on the possibility of carrying out identity checks and plant health checks at the place of destination
Agreement no. BG-NL 001-2008
Date of application: / From the first of June 2008 onwards
4 No. annexes: / 2
Re: Bilateral agreement on the possibility of carrying out identity checks and plant health checks at the place of destination established between the Bulgarian National Organization for the Protection of Plants and the National Organization for the Protection of Plants in the Netherlands.

The Council Directive 2000/29/EC as amended specifies, “in case of transit of non-Community goods, the official body of point of entry may decide, in agreement with the official body or bodies of destination, that all or part of the "identity checks" or the "plant health checks" shall be made by the official body of destination, either on its premises, or at any other place close by and designated or approved by the customs authorities and by the responsible official body, other than the point of destination.

The Member States shall establish a list of […] the places of destinations […] under their respective responsibility. These lists shall be accessible to the Commission.”

… each official body of destination carrying out identity or plant health checks, must satisfy certain minimum conditions in respect of infrastructure, staffing and equipment."

"… rules shall include model forms of documents to be used in that cooperation, the means of transmission of these documents, the procedures for exchange of information between the official bodies and offices above, as well as the measures which must be taken to maintain the identity of the lots and consignments and to safeguard against the risk of spreading harmful organisms, in particular during transport, until the completion of the required customs formalities."

The Directive 2004/103/EC specifies, in particular, in its Article 1.2.a) "when the official bodies of the point of entry and of destination, decide, where appropriate, by agreement between the responsible official bodies of the Member States, that identity checks and plant health checks […] could more meticulously be carried out at a place other than the point of entry into the Community or at a place close by".

Having regard to the Council Directive 2000/29/EC as amended and in particular its Articles 13b and 13c,

Having regard to the Directive 2004/103/EC.

Bilateral agreement drawn up between the responsible official body in the Republic of Bulgaria: National Service for Plant Protection

Director, Dr V.Todorov

of the first part,

and the responsible official body in the Netherlands:

Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality

Plant Protection Service

represented by

Mr. Ing. H.A. Harmsma

Director, Plant Protection Service, Wageningen

of the second part,

The following has been agreed:

Article 1: Purpose of the bilateral agreement

This agreement sets out the cooperation procedures between the official body of the Community point of entry and the official body of the point of destination, in the case of transit of non-Community goods subject to plant health inspection and set out in Annex VB of the Directive 2000/29/EC as amended.

Article 2: Designation of the official bodies and points of destination

The point of destination must be:

An approved place of inspection, i.e.:

- in the case of transit of the non-Community goods referred to in Article 13c, paragraph 2, point c), of the Directive 2000/29/EC:

-  the premises of the official body of destination,


-  a place close by those premises, and designated or approved by the customs authorities and by the responsible official body,


- in the cases referred to in Article 13c, paragraph 2, point d), of Directive 2000/29/EC:

- a place of destination approved by the official body and the customs authorities responsible for the area where that place of destination is located,


when specific guarantees and documents as regards the transport of a consignment composed of the products concerned (hereinafter referred to as "the consignment"), to the approved place of inspection are met, and, where appropriate, minimum conditions concerning the storage of these products on these places of inspection are fulfilled.

The list of the Community points of entry, places close by designated or approved and the corresponding official bodies, the list of the premises of the official body of destination, inspection places approved and the corresponding official bodies are set out in Annex 1, as well as the:

- name and address of the approved places of inspection;

-  specific list of the plants and plant products for which the check at the place of destination is authorized, where appropriate;

-  name, address and number of the official body applicable to each of the approved places of inspection;

-  code specific to each of the approved places of inspection.

These lists are subject to change. Any changes to this list must be notified as soon as possible to the other party.

Article3: Check performed at the point of entry

The official body of the Community point of entry performs the "documentary check"; the official body of the point of destination performs the "identity checks" and the "plant health checks" in full.

If the goods are subject to a customs transit procedure, the official body of the point of entry makes sure they comply with all European Union legislation on plant health, in particular, Directives 2000/29/EC and 2004/103/EC. It issues a plant health movement document, which refers to the existence of a bilateral agreement.

