All New Testament churches were planted within cultures of people.
Peter's Model (Church for the church culture)
Acts chapter 1-8 we see the first Churches started by Peter were for people that "church" or religion was their culture (Jews)
What do we know about the culture of the people God called Peter to reach?
They already knew GOD
They acknowledged the BIBLE as God's Holy Word.
They worshiped WEEKLYon the Sabbath.
They worshiped in a CHURCH BUILDING called a synagogue.
They had RITUALS, TRADITIONSand VALUES that defined their culture.
“Church” was their culture.
This model was fruitful then and we see this model still bearing fruit today in the traditional church.
Traditional church Model
Focus is on the BELIEVERand moving him to deeper relationship with Jesus
Sunday service is geared toward theBELIEVER
Church programming is geared toward the BELIEVER
Most resources are used on INREACHin order toEQUIPbeliever
Outreach is done away from the church, taking Christ to the COMMUNITY
Emergence of Paul's Model (Church for the Unchurched)
From Saul to Paul – Acts 9
Paul called to start churches he only has Peter's model to followActs 13
Paul begins doing church following Peter's modelwith limited success but has an open door with Gentiles.
Acts 10 God prepares Peter to except the new way (vision of unclean animals)
Paul begins to focus more and more on unchurched Gentiles
Church Leadership Struggles with change then and now
Acts 15:1-11 we see the first church counsel struggling with what God was doing among the Gentiles (unchurched) people. They give approval to going to the Gentiles to start churches. (the same struggle we saw in the early days of the cowboy church movement with the traditional church establishment)
Acts18:5-6 that Paul finally excepts what God is telling him to do and leaves the church house and goes to Titus Justus’ house and starts a church for Gentiles.
Paul begins to start churches for the unchurched where we first see using culture and lifestyle to reach people for Jesus
Cowboy church follows Paul's model- (Church for the unchurched)
Sunday service is DISGUSIEDworship and done with the non-believer in mind
Programming is geared toward reaching LOST and UNCHURCHED
Focus is on SALVATIONfirst, DECIPLESHIPsecond
Most resources are used on OUTREACHto the cowboy culture
Outreach is done at church, bringing the COMMUNITY to church
These are radically different approaches to church, both equally biblical and both accomplishing the same goals in different ways, getting people saved and discipled.