The City of Williamson

P.O. Box 9

Williamson, Georgia 30292

Steve Fry, Mayor Bunny Scoggins, City Council Post 3

Vacant, City Council Post 1 Carol Berry, City Council Post 4

Melissa Kelsey, City Council Post 2 Vacant, City Council Post 5

Annotated Agenda


5 October 2017 7:00 PM

I.  CALL TO ORDER, INVOCATION, PLEDGE, WELCOME ...... Mayor Steve Fry called the meeting to order at &;15 p.m., offered the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance and welcomed guests.

II.  APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA (O.C.G A. § 50-14-1 (e) (1)) Agenda amended to change “Regular Monthly Meeting” to “Special Called Meeting”. Motion to approve amended agenda: Councilwoman Berry; 2nd: Councilwoman Kelsey. Approved 3-0.

III.  APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES (O.C.G.A. § 50-14-1(e) (2))

A.  Motion to approve the minutes from Special Called Meeting held 14 September, 2017: Councilwoman Kelsey; 2nd: Councilwoman Scoggins. Approved 3-0.

IV.  FINANCIAL REPORT: Mayor Fry presented the financial report. Motion to approve: Councilwoman Berry; 2nd: Councilwoman Scoggins. Approved 3-0.


A.  City Clerk Report: Karen Brentlinger reported that the roll-off was here for the fall clean-up.

B.  Council Member Report: Councilwoman Kelsey reported that the Williamson Trunk or Treat activity will be held October 28 from 6-8 p.m. Councilwoman Kelsey also made a motion for the city to purchase 4 tables and 32 chairs for use at activities. 2nd: Councilwoman Berry. Approved 3-0. Councilwoman Scoggins reported that there has been much discussion regarding the playground equipment at the park and the need to replace it. Mayor Fry suggested that the city attempt to procure a grant to help pay for it. Councilwoman Scoggins also reported that the pavilion bathroom is getting messed up and needs some work. She also asked about the test for the siren which they didn’t hear from their house adjacent to the park. Mayor Fry to check on that.

C.  City Attorney Report: covered other places

D.  Mayor’s Report: covered other places

E.  County Matters: City attorney Rob Morton reported that there will be a seminar on October 17 and November 9 at Crosspoint Christian School regarding how to get tax credit for faith-based school. Also that the development of a VA clinic in Pike County has been approved. No location has been decided. The state has received the county’s tax digest. The walking track paving for Williamson has been completed. The Service Delivery Strategy for the county has been delivered to the state. The 2020 census has begun. The Pike Co. Board of Commissioners are working on some changes to the animal control policy in conjunction with intergovernmental agreements. LMIG funds have been estimated to be up for the following year. On Aug. 17 the county held a meeting with area builders, bankers, realtors and other interested parties regarding Smart Growth practices. GDOT has approved a $50,000 LMIG for widening Williamson/Zebulon Rd.

F.  Library Report: Karen Brentlinger reported that the Mystery Dinner Theater was sold out and a big success. There were 148 patrons in the month of September with a total income of $331.14 from donations, copies, book sales, and the dinner theater proceeds.


  1. Fiscal Year 2016 Audit Review: Broadus Smith presented the 2016 audit report. Motion to approve the 2016 audit: Councilwoman Berry; 2nd: Councilwoman Scoggins. Approved 3-0.
  2. Helicopter Pavilion Update: Mayor Fry reported that the slab area has been graded and that the pavilion is scheduled to be delivered and set up this week. Following discussion, a tentative date of November 11 was set for the re-dedication celebration.
  3. 2nd Reading of Update to Sign Ordinance, Municipal Code Chapter 6-4: Following presentation by Mayor Fry, Councilwoman Kelsey made a motion to consider this the 2nd reading. 2nd: Councilwoman Scoggins. Approved 3-0.
  4. Hilley Walking Trail Paving Update: Mayor Fry reported that paving has been completed. The city has not received a bill. He asked Councilwoman Scoggins to please contact the gentleman that offered to pay half of the paving.
  5. Convenience Store Construction Status on Hwy 362: Mayor Fry reported that work continues with the issuance of electrical permits for the tanks this week and that the columns for the canopy are up.
  6. County Parcel Map Updates: Mayor Fry to call Kyle regarding new maps.
  7. 98 Purser Circle Zoning and Building Permit Violations: executive session item
  8. City Water System Planning and Contract Assistance: Mayor Fry reported that he is continuing to talks with the county regarding working with the city on water maintenance and testing.


  1. Discussion of Municipal Code Section Concerning Road and ROW Damage Bond: Rob Morton reported that the existing code has a requirement regarding utility contractor’s being responsible for damage to roads. He recommends that the city expand this to include construction. This will require fees and inspections at the issuance of a building permit in order to determine if damage was caused by the construction equipment/traffic. Motion to change current ordinance regarding bond requirement for utility contractors to include construction contractors: Councilwoman Berry; 2nd: Councilwoman Scoggins. Approved 3-0. Motion to exit regular session and enter executive session: Councilwoman Kelsey; 2nd: Councilwoman Scoggins. Approved 3-0. Entered executive session at 8:45 p.m. Motion to exit executive session and reenter regular session: Councilwoman Kelsey; 2nd Councilwoman Scoggins. Approved 3-0. Reentered regular session at 9:06 p.m.

VIII. EXECUTIVE SESSION: O.C.G.A. § 50-14, Potential or Pending Litigation

IX.  PUBLIC COMMENT: None Requested

X.  ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn: Councilwoman Kelsey; 2nd: Councilwoman Scoggins. Approved 3-0. Meeting adjourned at 9:06 p.m.

Present: Steve Fry, Carol Berry, Melissa Kelsey, Bunny Scoggins, Karen Brentlinger, Rob Morton, Dwain Penn, Broadus Smith, Burge family, Brenda Bennett, Steve Levin.