Article4: Check performed at the point of destination

The documentary check is performed at the first Community point of entry. However, if the official body of destination clearly demonstrates documentary non-conformities, it reserves the right to take appropriate measures in accordance with Community regulations.

The identity checks and the plant health checks are based, for each of the approved places of inspection at the point of destination, on a specific plant and plant product list set out in Annex VB of the Directive 2000/29/EC.

For transit of consignments to which the rules governing import inspection frequency reduction may apply, this reduction in frequency will not be implemented at the time of the documentary check at the Community point of entry. The reduced frequency percentage may be applied at the time of the check at the point of destination.

Article 5: Collection of phytosanitary fees

Plant health checks on imports are subject to the collection of a fee which is made up of three parts, each part corresponding to one stage in the checks.

The official body of the Community point of entry carries out the "documentary check" and the corresponding part [of the fee] is then collected by the competent authority of the point of entry. The official body of destination carries out the "identity checks" and the "plant health check" in full and the remaining two parts [of the fee] are then collected by the competent authority of destination.

The documentary check is carried out at the first Community point of entry. However, if the official body of destination clearly demonstrates documentary non-conformities, implementing provisions may be collected.

Article 6: Request for authorization of the checks at the point of destination

Placement under the customs transit regime may be agreed at the point of entry if there is no risk from the spread of harmful organisms (low-risk sector, sealed container, etc.), and at the very least, if the documentary check has been performed at one point of entry.

In this case, qualified plants and plant products are transited to the approved place of destination accompanied by the plant health movement document and the original or true certified copy of the phytosanitary certificate of the country of origin issued by the official body of the point of entry.

This procedure is implemented if:

-  The operator wants the identity checks and the plant health checks to be carried out at the destination in an approved place of inspection or at another Community point of entry (goods not cleared by customs in the Member State where the first point of entry of the European Community is located),

-  The operator has an approved place of inspection for plants in transit or the plants are transited to another Community point of entry,

In accordance with Article 3 of the Directive 2004/103, the importer shall notify the introduction of the products concerned sufficiently in advance to the relevant official body of destination. The place of inspection must be previously agreed between the importer and the owner of the place of inspection at the point of destination.

The official body of the Member State who is to perform the check at the destination reserves the right to refuse to carry out the check at the destination temporarily and on just grounds (staff capacity, facilities … not satisfactory temporarily) and to have it referred by the "applicant", pursuant to Article 1, 2b) of the Directive 2004/103/EC, to the official body of the Member State carrying out the check at the first point of entry.

Article 7: Plant health movement document

The officials of the official body of the point of entry issue, at the end of the documentary check, a plant health movement document confirming its execution.

This document, shown in Annex 2 (model used in Bulgaria and model used in the Netherlands), shall be completed by typing or in hand-written legible capital letters or by electronic means in agreement with the relevant official bodies of point of entry and destination and shall be in at least one of the official languages of the Community.

It must mention the place of inspection at the destination and the agreement concluded between the official body of the Community point of entry and the official body of destination.

The officials of the official body of the point of entry certify this document, by service stamp of the official body of the point of entry, and add on the document, the date upon which the document was certified.

The plant health movement document must be accompanied by an original or a true certified copy of the phytosanitary certificate of origin issued by the official body of the point of entry. Only one plant health movement document shall correspond to a phytosanitary certificate of origin.

The official body of destination reserves the right to take appropriate measures if it finds that the plant health movement document and the original or true certified copy of the phytosanitary certificate are not present.

The plant health movement document accompanies shipments of non-Community goods in transit and must mention the checks performed at the Community point of entry.

Article 8: Term, renewal and cancellation

This agreement is concluded for a period of one year, and shall be automatically renewed for a period of one year, each time.

Either party can terminate this agreement, on reasonable grounds, on the anniversary thereof by registered letter addressed to the other party three months before the expiry.

On behalf of the National Service for Plant Protection to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food in Bulgaria / On behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality in the Netherlands

Dr V.Todorov H.A. Harmsma

Director General / Director


Section 1: List of the official bodies of the Community point of entry in Bulgaria

National Service for Plant Protection, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, 17 Hristo Botev Blvd., Sofia 1040, Bulgaria tel: +359 2 953 41 16 fax: +359 2 952 09 87

This list applies if the documentary check is performed in the Netherlands and the "identity" and "plant health" checks are performed in the Republic of Bulgaria.

