E-Mail Address:
Phone: (480) 472-7079
Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30am-3:30pm (voicemail available during class hours)
Class Web Site:
Welcome to CP chemistry!
Chemistry Rocks! It is the most exciting class you will take in high school. Everything in our lives has to do with chemistry and this class gives you a chance to understand how it all works! Think about anything you do during the day and chemistry was involved, probably in multiple ways…how awesome is that???
There are so many resources available to you to be successful…the main one is your brain! You will work hard this year but you will achieve so much! Following is a list of things that will help you understand the policies and guidelines for this course…here we go!!!
- Bring all materials to class every day: paper, pencil, notebook, homework, this syllabus, and brain. Additional materials needed include goggles ($3 in the bookstore),a GRAPHING calculator, a colored pen, and a highlighter.
- It is important that you keep this syllabus page in your science notebook. When in doubt about issues, please refer to this list and review.
Class Work
- All assignments must be completely finished and done to the best of your ability. If you need help, ASK. There is no excuse for leaving answers blank. Ask for help!!!!!!
- NO COPYING will be tolerated, “sharing” counts as copying.
-No late work will be accepted.
- Your grade will be based on the percentage of points you have earned for homework, quizzes, class activities, lab work, tests, and projects. Point values will vary upon the amount of work involved.
- Grades can be found on MYMPS PORTAL
-Find a study partner and know the material before the test!
-Mastery will be offered at lunch 2 days after the exam and it will be the average of the two exams. Mastery is a gift. If you are absent you will only be taking the mastery exam.
- Good attendance is extremely important. The best place to receive information for an absence is on the website (see “website” section below for more information).
If you will be absent for a school activity or family vacation, make arrangements for makeup work before you go.
-If you are absent unexpectedlyand miss a lab, you must come inthe day you return
- Completing makeup work on time is your responsibility. To help you do this, check the absent calendar ONLINE. You will have two days for each day missing to complete make-up work.
- If you ditch class, you lose credit for class work done that day.
Here is the definition of “quality work” in this classroom:
“Quality is: the best you can do,completely finished,
and on time.”
This is one of the most important concepts that will be taught this school year. I expect nothing less than quality work. If you can learn to do this type of work all of the time, you will find that you are not only very successful in this class, you will learn a lot of science along the way. Below are some specific guidelines.
Do not do anything that will distract the teacher from teaching or a student from learning!
- The official guideline for behavior is found in the student handbook.
- Your behavior should be such that it is considerate and does not disrupt or interfere with the education of other students.
- Inappropriate behavior will be addressed with a logical consequence.
- We are here to learn. When I am talking or a classmate has the floor, face the speaker and listen quietly. Before speaking, asking or answering a question, please raise your hand and wait to be called on.
- Be in the room when the bell rings and get seated quickly. Do what you need to do to be ready and comfortable before the bell rings (bathroom, drink of water, sharpen pencils, makeup work, get materials you forgot, etc.).
-Consequences: first time warning, second detention and call home.
Leaving Class:
- To leave class for any reason, you must have a hall pass. At an appropriate time, grab the class hall pass and let me know you are leaving. Nurse passes must be hand written, see me if you need to go to the nurse.
Electronic Devices:
-When you enter the classroom all electronic devices should be turned off and remain out of sight until you exit the classroom. Any electronic device seen/heard during class will be confiscated and turned in to the office. *cell phones cannot be used as a calculator.
-If and when there is a substitute present, you will show them RESPECT and PERFECT behavior. Names left will result in a detention!
-If you receive a detention, it is your responsibility to make arrangements with me to serve it.If you will need to miss a detention a parent/guardian will need to call and reschedule PRIOR to the detention time.
Fire Drills:
-Please take all fire drills seriously. During a fire drill, quietly and quickly exit the room, turn right, go up the ramp, and meet in the parking lot. Please line up quickly for roll. NO EXCEPTIONS!!
Following these guidelines and remembering these expectations will help you do top quality work and be successful. Everyone can succeed in this class, even if you have never had good science grades before. Remember, if you need extra help, please feel free to ask during class or stop in before or after school.
The website is a critical tool in this class. Go check it out TONIGHT. The website contains information on daily assignments, homework, due dates, study resources, and helpful information. The calendar contains the “activity” (what we did in class and where to find information for it), “hw” (homework for that day with the due date in parenthesis), “turn in” (what was turned in to the teacher that day) and the “objective” (goal for learning that day).
Keep in Touch
NEED TO TALK TO ME?Please don’t hesitate to ask questions or raise concerns. I will do everything I can to help you be successful. You can talk to me during an appropriate time during the school day, email or call me!
EXTRA HELP:I am here to help you!! Please make arrangements with me to receive extra help if you are struggling.Your success matters to me.
NEWSLETTER:Youand/or your parents should go to the class website and subscribe to the chemistry newsletter for reminders, tips and other chemistry news, it’s a great way to stay connected.
Please sign the following page, acknowledging you understand these policies and guidelines. After you read it please share the letter with your parents/guardians, have them fill out any contact information, and have them sign the form as well. I care about your success and I hope you do too. Let's have a fantastic year!!
Thank you,
Mrs. Grindle :)
CP Chemistry
Student’s Name______Class Period______
Dear Parents/guardians,
Thank you for taking the time to read the attached letter about policies and guidelines in your student’s chemistry class. Again, please contact me with any concerns or questions throughout the school year.
Thank you for your support of both your student and this class! I’m looking forward to this school year.
Students and Parents/Guardians: Please fill out and sign this page and return to me. Please keep the previous page in the student’s notebook.
Student SignatureParent/Guardian Signature
Parent/Guardian Printed Name______
Parent/Guardian email: ______
Parent/Guardian phone number: ______
Is there anything else you would like me to know about your student?______
***Don’t forget to visit the website and subscribe to the chemistry newsletter