The Mini Junior Club Constitution
/ The name of the Club shall be Farnham Rugby Union Football Club and all members under the age of 19 at the relevant date shall be referred to as Mini-Juniors and the section shall be referred to as The Mini-Junior Section
The Mini Junior Section
/ The Mini-Junior Section comprises of members who are represented in the age ranges Under 7s through to Under 18s (as at midnight, August 31st of the relevant year).
The Mini-Junior Section shall follow the Laws of the Game as laid down by the Rugby Football Union, except where the rules are amended or adapted in the Rugby Continuum and associated Codes of Good Conduct to suit the development of young rugby players.The Mini-Junior section will be run as a section within Farnham RUFC and all rules and regulations of Farnham Rugby Football Club, including adopted policies whenever introduced, will govern the activities of the Mini-Junior section.
/ Our mission is:
“To provide an infrastructure whereby young persons can enjoy the sport of rugby in a disciplined and controlled environment and where they will receive every support to enable them to achieve their potential in the game."
Organisations - Committee Structure
/ The Executive Committee of the Mini-Junior Section shall consist of the Mini-Junior Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary. The Mini-junior Chairman shall be an elected officer of Farnham RUFC.
The Management Committee of the Mini-Junior Section shall consist of the Mini-Junior Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, Child Protection Officer, Coaching Standards Manager, Year Group Coaches and Administrators, Fixtures secretaries, Registration secretary, Social secretary and co-ordinators of the Mini-Junior Section.
The Management Committee shall be responsible for the day to day running of the Mini-Junior section of Farnham RUFC excepting those provisions of the Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt any new members onto the Management Committee, as required.
Election of Management Committee Members
/ The Mini-Junior Executive Committee shall elect non-coaching members of the committee following a process of nominations or co-option as deemed appropriate. All incumbents wishing to stand for re-election need to be Members, and they do not need to be proposed and seconded again in order to be elected.
The Mini-Junior Executive Committee shall propose year group Head Coaches annually following a recommendation from the appropriate year group. All year group coaches are eligible for re-election. Election of year group coaches should be made en bloc at the AGM following a nomination by the mini-junior chairman.
The Executive Committee of the Mini-Junior Section shall be empowered to deal with any matters not covered by the rules or to interpret the rules when there is any doubt or difficulty whilst liaising with the Farnham RUFC Senior Committee.
/ The parents or guardians of the Mini-Junior Section members will themselves become members of Farnham RUFC and thus shall be subject to the senior club rules and regulations.
No Mini-Junior member, or parent or guardian of any Mini-Junior member, will be deemed to be an actual member of the club until such time as the parent or guardian of the Mini-Junior member completes the appropriate membership form and has paid the required annual subscription fee. (Note: those members over the age of 18 can apply for membership in their own right).
Membership is deemed to have lapsed until such time as the appropriate annual fees are paid.
Any non-paid up member of the Mini-Junior section will not be eligible to play in any fixtures, vote at meetings or enjoy privileges of membership.
The Head Coach of each age group has the discretion to reduce any annual subscription fee to a level that they feel is appropriate to the circumstances of the joining Mini-Junior member and his or her parents or guardian. Each case should be determined on its own merits.
Disciplinary and Grievance Process
/ The Mini-Junior Executive Committee shall resolve reported disputes and playing disciplinary matters as an internal issue unless the dispute concerns an issue provided for separately as a matter of policy, or as governed by statute. This disputes and disciplinary resolution process will cover all issues concerning the proper running of the Mini-Junior section and sanctions up to and including temporary or permanent expulsion from Farnham RUFC. This process may be applied to any member of the Mini-Junior section including playing members, non-playing members and volunteers of Farnham RUFC Mini-Junior section. Where the dispute concerns a member of the Executive Committee, the Senior Committee of Farnham RUFC shall administer the disputes resolution process.
Policy Development
/ From time to time policies will be adopted by mini-junior section and will become effective immediately and all members will be bound by the contents therein.
Such policies will be incorporated by need within the club following consultation, as an RFU requirement or by statute. Recent examples will include; membership, child protection, RFU codes of good practice, photography of young persons in sport and coach education. This list is not exhaustive and copies of any policy can be obtained by writing to the secretary, Farnham RUFC.
Terms of Reference
/ Mini-Junior Chairman
To manage and coordinate all activities of the Mini-Junior Section.
To be the focal point for liaison with the Club’s other Sections.
To represent the Mini-Junior Section on the Senior Club Committeeand with external agencies.
To chair meetings of the Mini-Junior Section.
To promote ideas and activities to improve Youth rugby within Farnham.
To manage the mini-junior section finances.
To maintain accurate records of section income and expenditure, in so far as they are discernable as being from the section.
To prepare annual budgets in liaison with the Chairman and Senior Club Executive Committee.
To prepare annual statements of account for the club as a whole.
To ensure that any proposed expenditure is duly authorised.
To ensure that adequate funds are available for any proposed expenditure.
To ensure that all players have paid their membership subscriptions
To accurately minute the activities of the Mini-Junior section.
To provide advice and guidance to the Mini-Junior section on matters concerning the application of the rules & regulations of Farnham RUFC.
To act as liaison person with the RFU on legal or policy matters.
To act as the focal point for purchases within the section other than for as provided elsewhere e.g. consumables and foodstuffs.
Coaching Standards Manager
To act as the focal point for all coaching activities.
To prepare programmes of training to assist individual Age Group coaches.
To establish achievement targets for the different ages.
To encourage and maintain a high level of coaching proficiency among the Age Groups.
To maintain records of coaching achievement.
To ensure that Age Groups are aware of coaching courses.
To act as the Section’s contact with the County authorities other than as provided for elsewhere.
Age Group Head Coaches
To be the focal point for all coaching activities within the Age Group.
To design, plan and implement coaching programmes to develop individual, unit and team skills of all players, in liaison with the Coaching Standards Manager.
To maintain awareness of modern coaching methods through attendance on coaching courses etc.
To ensure that knowledge of the game is up-to-date.
To manage Age Group selection panels.
To encourage, at all times, a wide understanding of the game in terms of traditions, sportsmanship, ethics and behaviour.
To ensure high standards of behaviour and dress amongst players.
Age Group Administrators
To be responsible for all Age Group administration.
To be responsible for the care and accounting of Club/Section equipment entrusted to the Age Group.
To ensure that only registered players participate in matches.
To ensure that subscriptions are paid promptly.
To promote the recruitment of new players.
To represent the Age Group at Mini-Junior Section meetings.
To encourage parental support for Age Group, Section and Club activities.
Fixtures Secretaries
To prepare fixtures in liaison with the Age Group Managers
To be the primary point of contact with other clubs on fixture issues.
To confirm fixtures with Age Groups and other Clubs.
To ensure that appropriate referees are nominated and available for home fixtures.
To ensure that pitches are available for home fixtures.
Membership Secretary
To liaise with the Management Committee on all (Mini & Junior) membership issues.
To ensure, through the Age Group Administrators, that all players are registered and have paid the appropriate subscriptions.
To maintain accurate records of registered players.
To distribute membership confirmation to year group administrators.
Social Secretary
To propose, plan, manage and review social activities within the Mini-Junior Section.