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The mission statement of an organization, in particular Microsoft, should generally formulate around the idea of its intentions and purposes. However, the organization’s cultural rhythms should coincide with the mission statement, giving it life. This essentially highlights and gives emphasis to what Microsoft values the most, allowing its employees to have a sense of common purpose and direction.

Ethical standards and behavior should be included in Microsoft’s performance, allowing all of its decision-making process to run side-by-side with moral content. Many of today’s competitors in the business market exhibit much unethical behavior – without realizing how it plagues the corporation. Instead, Microsoft exhibits high ethical standards and behaviors as a reminder to all other organizations that this is a concern that must be renewed within the workplace.

Cultural diversity is the building block of our society. It is how we originated and how we thrive. It culturally enhances Microsoft by eliminating differences amongst employees, facilitating acceptance, and serving a more expansive base of cliental. Cultural differences, including even individuals who are multilingual, can enhance the work environment and allow for greater service for consumers. Thus, by incorporating a talented, diverse pool of individuals through the business is ensuring that the most capable, creative, and exceptionally capable individuals with diverse qualities and attributes are hired – essentially benefiting the business or organization.

Organizational culture is exhibited through external forms of culture: dress codes and appropriate language policies. Dress within the workplace is a subject that has been argued for many years – whether employees should remain professional at all times, or in modern places, contemporary styles for a comfortable setting. However, at Microsoft, individuals remain professional by abiding by a dress code, which influences impressions made upon the comfort of the environment, as well as the physical assets that go hand-in-hand with the layout. Even though common, popular jargon may be incorporated into Microsoft’s terminology, obscuring such language like slang allows for the employees to remain professional at Microsoft, as well as communicate organizational concepts across more clearly.

The impact upon Microsoft’s culture is directly in relation to the impact resulting from technology. The corporation of Microsoft thrives on the latest and innovative designs in software and technology to functionally run the business. The implementation of new technology allows the business to run in an environment that is committed to the measuring, researching, and analyzing of latest trends in order to ensure that the company remains profitable and increases its sales.

Conclusion: Culture is precious and it has existed for thousands of years, containing much more to the eye than its distinct visible features. This transmission of principles of a particular culture’s knowledge is a long-term tradition, which strengthens its members as it gives the people a sense of belonging in relation to their culture’s roots. A workplace that’s accommodating of all cultures in a diverse workplace allows employees to have a life that is balanced between their private and public lives. Relationships within the work environment must collaborate together and work efficiently if the business expects to be profitable, as internal affairs must be appropriately run in order for external affairs to be forthcoming and sufficient. These cultural diversities must be recognized, approached, and incorporated into the policies within existing and new programs.