WSU College of Nursing
Annual Evaluation – DNP Student
Annual Evaluation
DNP Students
All graduateprograms must complete an annual review of each graduate student. The elements of annual review include:
- Cumulative record including admission and classification information, course work, research proposals and all examinations, i.e., advisory, placement, qualifying, preliminary and final examinations, and progress since last review.
- Qualitative assessment by faculty of progress in research and teaching, as appropriate.
- Statement as to the rate of progress, i.e., satisfactory or unsatisfactory.
- Expectations for the next review period.
- During spring semester, the department/program chair will give written notification to each graduate student of his/her performance. After appropriate faculty have been consulted, the annual evaluation of those students considered deficient must be sent to the Dean of the Graduate School to be placed in the student’s official file.
- If an annual review for a student is less than satisfactory, a written copy of that review should be forwarded to the Graduate School.
Due Date
Advisors must submit completed annual review documents for each DNP student to the DNP Program Director no later than March 31.
- The DNP Program Director will notify each DNP student and faculty advisor of the requirements for the annual review no later than February 15.
- Each DNP student will complete the following annual review documents and submit them to their academic advisor no later than March 1:
- Verify or complete Program of Study (see form below)
- Annual Review form – see attached.
- Each DNP advisor will:
- Review student documents and meet with the student to discuss them – either by telephone or in person.
- Submit all completed documents to the Graduate Program Coordinator for review by the DNP Program Directorno later than March 31.
DNP Student Annual Review
Due March 31stto DNP Program Director
Date of conference with student: ______
Student Name: ______ID: ______
Email: ______
Address: ______
Phone: (Home) ______(Work) ______(Mobile) ______(Bold preferred number)
DNP Program: ______Semester Admitted: ______
Projected Graduation: ______
Please attach the WSU Program of Study (updated yearly)
Description of Progress in program (since admission or last review, as appropriate):
Describe any changes to the initial program of study that have been implemented during the past year or will be implemented in the upcoming year:
Advisor Recommendations:
Performance is:___ Satisfactory___ Unsatisfactory
If unsatisfactory, please provide brief explanation.
Advisor Name, Signature, and date:
Student Comments:
Student Signature: ______Date______
Please retain a copy for your file. 1/31/2017:tk
Masters/Annual Review/WSU-CON DNP Student Annual Review Form 1-31-17
Follow Deadlines and Procedures (). Preparation of the program is the responsibility of the student in consultation with the advisor. Students should have their program director review the program to insure it is correct before it is submitted to the Graduate School. Please submit the completed, signed program of study to the School Graduate. More information on the Program can be found in Chapter 13 of the Graduate School’s Policies and Procedures Manual.
Approval for use of human subjects or animals in research is required. If the student plans to utilize human or animal subjects for research, please contact either the Office of Grant and Research Development or the Laboratory Animal Resources Center. Please note that Departments/Programs should ensure that all procedures have been followed and forms filed with the appropriate offices; they can also determine the appropriateness of such narrative within the thesis or dissertation. The Graduate School only seeks verification that University approval has been granted.
If not yet completed, the student should supply appropriate information regarding courses taken and proposed, utilizing the WSU Catalog, Graduate Catalog, WSU academic records, and official transcripts from other institutions. Transfer credit, if requested, should be reported exactly as it appears on the original transcript. Transfer credit should be reported in semester hours and/or will be converted by the Graduate School. If listing international transfer credit, the course description must be submitted for each course. In some cases, a course syllabus may also be needed. Only graduate level courses with a grade of B or better may be considered for transfer.
The core DNP program for traditional Post-Baccalaureate studentsadmittedafter Fall 2015must include a minimum of 35 total credits hours of 500-level nursing courses, 12 total credit hours of 500-level nursing courses for the Practice Transformation Project, and a minimum of 27credits hours of 500-level nursing courses from one post-baccalaureate DNP Specialty Track (Family Nurse Practitioner, Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, or Advanced Population Health). In addition, post-baccalaureate students must complete a minimum of 1,000 practicum hours. (These numbers may vary slightly for those students admitted prior to fall 2015.)
The core DNP program for Post-Master’s students must include a minimum of 21 credits hours of 500-level nursing courses, 12 credits hours of 500-level nursing courses for the Practice Transformation Project, and the completion of a minimum of 1,000 post-baccalaureate practicum hours (combined from Gap Analysis and within the program).
The core DNP program for Post-Master’s students who seek the addition of an NP specialty must include a minimum of 21 total credits hours of 500-level nursing courses, 12 total credit hours of 500-level nursing courses for the Practice Transformation Project, and a minimum of 27 credit hours of 500-level nursing courses from one post-baccalaureate DNP Specialty Tracks (Family Nurse Practitioner, Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, or Advanced Population Health). In addition,demonstration ofthe completion of a minimum of 1,000 post-baccalaureate practicum hours (combined from Gap Analysis and within the program).
Any student who transferred or waived courses or credits must have all documentation submitted and approved for recognition on the program of study before it can be submitted to the Graduate School. The department and student will receive email notification when the program of study is approved.
