Seasonal Flu Vaccination Service in Community Pharmacies 2009-2010 - Results of Patient Satisfaction Survey
There was a 56% response rate to the patient survey. Nearly three quarters of the respondents were 65 years of age or over which corresponds to the percentage of patients accessing pharmacies for their annual seasonal flu vaccination who were 65 years or over (also 75%). Slightly over half the respondents were female. Of the patients who were under 65, 80% of the respondents were accounted for by those with diabetes and respiratory disease.
The survey allowed NHS Barnet to map how patients became aware of the pharmacy flu vaccination scheme. This is a very important aspect as it will help NHS Barnet in the future to decide the best method of advertising this service. By far, the most successful method of promotion was by the direct involvement of the individual pharmacies in highlighting the service (61%). In-pharmacy posters and banners (placed in selected pharmacies only) accounted for a further 20% of patients. Other patients became aware of the pharmacy flu vaccination service, by reading notices in a senior citizens club, a church magazine, by in-store announcements and from a sheltered-housing officer.
As expected, the main reasons why patients accessed the service from pharmacies rather than from their GP surgery, was for convenience and ease of obtaining an appointment. Encouragingly, there was a small increase of ‘at risk’ patients, i.e. those under 65, from last year, who had their flu jabs in the pharmacy as they were unaware of their entitlement before hand. This is an area which could be developed further for next year.
The service was rated ‘excellent’ by 92% of respondents with the remainder rating the service ‘good.’ This patient rating demonstrates to NHS Barnet that more Local Enhanced Services could be developed for Community Pharmacy as the results indicate that the public are accepting these new clinical roles. For a selection of further patient comments on this service, refer to the results section.
The survey also attempted to seek suggestions from patients on ideas and feedback on further services that could be developed to take place within community pharmacies. The most popular requested service was for a pneumococcal vaccination service. However, it is recognised that further work would be required to enable pharmacies to gain access to a patient’s medical history for this service to be feasible. Other suggestions included a minor ailments scheme, blood pressure monitoring, diabetes monitoring, a phlebotomy service and medication reviews. Please refer to the list in the results section for more suggestions.
Finally, respondents were encouraged to offer further comments on areas they thought NHS Barnet were doing well on or could improve. These comments can be viewed in the results section and could be used as a basis of future work by NHS Barnet.
For the last four years, NHS Barnet has operated a Local Enhanced Service (LES) for the delivery of seasonal flu vaccinations by trained community pharmacists within the community pharmacy setting.
The target groups for the LES for the last 2 years,included selected ‘at risk’ patients rather than only patients 65 years or over and those with asthma.
To determine the quality and value of the service and to discover if patients would like to see other services being operated via community pharmacies, all patients included in the LES were requested to complete a patient satisfaction survey.
The following provides the results of the survey of the Flu Vaccination Service in Community Pharmacies during the 2009-10 season.
Number of pharmacies operating the LES= 14
Total number of vaccinations carried out = 764
Total number of survey forms returned= 431
Response = 56.4%
The following details the results of the 431 respondents.
58% of the respondents were female, 42% male.
* Please see below for breakdown of ‘other’
- From a family member or friend
- From a Senior Citizens’ club
- In-store announcement
- Church magazine
- From a sheltered housing officer
- From a NHS flu administrator
- Previous vaccination in a pharmacy.
Sheldon Russell, Practice Support Pharmacist, February 2010
Further Patient Comments Relating to the Pharmacy Flu Vaccination Service – some comments made by more than one patient.
No waiting-I miss my date at GP,away on holiday.I did not worry as I knew I could get it done at my Pharmacy.Convenient,didn't have to make an appointment.
I am delighted the pharmacy offer this service!!
Much more civilized than the annual "cattle Crush"at the doctor surgery!!
Very understanding & help services, advice always given to all.
Able to offer a Walk in quick & easy.
I cannot park easily at the surgery-but chemist is easier
Less Infection At pharmacy than at GP surgery.
Including Privacy & Pleasant Pharmacist.
Happy I passed pharmacy poster.I hope mare pharmacies will participate
I find the personal service very good.
My GP surgery only offered one day(Saturday)& I was unable to make that date.They did not tell me I could go to Pharmacy or offer alternative date.
Much easier to go to Sainsbury than wait at the doctor's surgery.Continue with this scheme,please.
Excellent,Prompt service.
Relaxed,friendly & efficient + no waiting.
It should be better advertised-more flexible than GP.
Pharmacist takes the time to explain procedure & possible side effects.
Needs much larger premises.
All staff are excellent/knowledgeable
Very impressive service in clean surroundings
Good Quick convenient service
Efficient,quick & painless
You feel a person not a number.
Very pleasant-it was pleasure.
I would like to be able to get my asthmatic children done at the pharmacy-it was so quick & convenient,rather than waiting for the GP who still hasn't called them.
The pharmacist was very helpful,& explained that I could have flu jab while I was waiting for my prescription.
Better than Doctors
Very friendly,efficient pharmacist.
Splendid idea
* Please see below for breakdown of ‘other’ – some comments, recommendations made by more than one patient
Prescribing Antibiotics for conditions such as Cystitis & conjunctivitisDiabetes check
Injection against swine flu.
Blood pressure check
I would like more minor services at the pharmacy. This would be useful to working people tight on time.
Minor burns
I think as many services should be available as possible as it gives patients more choice/convenience of services
other injections.
Blood pressure & E.C.G.
Medication reviews would be helpful.
Tetanus Injections?
Insomnia advice.
"Treatments " offered by pharmacists ESP or Heartburn/indigestion &diarrhoea require proper assessment/diagnosis.Do pharmacists have time for this?Is open public questioning Appropriate?
Blood Tests(not always convenient to go to EdgwareHospital)
Weight Machine.
Patients were also encouraged to offer further comments on areas they thought NHS Barnet were doing well in or could improve. Selected comments are listed below.
Why can't a carer have flu jab at chemist?The Pharmacy gives more information than the doctor. Know more about drugs.
It’s good that these extra services are available at the chemist. Takes pressure off local health centre.
Don't see why GP themselves can't take blood instead of going to hospital.They always used to provide this service.
I object to my doctor's surgery using a premium rate telephone system.
Pharmacy always offers good advice in a happy cheerful atmosphere.
Check NHS Doctors-as they don't give good services. My doctors have not seen me for 3 years.
Difficult to get through to blood test deptwhen one needs a starving appointment.
Telephoned diagnoses are suspect by patients in many cases.Home visits by doctors would be mandatory
Improvement needed with communications between patients & Hospital appointments ie: email.
I think that parking should be free at local hospital.
See how many you kill this year.
Finchley Memorial Phlebotomy are very good.
Excellent service for myself & my family.
I can ask the pharmacist to advise when needed
Every time you ring the doctors they are engaged,difficult to get through to them.
There must be away to do repeat prescriptions electronically instead of droppingoff the form at the surgery.
Transfer minor ailment treatment to chemist in general.
In Doctor's surgeries to take blood samples to avoid lengthy waiting time for an appointment & extra journey to hospital.
GP'S do not care for patients who have to be at work at9.00 or finish at 5.00
Speed up waiting times for Hospital appointments,see consultants,then 3 to 4 months for treatment.It can stretch on for a year.
Cholesterol testing Blood samples should be taken at surgery without need to visit hospital.
Pharmacist gives me good service, advice,collecting medicines.
If other NHS Trusts can have a finger prick/instant INR
Sheldon Russell, Practice Support Pharmacist, February 2010