Name of the company / Address / CN codes and type of commodities can be inspected
1. Royal potatoes- joint stock company / Village Belchin, Samokov
Tel/fax:+359 722/68 110; +359 722/68131
GSM +359 888709470; +359 887727647
Cvetoslav Todorov Dumanov / Ware potatoes-0701 90
2. Georgy Vecev-G
privately-owned trader / Sofia, Prof. Cvetan Lazarov 13, box 171
Tel/fax: +359 2/9790616
GSM: +359 888333891
Georgy Vecev / Fruits and vegetables-07; 08;
3. Agricomers-Zlatkova & Baltanov LTD / Sofia, Prof. Cvetan Lazarov 13, box 32
Tel/fax: +359 2/9782931
GSM: +359 896781457
Emil Klimentov Baltanov / Fruits and vegetables-07; 08;
4. Superfruit LTD / Sofia, Prof. Cvetan Lazarov 13, box 36
Tel/fax: +359 2/9783293
Georgius D. Siouperis / Fruits and vegetables-07; 08;
5. Evrofruit-Sasho Kostadinov Damianov / Sofia, Prof. Cvetan Lazarov 13, box 40
Тel/fax: +359 2/9790425
GSM: +359 896655703
Sasho Kostadinov Damianov / Fruits and vegetables-07; 08;
6. Miroslav Nikolov - privately-owned trader / Sofia, Prof. Cvetan Lazarov 13, box 33
Tel/fax: +359 2/9785227
GSM: +359 888233860
Miroslav Nikolov Nikolov / Fruits and vegetables-07; 08;
7. Vitosha 65- Krasimira Dimitrova
privately-owned trader / Sofia, Prof. Cvetan Lazarov 13, box 37
Тel/fax:+359 2/978 10 80
GSM: +359 887214087
Zahari Tanev Dimitrov / Fruits and vegetables-07; 08;
8. Seva EH LTD / Sofia, Prof. Cvetan Lazarov 13, box 176
Тel/fax:+359 2/9791020
GSM: +359 889883187
Ergin Halit Emin / Fruits and vegetables-07; 08;
9. М & М Trading LTD / Sofia, Chumerna Str.20
Тel/fax:+359 2/9832502
GSM: +359 888 222743
Yuri Robertov Melamed / Seed material-12;
joint stock company / Sofia, P. Unufrieva Str.2
Tel/fax: +359 2/8138750,+359 2/9333527
GSM: +359 888736269
Madlen Drujinina / Wood material-44;
11. Agrostar –
joint stock company / Sofia, Bratia Bakston Str. 35
Тel/fax:+359 2/8188910
GSM: +359 886401559
Kancho Atanasov Naidenov / Seed material-12;
12.Gaby-LTD / Sofia, Bankia, Perunika Str. 3
Тel:+359 9975023
GSM:+359 888 54 89 69
Plamen Velinov / Cut flowers-0603;
13.Kavey LTD / Village Grivitsa, Pleven
Tel/fax:+359 63561/371
GSM: +359 887/838040
Vasil Vulev
Е-мail: / Seed material-12;
14. Pirgos Plod –joint stock company / Bourgas,
comlex Slaveikov, Ianko Komitov Str.1
Borislav Todorov
Tel: +359 56 880 932 / Fruits and vegetables-07; 08;
15. Teva fruit- LTD / Stara Zagora,
G. Baidanov Str.2a
Тel:+359 42/600996 / Fruits and vegetables-07; 08;
16. Fruits, vegetables and flowers market –
joint stock kompany / Sliven,
Starazagorsko shoes Str.
Тel: +359 44/622618 / Fruits, vegetables and cut flowers-07; 08; 0603;
17. Satko -LTD / Yiambol,
complex Zlaten rog Nr. 80
Тel: +359 46/661421 / vegetables-07;
18. Top konserv-
Joint stock company / Popovo,
Cheterinadeseta Str.22
Тel: +359 46/664 407 / vegetables-07;
19. Astra finance- LTD / Russe,
Tutrakan Blvd.100
Тel: +359 82/846071;+359 82/ 844796
