Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)
Common Implementation Strategy
Working Group on Economic and Social Analysis (WG ESA)
9 March 2015 10.00 – 18:00, 10 March 2015 09.00 – 13.00
European Commission, Conference Centre Albert Borschette (Room 0C), Rue Froissart 36, B-1040 Brussels
Agenda item: / 4
Document: / ESA_12-2015_04
Title: / Workshop on Nature, Biodiversity, Marine and Water Policies - outcome
Prepared by: / DG ENV
Date prepared: / 27/02/2015
Background: / On 2-3 December 2014, a workshop was held in Brussels on Nature, Biodiversity, Marine and Water Policies. The workshop was organised jointly by a Preparatory Group (involving the Commission and several Member States). This two-day workshop examined thematic areas for coordination: objectives and assessment, monitoring and reporting, and programmes of measures (and public participation). Work on cross-cutting issues and linkages between these policy areas has already taken place either at national, regional and/or EU level. The workshop aimed at drawing lessons from this experience and identifying how the work can be taken forward.
The Members of the ESA are invited to:
- take note of thedocuments and outcome of the Workshop on Nature, Biodiversity, Marine and Water Policies.
- take note that the preparatory/steering group will continue its work with the view to prepare the discussions for the next joint Nature, Water and Marine Directors' meeting planned under LUX Presidency.
Information document on the outcome of the Workshop on coordinated implementation of Nature, Biodiversity, Marine and Water policies
Brussels, 2-3 December 2014
The workshop built on the recognition of the need for increased coordination and cooperation between water, marine and nature policies. Against the background of the existing EU legislation, the focus of the workshop was on the actions to be taken with a view towards improving their effectiveness. By acknowledging common issues, lessons learnt and possible areas for future activities, this workshop aimed at identifying good practices for coordinated implementation.
Key messages
Based on the outcomes of the workshop the following key messages can be drawn:
- Coordinated implementation and creation of synergies is possible and should be exploited to the fullest extend; in practice, it is often not happening, though, and therefore a common agenda is to be taken forward at all levels;
- Ongoing processes can help achieve further developing of a more coordinated implementation (e.g., the review of the GES Decision under MSFD);
- Regarding the financing aspect of coordinated implementation, it is important to develop complementarity of funding instruments, to develop private sector and other financing, and to keep the next financing cycle in sight;
- Dialogues with specific sector and society is essential at all levels as well as engagement in positive communication on the successes of these policies with the public. Also these success stories should be fed into political discussions.
More details can be found in the summary report and the documents of the workshop mentioned below.
The background document was used as a scene-setter and guidance for active discussions in both the plenary and the parallel sessions. It highlights the work previously carried out in this area. The background document is available here:
All the documents and presentations of the workshop are available on CIRCABC:
The presentations and case-studies presented during both days can be found here:
Summarizing set of slides for each parallel session, as well as conclusive slides pointing at the main findings of the workshop, are available under this link:
The summary report can be foundin annex to this document on: