 - 3.50%

2206Domtar3.5 – 4.05%

4.0 - 4.510%

4.5 - 5.010%


Renew Contracts that are 2.0 years old

(SOLD IN 4-05)

(3.0 years old 4-30-08)

2208Vacho Trucking 0 - 2.0 Initial Contract

2210Vacho Trucking2.0 - 3.00%

2212Steve Christianson3.0 - 3.50%

2213 Steve Christianson3.5 - 4.05%

2214PineRiver Lumber4.0 - 4.510%

2215Vacho Trucking4.5 - 5.010%

2217Vacho Trucking

2218VanDeVoortForest Management

2219VanDeVoortForest Management



Amend Contracts that are 1.5 years old

(SOLD IN 10-05)

(3.0 Years Old 10-30-08)

2225Futurewood 0 - 2.0 Initial Contract

2226Resplendent/Hecker2.0 - 3.0 0% Amended

2232Pacific Coast3.0 - 3.50%

2233Pacific Coast3.5 - 4.05%

2234PineRiver Lumber4.0 - 4.510%

2235Pacific Coast4.5 - 5.010%


Amend Contracts that are 1.0 year old

(SOLD IN 4-06)

(3.0 Years Old 4-30-09)

2236Poyda 0 - 2.0 Initial Contract

2237Smugala2.0 - 2.50% Amended

2238Pacific Coast2.5 - 3.00%

2240VanDoorn Logging3.0 - 3.55%

2241VanDoorn Logging3.5 - 4.010%

2242Doug Thorp4.0 - 4.510%

2244Futurewood4.5 - 5.025%

2246ParkFalls Hdwds

2249ParkFalls Hdwds

2250Chris Hershey

2251Ron Soltis


Amend Contracts that are .5 years old

(SOLD IN 10-06)

(3.0 Years Old 10-30-09)

2253Jim Poyda 0 - 2.0 Initial Contract

2254Jim Poyda2.0 - 2.50% Amended

2255John Krell2.5 - 3.00%

2256Resplendent/Hecker3.0 - 3.55%

2258Johnson Timber Corp.3.5 - 4.010%

2259Resplendent/Hecker4.0 - 4.510%

2260Biewer Saw Mill4.5 - 5.025%

2261Biewer Saw Mill

2262Weyerhaeuser Hardwoods

2263 Stora Enso

2264 Jim Poyda

2265Jim Poyda



Renew/Amend all current timber sale contracts sold prior to 2006 for 1 year with no increase in stumpage prices.

Amend current timber sale contracts sold in 2006 for 6 months with no increase in stumpage prices.

This will freeze prices at the current level. At 3 years of age all timber sale contracts will resume our normal renewal policy. This is not to be applied retroactively.

Motion by Hauser to renew/amend the above listed timber contracts per staff recommendations, 2nd by Svoma, carried.

Close out Cont 2211 Domtar and return the cash bond in the amount of $ 15,240.00; and transfer overpayment/credit balance of $7,800.99 to contract #2206.

Close out Cont 2257 – Stora Enso and return the cash bond in the amount of $9,531.25 when final stumpage payment of $797.92 is made.

Motion by Schneider, 2nd by Svoma to close out the above timber contracts, carried.

Jerry Carow made an appearance regarding the Community Park Boat Landing – There is money from the Dairyland Power Company to match into the community park boat landings. RBF money would be used on the boat landings. Would then consider taking 4 rows of pine trees and putting them into the lake and allow for angle parking boats and trailers. Discussion held.

Richard Mindykowski Misc. Tribal Gathering Permit – wants to gather approximately 300 pieces of “walking sticks” less than 3” in diameter. Teska issued him a permit which he received a copy of a similar permit from LangladeCounty. Schneider made the motion to approve the misc. gathering permit to Richard Mindykowski. 2nd by Hauser, carried.

2007-08ATV Summer Maintenance - Motion by Svoma to apply for regular summer trail maintenance,2nd by Schneider, carried.

2007-08 Regular Snowmobile Maintenance, 2 new trails, and trail 31 re-location; relocation by the Ladysmith Snowmobile Club. Motion by Schneider to apply for regular snowmobile maintenance, new trails and relocation, 2nd by Hauser, carried.

Timber Sale Bid Opening Policies and Procedures - Discussion at previous meeting for loggers bidding and then being able to select jobs they are high bidders on and turn back other jobs without being penalized. Teska has talked to other counties and no one else is doing anything like that. It would make the bidding process very complicated. Teska was instructed to check with Corporation Counsel.

Schneider made the motion to approve bills, 2nd by Svoma, carried.

DuSell left the meeting at 10:50 A.M., Svoma took over the chair position of the meeting.

11:00 Motion by Schneider, 2nd by Hauser to close the timber sale bidding


Committee went through the bids. 2 bids were rejected by Northwest Hardwoods due to not bidding the minimum. 1 bid was rejected by Robert Soltis – there was no 10% down check with the bid.

Bid by John Krell was rejected due to not having current FISTA Certificate on file.

Tim Vacho was able to receive 2 sales under the normal bidding policy and he was high bid on 3. Tract 3-07 was rejected and awarded to Chad Smith who was 2nd High Bidder.

Tom Hartwig Logging, Inc. was able to receive 3 sales under the normal bidding policy and they were high bid on 4. Tract # 33-06 was rejected and awarded to Ron Smugala, Jr. who was 2nd High Bidder.

Hauser made Motion to award the sales to the high bidders after calculations and rejections have been completed. Re-advertise tract # 2-07 and open bids at the May meeting. 2nd by Schneider

Park Aids for the ski trail for a bridge and other trail improvements and dirt work. Teska will be sending in the application into the state and our department will be administering the funds if we get the grant.

Committee was in agreement.

Motion to adjourn at 12:30 by Hauser, 2nd by Schneider, carried.