
The Methodist Council is committed to the provision and proper and fullest use of modern office and computer equipment including E-mail and the Internet, throughout the Connexional team. This commitment and this Policy embrace the law and other regulations currently prevailing, specifically:

·  The Data Protection Acts 1984 and 1998

·  The Human Rights Act 1998

·  The Investigatory Powers Act 2000.

This Policy will need to be reviewed and revised as necessary to ensure that it remains within the relevant regulations.

This Policy applies to all members of the Connexional Team whether office or home based.


The IT equipment provided to Team members and the supporting network is, and shall remain, the property of The Methodist Council irrespective of its location. It is provided for the business purposes of The Methodist Church and to assist members of the Team in the performance of their job.

Use of Equipment

The Methodist Council expects that all staff will respect this equipment and other facilities where provided, and use them for the purpose for which they were provided.

It is anticipated that, with appropriate training, staff will make the fullest use of the equipment provided as modern technology should increase effectiveness and efficiency throughout the Connexional Team and those with whom they have contact.

Computer Work Stations

Work stations are provided for business use and the main priority of users must be to ensure that their actions do nothing to expose the equipment and the network to the dangers of viruses, or compromise the integrity or confidentiality of information stored.


Facilities are provided for business use. The main priority of users must be to protect the reputation of The Methodist Church by considering carefully the wording they use, so as to avoid the impression that they speak on behalf of the Church, or that what they say is Church policy if they do not have authority to do so.

Internet access

Access is provided where it is considered necessary for business use. The main priority of users must be to protect the reputation of The Methodist Church and the integrity of its equipment when accessing particular sites and downloading material.

Private use

It is acknowledged that this equipment and these facilities may need to be used on an occasional basis by staff for their private affairs, perhaps in family emergencies or to transact business which can be achieved only during normal working hours. The Methodist Council will not unreasonably deny use of its equipment for this purpose, and will rely upon the spirit of mutual trust encompassed within the usual terms of employment to protect this concession from abuse. Staff are expected to use their discretion by restricting private use to a minimum and ensuring that the cost to the Church, in terms of money or working time, is reimbursed appropriately.

Private E-mails should be clearly identified as not being official correspondence from The Methodist Church. Staff should consult a Co-ordinating Secretary before forwarding an e-mail communication which could conflict with the aims and values of The Methodist Church.

Inappropriate Use of Equipment

Use of this equipment for any of the following purposes is prohibited:

·  Sending, intentionally receiving, downloading or printing any material that is sexually explicit, profane, obscene, harassing, fraudulent, racially offensive, defamatory or otherwise unlawful, unless in the proper performance of duties, and when prior permission and agreement is obtained from an appropriate line manager.

·  Downloading or loading on to computer equipment software, programmes and games that have not received the specific approval of the Information Technology Department.


It is expected that all members of the team will monitor their own actions and make use of the equipment at their disposal appropriately and in a way which does not bring the reputation of the Church into disrepute.

The Methodist Council reserves the right to monitor the use by staff of all computer equipment, E-mail and the Internet, telephones and photocopiers. Additionally where there is just cause, The Methodist Council may review any material created, stored, sent or received on its equipment or network through the Intranet or by E-mail.

Consequences of Misuse

Abuse of these facilities and concessions or misuse of any equipment provided to staff may result in disciplinary action.

Access to the Policy

A copy of this Policy is available on the Intranet and from the Personnel Office.

Enquiries arising out of the Policy should be directed to the Personnel Office or the IT Manager.

JN / EAB / August 2002