Teaching notes

How to use this resource

This resource, Laptop wrap: Nutritional information, is designed to support the Digital Education Revolution – NSW (DER-NSW) program. The resources and tasks are aimed at supporting student use of the DER-NSW laptops in both online and offline classroom environments.

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This laptop wrap is designed to educate students as to how they can access accurate and reliable nutritional information. Students will also develop a broader understanding of strategies young people can implement to adopt healthy food habits. This will enable students to make healthy food choices as part of their lifestyle.


Laptop wrap: Nutritional information refers to the CLI resource Food matters. Although this resource is designed for Stage 4 Food Technology students it is highly applicable to Stage 5 PDHPE students. The Food matters resource is part of a larger resource Design café.

It is available from the Teaching and Learning exchange (www.tale.edu.au) for viewing or downloading. Search for the title Food matters.

Your tasks

Task 1: Evaluate sources of nutrition information

/ ·  Explain to students that the quality of information provided by different sources does vary significantly. It is extremely important that individuals (including young people) access accurate health information that promotes their health and wellbeing.
·  A discussion about what makes a source of information accurate and reliable is extremely important. Ensure students understand these terms in the context of health information.

Task 2: Critique a website

/ ·  The websites provided are considered reliable sources of nutrition information. Through completing the website annotation, students should navigate throughout the website annotating aspects which increase the website’s reliability.
·  Adobe Captivate can also be used to screen capture website pages and add annotations.

Task 3: Develop a presentation

/ ·  Discuss with students the influence peers and the media have on food habits. How can peers and the media influence food habits in a positive or negative way?
·  Encourage students to implement healthy eating strategies which they feel are most useful and relevant to young people.
·  Adobe Presenter (PowerPoint add-in) can be used to allow students to record audio and video to insert in their presentation. If Presenter is used the PowerPoint must be published (In PowerPoint > Adobe Presenter tab > Presentation group > Publish)

Task 4: Develop a healthy eating plan

/ ·  Explain to students that they should take into consideration the selected characters’ lifestyles.
·  Emphasise that the foods selected should be appropriate to the characters energy demands for the day.
·  You may wish to adapt this activity by dividing the class into groups and allocate a specific character to each group. Once each group has developed a healthy menu, they could share the menu with other groups who could provide other suggestions.


© NSW DET 2009