The Message for April 8, 2018


John 20:19-31

Rob Miller, Pastor

Read Text – John 20:19-31

Peace – what comes to mind when you hear the word –Peace.

Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding – Albert Einstein

Peace is not absence of conflict; it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means – Ronald Reagan

Peace begins with a smile – Mother Teresa

A Smile… Try it… Smile right now… Notice how some of the tension instantly leaves your body when you smile…

The opposite of peace is fear.

Fear is very harmful to one’s faith. Fear causes us to do and say -- silly and stupid things. The story of the disciples in the upper room demonstrates what a powerful force fear is against faith, and how fear can beovercome by the peace of God.

Jesus found the disciples, on Easter evening, hiding with fear behind closed, locked doors -- scared that the Jewish authorities would come looking for them. They had probably been in that upper room for three days. They were paralyzed with fear.

Zach Williams sings a song called – “Fear is a Liar.” It’s true - fear is a liar.

Video Song -

The disciples were a needy group when Jesus appeared in their midst. Jesus could have given them many things to help them through their situation...

  • Jesus could have given them safety and protection from their enemies.
  • Jesus could have given them courage to face the challenging times ahead of them.
  • Jesus could have given them super powers that would have made them invincible.

Instead, Jesus gives the disciples - peace.

In many ways we are just like those first disciples. We are a needy bunch and fear is all around us.

The driving force in our world right now isfear. We fear people who are different – we fear terrorists, strangers, the flu, guns violence, nuclear war, you name it. Just like the disciples, our fear can paralyzes us and prevent us from experiencing the abundant and amazing life that is ours through the cross of Christ Jesus.

When Jesus appeared to the disciples, the first thing he did was - give them peace. He calmed their fears by giving them the gift of peace, and in doing so Jesus not only transformed the disciples, but he transformed their entire situation.

Earlier in John’s gospel in chapter 14- Jesus says that he gives his disciples peace not as the world gives peace. The world’s peace comes from strength, power, positions, and control.

The peace that Jesus gives:

  • Comes from love—knowing God’s steadfast love for us no matter what.
  • Comes from God’s presence in our lives thru the work of the Holy Spirit. Jesus was present with the disciples and they no longer had anything to fear. HisHoly Spirit is presence in our lives to eliminate our fear too.
  • Comes from giving up our control and power and position and yielding to God’s control and power and strength in our lives and in the world.

God’s peace transforms lives like no other.

Yes - Jesus gives his disciples peace—as a gift, AND he commands us to love. It is impossible for us to love others until we are at peace.

For us to be courageous and to face the challenges of ministry to which Jesus calls us in this hurting and hostile world, we need to be at peace. Or we will find ourselves hiding behind locked doors.

It is only when we are certainly of God’s love, presence, power and control that we are able to respond to God’s grace in faithful and courageous ways.

God’s peace gives us the strength and the power to continue the ministry that Jesus started -- to share God’s grace and love in a world that is driven by fear.

Jesus’ gift of peace changed the discipleslife from fear to faith.

May Jesus’ gift of peace transform your life from fear to faith.

May Jesus’ gift of peace shared in this place enable us, as a congregation, to faithfully carry out our mission and ministry here in the Lafayette area way beyond this building.

Peace is perhaps the greatest gift we can share with someone wherever our faith journey takes us this week.

We end every worship service with the words that goes similar to this – Go in peace to love and serve the Lord. Thanks be to God.

So be it for Jesus sake…
