CAC Meeting Notes
February 12, 2008
Math CIC
¨ Texts are K-2 Think Math from Harcourt and 3-6 SRA Real Math from SRA
¨ Think Math does not have technology support/resources yet – utilizing games and other past ideas to augment for class instruction
¨ Math Nights for Families
§ Being held at all Elementary Schools
§ Stations and activities set up based on math standards strands
§ Way to involve parents and give them ideas to show real world “math is everywhere around you” applications/reinforcements
§ Activities are in bins and travel from school to school for consistency of material/info represented
§ These nights, which will hopefully continue in 08 and be added to CMS, were made possible by $5000 EP Foundation grant
¨ What are we finding?
§ Curriculum is more rigorous – will equalize out our MCA/NWEA math scores that typically have our kids above the norm
§ Real Math text reinforces the use of specific math language
§ A lot of time is being spent on analysis/distinction between lessons that indicate introduction vs. mastery vs. review (we need mastery)
§ Smart boards are being used 3-4th grades, hope to incorporate more in K-2
§ Adding concrete applications to abstract concepts (i.e. graphing = latitude and longitude in geography class)
§ Additional resources are delayed due to publisher community consolidation and mergers. Two current resources are Go Solve from Scholastic Tom Snyder Productions and FastMath for technical assistance that can be used 10 min/day in the room
§ Teachers/Administration documenting publisher errors
¨ Assessments
§ Tests associated with text/materials are not reflective of MN state standards and mastery
§ Question by question analysis is underway for each test, chapter review to align with MN state math standards to create benchmarks for mastery outcomes
§ A repository database is being defined and will allow the district to create grade level appropriate mastery tests. This will also be a source of pre and post test assessments that will be implemented in Fall 08.
§ Additional benchmarks with quizzes and chapter tests will be completed to give a full picture of student progress
§ Database will allow for benchmark tracking by student, by class, etc.
¨ At Risk and Acceleration/Enrichment
§ Looking at what the service models would be for both of these populations of students
§ For At-Risk, currently reviewing materials used by Special Ed, ELL/ESL and publishers to create core curriculum and/or itemized intervention toolkit for classroom teachers, etc.
§ Need consistent criteria and identification in K-4 for each student population
§ Acceleration/Enrichment may not necessarily mean next grade level but how to have students obtain deeper understanding/application of math in K-4 grade levels
¨ Challenge is to find the gaps/supplement what has not been learned vs. what is now expected when they reach CMS
¨ There will be a 2 yr transition in ensuring CMS can complete analysis and get students up to speed/on appropriate learning track
¨ CMS is looking for more “hands on” learning application reinforcements – not a lot provided in text books
¨ Organization of textbooks may require a switch of books used between regular and enriched classes (decision pending further review)
¨ Graduation outcomes will change as math requirements will be different for the next 3 graduating classes. The full impact of new math standards will first affect class of 2012
¨ State Competency and Basic Skills Test (BST) taken in 10th grade will move to 11th for mastery.
¨ Estimating that 40% of H.S. students with new state requirements will be identified as struggling to pass – but this will ultimately depend on where state sets the bar for passing/mastery
¨ 2012 Class will be have Algebra I (if not already completed in 8th gr.), Geometry, Algrebra II and Statistics requirements for graduation
¨ Decision to add Statistics in courses based on weak performance in MCS results. Reviewing and will likely use current AP Statistics text by Freeman
¨ Other texts will be course specific but nothing defined/final. Reviewing other districts materials too
¨ Current Enriched and Applied courses will merge to regular Algebra I and a remedial parallel Algebra will be offered as a math support course for those in need
¨ Transcript credit (beginning with current 6th graders) who enter H.S. having already completed Algebra and Geometry will only receive the points for Geometry going forward
¨ Yet to tackle remediation plan such as support materials, will the Algebra I text be the same for regular and remedial?
¨ H.S. math courses will go up to Calculus 3 for enrichment/acceleration options
¨ Becomes harder to find resources/tools when searching H.S. texts as they tend to be written/formatted for college
World Language:
¨ Immediate Timeline focusing on 08/09 implementation of Spanish K-4 and Chinese option Gr. 7
¨ Spanish Model will be FLES (Foreign Language in Elementary Schools) which equates to 45 min/day every 4 days by a licensed World Language teacher.
¨ Other models that were considered by rejected included: FLEX (Foreign Language Exploration) which is the current CMS model and Immersion which is Eagle Heights
¨ In 08/09- 6th graders will choose their CMS language for 2 year study which will now have the Chinese option. Classes will meet every other day alternating with music. French and Spanish will likely be options as well (of course this is based on ultimate student enrollment)
¨ Eagle Heights students (in 7th gr.) or students entering H.S. will have option to switch languages and learn a 3rd.
¨ School Board Policy 2/3 dictates outcomes: “All students will communicate effectively in 2 languages by the time they graduate”
¨ Committee is using National Standards from ACTFL (American Council for Teachers of Foreign Language) under communicate effectively to be: communicate (read/write/listen/speak), cultures (practices/perspectives), connections (interdisciplinary), comparisons (to English, to child) and communities (real world context/application)
¨ Mastery of Foreign Language has been defined as Intermediate-Mid level for Spanish and Intermediate-Low level for Chinese (Based on Military ranking of language difficulty where Spanish is level 1 and Chinese is level 4)
¨ Committee made of up administration, teachers, world language specialists, parents/community are currently defining benchmarks/outcomes based on ACTFL standards and will begin reviewing materials for curriculum scope and sequence prep
¨ Staffing – 1 FTE dedicated to two smaller elementary schools, 1.5 (.5 float) dedicated to two larger elementary schools. Hiring process will include current World Language Specialists to assess/ensure hires have fluency not proficiency and of course are accredited/licensed World Language teachers
¨ Removed from specials rotation for World Language. Will now be integrated into classrooms
¨ This integration aligns with continued implementation of the Classrooms of the Future initiative
¨ Committee has been formed to review all MN State Standards across subjects to identify benchmarks/outcomes (specifically K-4) where skill acquisition and mastery can be within context of curriculum and classroom instruction (i.e. use of digital camera for Art class)
¨ There is a MN law that requires the integration and mastery of technology/media concepts and skills for all students. In addition to reviewing this law the committee is reviewing standards from MN Media Specialists Association and other national standards (ISTE for technology and MEMO for media)
¨ A plan will be created for teacher professional development over the summer of 07
Question: What would you like to have written in the communication pieces about:
Mid-Yr Math:
¨ Question by Question analysis that will result in database and pre/post assessments and trend tracking
¨ Transition plan between CMS and especially in H.S.
¨ Change to Graduation Requirements and H.S. math credit
¨ Resource Links for parents
¨ Tech/Media – MN State Law announcement and emphasize this does not replace human learning/mental thinking but how to enhance/augment the learning experience
¨ W.L. – ACTFL standards (list and define)
¨ Timeline
¨ Resource Links and potential partnerships within communities (i.e. tech days at the EP library, language circles/groups?)