Practical Help for Stammering Children

The Michael Palin Centre for Stammering Children,

Finsbury Health Centre, Pine Street, London, EC1R 0LP.

Tel: 020 7530 4238 fax: 020 7833 3842 e.mail:



Practical Intervention for Early Childhood Stammering

Course Aims

This one-day workshop for therapists who have previously attended a 3-day course in PCI will aim to reinforce speech and language therapists’ knowledge and skills in assessing and identifying those children who are at risk of more persistent problems, as well as in the treatment of early stammering. The workshop will also aim to reinforce participants’ confidence in the management of this age group and discuss recent developments in the format of Palin Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PalinPCI). The workshop will be supported by video, discussion and skills practice.

Participants who pay £60 will receive a copy of the training manual: Practical Intervention for Early Childhood Stammering Palin PCI Approach by Elaine Kelman & Alison Nicholas (2008), which contains photocopiable handouts that accompany the teaching.

Participants who pay £40 will be expected to bring their own copy of the training manual:Practical Intervention for Early Childhood Stammering Palin PCI Approach

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this workshop participants will:

  • be familiar with a new screening device to decide on care pathways for children who stammer
  • be familiar with an assessment protocol for children under seven who stammer
  • be familiar with the revised structure and content of Palin PCI
  • be more knowledgeable about assessing and treating children under seven who stammer

Workshop Content

The workshop will provide an update of the screening of young children who stammer to determine their level of vulnerability to persistence.

There will be a review of the assessment procedure, in particular the analysis of parent child interaction. The style and methods of Palin PCI will be discussed, with video and practical demonstrations as appropriate.

Participants will be encouraged to consider their own clinical experiences of using Palin PCI and, where possible, cases will be discussed.

Participants will also be encouraged to consider their local policy for care pathways for children who stammer.

Islington Primary Care Trust runs the services at the Michael Palin Centre for Stammering Children with the support of the Association for Research into Stammering in Childhood