Year 8 Geography – Assessment Grid
Trajectory / Understanding / Cartographic / Graphical / Numerical / Statistical1 / With SUPPORT YOU CAN
- State and name and label
- Do 4 figure grid references from a simple map
Add data to predrawn axis / With SUPPORT YOU CAN
- Identify numbers in text
- Do basic arithmetic (add subtract)
- can record data in table
- State and name and label
- Do 4 figure grid references from a simple map
Add data to predrawn axis / INDEPENDENTLY YOU CAN
- Identify numbers in text
- Do basic arithmetic (add subtract)
- can record data in table
- State and name and label
- Do 4 figure grid references from a simple map
- Identify Symbols on a map
Add data to predrawn axis / ACCURATELY YOU CAN
- Identify numbers in text
- Do basic arithmetic (add subtract)
- can record data in table
- Give simple descriptions.
- Can select appropriate facts and figures in text
- begin to analyse i.e. start to explain
- Do 4 figure grid references from a OS map
- Do 6 figure grid references from a simple map
- can identify contours
- draw graphs using one data set
- interpret simple graphs of one data set
- extract basic information
- Compare data
- identify and describe simple patterns from data
- Simple calculations (divide multiply)
- Give simple descriptions.
- Can select appropriate facts and figures in text
- begin to analyse i.e. start to explain
- Do 4 figure grid references from a OS map
- Do 6 figure grid references from a simple map
- can read contour from OS map
- draw graphs using one data set
- interpret simple graphs of one data set
- Compare data
- identify and describe simple patterns from data
- do simple calculations (divide multiply)
- Give simple descriptions.
- Can select appropriate facts and figures in text
- begin to analyse i.e. start to explain
- Do 4 figure grid references from a OS map
- Do 6 figure grid references from a simple map
- can read contour from OS map
- use an atlas to find a place
- Use 1:50,000 maps
- identify contour patterns
- begin to use GIS maps
- draw graphs using one data set
- interpret simple graphs of one data set
- extract basic information
- Compare data
- identify and describe simple patterns from data
- do simple calculations (divide multiply)
- can analyse in detail and start to evaluate (i.e. explain / compare / contrast)
- Identify cause and effect
- use evidence to support the point they are making
- Begin to evaluate (i.e Assess)
- Do 6 figure grid references on OS map
- Use 1:50,000 maps and 1:25000
- Interpret contour patterns
- Draw a cross section
- Describe GIS data
- Use atlas to give Longitude and Latitudecan produce sketch maps / base maps
- Draw a range of graphs using multiple data sets
- interpret range of graphs using multiple data sets
- Analyse to find trends and patterns
- Decide on appropriate scale
- Compare and contrast data
- identify patterns and trends in detail
- Use more than one data set
- Calculate averages percentages and ratios
- Understand the sampling methods to collect data
- can analyse in detail and start to evaluate (i.e. explain / compare / contrast)
- Identify cause and effect
- use evidence to support the point they are making
- Begin to evaluate (i.e Assess)
- Do 6 figure grid references on OS map
- Can determine gradient from contours
- Draw a simple cross section
- Describe GIS data and begin to interpret
- Draw a range of graphs using multiple data sets
- interpret range of graphs using multiple data sets
- Analyse to find trends and patterns
- Compare and contrast data
- identify patterns and trends in detail
- Use more than one data set
- Calculate averages percentages and ratios
- Understand the sampling methods to collect data
- can analyse in detail and start to evaluate (i.e. explain / compare /contrast)
- Identify cause and effect
- Evaluate (i.e. assess )
- use evidence to support the point they are making
- Do 6 figure grid references on OS map
- Can determine gradient from contours
- Draw a detailed cross section
- Describe GIS data and can interpret
- can produce sketch maps / base maps
- Draw a range of graphs using multiple data sets
- interpret range of graphs using multiple data sets
- Analyse to find trends and patterns
- Decide on appropriate scale
- Begin to annotate graphs
- Compare and contrast data
- identify patterns and trends in detail
- Use more than one data set
- Calculate averages percentages and ratios
- Understand the sampling methods to collect data
- Identify some problems with your data collections