Е-mail: / Seeds and planting material-12; 06;
20. Tanexim- LTD / Russe,
Tutrakan Blvd.100
Тel: +359 82/ 843554
Е-mail: / Fruits, vegetables and wood packaging material-07; 08; 44;
21. Shenker-LTD / Russe,
Tutrakan Blvd. 41
GSM: +359 898 777 529 / Seeds, planting material, fruits and vegetables-12; 06; 07; 08;
22. Pristanishten komplex-Russe
Pristanishte Iztok
Joint-stock company / Russe,
Pristanishtna Str.22
Tel: +359 82/880 990; +359 82/880 982
E-mail: / Seeds and wood material-12; 44;
23. Pristanishten komplex-Russe
Pristanishte Zapad
Joint-stock company / Russe,
Pristanishtna Str.22
Tel: +359 82/880 990; +359 82/880 982
E-mail: / seeds-12;
24. Pristanishten komplex-Russe
Pristanishte Somovid Pleven
Joint-stock company / Russe,
Pristanishtna Str.22
Tel: +359 82/880 990; +359 82/880 982
E-mail: / Seeds and wood material- 12; 44;
25.Bianiks- Nikolay Bianov
privately-owned trader / Russe,
Tulcha Str. 11
Тel: +359 82/845575 / Ware potatoes, fruits and vegetables-0701 90; 07; 08;
Joint stock company / Varna,
Klon Devnia, Povelianovo ZPZ / Seeds and planting material- 12; 0602;0601;
27. Ivesto Company Ltd / Pazardjik
Al. Stamboliiski 119
Тel:034/440 630
GSM: 0889 522379
Kaloyan Kalchev Kolev
e-mail: / Seeds-12;
28. Agrodimeks LTD / General Toshevo
Vasil Koichev Srt., 82 / seeds -12;
SD Fidus – Stefanov i sie / Pavlikeni
Tosho Katev Str., 8
Тел: 00359 610 52803
GSM: 00359888516099
e-mail: / Planting material -06;
Bon LTD Gabrovo / Novi pazar / Seeds and planting material- 12; 0602;0601;
Goldan West Seed Bulgaria Ltd / Russe
Balgaria Blvd., 100 / seeds -12;
Pioner semena Bulgaria Ltd / Dobrich
Dobrudja Blvd. ,2 / seeds -12;
Limagrein Centralna Evropa CE – klon Bulgaria Ltd / Dobrich
Anton Stoianov Str., 8 / seeds -12;
Ginkgo Ltd / Draganovci
Gabrovo municipality
tel: +359 888/233 252
Katia Georgieva Koseva / Planting material – 06;
Dago Traiding Ltd / Topoly
Varna municipality
Gebedjanski pat Str.
tel: +359 52 685 333
+359 888 494 222
Valentin Nikolaev Stanev
Е-mail: / seeds, planting material and plants for processing and consumption - 12; 06; 07; 08;
ES Konsult Ltd / Gorna Oriahovica
Makedonia Str., 66
tel: +359 618/60325
+359 888 76 46 79
Dimitrinka Stoianova Nedelcheva / Seeds and planting material – 12; 06;
Agro bio semena Ltd Sofia / Levski
Pleven municipality
Antim I Str, № 2
tel: +359 650/82 933
+359 887/20 48 90
Jivko Uzunov / seeds -12;
38. Intercitrus Ltd. / Burgas
Industrialna Str.43
tel: +359 56/840905
Plamen Martinov / Fruit and vegetables-07; 08;
39. Sem-Ait -97 / Aitos
Burgas municipality
Promishlena zona
Mara Bakardjieva / Seed potatoes – 12;
40.Den Ltd - Burgas / Aitos
Burgas municipality
Promishlena zona
tel. +359 56/824161
Daniela Petkova / seeds -12;
41. Bon Ltd / Pavlikeni
Gabrovo Munisipality
Hristo Botev Str. № 100
Тel/fax: +359 610/5 50 13
+359 889 22 69 93
Sashka Kostadinova / seeds-12;

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