DNP COMPLETION SECTION OF FORM (to be completed after the student successfully completes all of the program requirements)
The DNP Program Completion section of the form is to be completed and signed by the DNP Program director whose signature verifies that the student has met all of the program requirements, including coursework and practicum hours, and is ready for final degree clearance at the Graduate School. The form should be submitted to the Graduate School immediately after final grades are submitted for NURS 559.
Local Address______Phone______
Program (select one): Post-Baccalaureate DNP ____
Post-Master’s DNP ____Post-Master’s DNP with NP Specialty ____
Student: I have reviewed and agree to this Program of Study.
Student’s Signature: ______Date______
Faculty Advisor: I have reviewed this program of study with the student and approve it.
Faculty Advisor’s Name: ______Date______
Faculty’s Signature: ______
I have reviewed this program of study for errors and compliance with the DNP Policies and requirements and approve it.
DNP Program Director’s Name:Anne M. Mason______Date______
DNP Program Director’s Signature: ______
Program Approved: Graduate School______
Review Date______Completion Date: ______
I have reviewed this student’s program of study and WSU transcript of courses taken. I verify that all of the program requirements, including coursework and practicum hours, have been satisfactorily met for the DNP Program selected above. The student is ready for final degree clearance.
Program Director Name
Program Director SignatureDate
Graduate School Review______
Staff InitialsDate
DNP Program for Student:
Student’s WSU ID#:
- CORE PROGRAM: List graded coursework only (BOLD = Post-Masters-no-specialty courses; delete all others for PM students)
Course Prefix & Number / Complete Catalog Title / # Credits / Grade / Sem. Or Qtr. & Year in Chronological Order / WSU Instructor or name of other institution
NURS 503 / Scientific Inquiry in Nursing / 2
NURS 504 / EvidenceBased Practice / 3
NURS 563 / Advanced Pharmacology Concepts & Practice / 3
NURS 581 / Advanced Physiology & Pathophysiology / 3
NURS 505 / Analytical Foundations for Practice Inquiry / 3
NURS 576 / Organizational Systems & Leadership / 3
NURS 584 / Health Care Policy, Law and Analysis / 3
NURS 591 / Mixed Methods for Program Planning, Implementation & Outcome Evaluation / 3
NURS 562 / Advanced Health Assessment & Differential Diagnosis / 3
NURS 565 / Information Management for Clinical Practice / 3
NURS 554 / Epidemiology & Biostatistics for Advanced Practice / 3
NURS 518 / Translating Evidence into Advanced Practice / 3
SUBTOTAL CORE PROGRAM CREDITS (Check with your advisor on core program requirements): PM no specialty: 21 Post-Bac: 35 ______35______
- FNP SPECIALTY TRACK (IF APPLICABLE): List all applicable coursework (practicum courses listed separately below)
Course Prefix & Number / Complete Catalog Title / # Credits / Grade / Sem. Or Qtr. & Year in Chronological Order / WSU Instructor or name of other institution
NURS 573 / Rational Prescribing / 3
NURS 508 / Diagnostics and Procedures for Primary Care Practice / 2
NURS 509 / Clinical Decision Making: Essential Concepts & Diagnostic Reasoning / 3
NURS 513 / Primary Care I: Health Promotion, Disease Prevention, and Disease Detection / 3
NURS 514 / Primary Care I Practicum / 2
NURS 515 / Primary Care II: Acute Health Conditions / 3
NURS 516 / Primary Care II Practicum / 2
NURS 537 / Primary Care III: Chronic and Complex Health Conditions / 3
NURS 538 / Primary Care III Practicum / 2
NURS 540 / Clinical Internship / 4
SUBTOTAL SPECIALTY TRACK (Check with your advisor on specialty track requirements): ______27______
PMHNP SPECIALTY TRACK (IF APPLICABLE): List all applicable coursework (practicum courses listed separately below)
Course Prefix & Number / Complete Catalog Title / # Credits / Grade / Sem. Or Qtr. & Year in Chronological Order / WSU Instructor or name of other institutionNURS 544 / Therapeutic Modalities I / 3
NURS 530 / Theory of Psychopharmacology / 3
NURS 545 / Therapeutic Modalities II / 3
NURS 501 / Psychiatric Assessment, Diagnosis & management of Children and Adolescents / 3
NURS 547 / Introduction to Therapeutic Modalities Practicum / 3
NURS 502 / Psychiatric Assessment, Diagnosis & management of Adults & Geriatrics / 3
NURS 555 / PMHNP Practicum I / 3
NURS 582 / PMHNP Internship / 3
NURS 560 / PMHNP Practicum II / 3
SUBTOTAL SPECIALTY TRACK (Check with your advisor on specialty track requirements): ______27______
- NON-SPECIALTY PRACTICUM REQUIREMENTS(Include Transformation Project Coursework): List all applicable coursework
Course Prefix & Number / Complete Catalog Title / # Credits / Grade / Sem. Or Qtr. & Year in Chronological Order / WSU Instructor or name of other institution
NURS 553 / Practicum in Organizational Systems & Leadership / 3
NURS 557 / Concepts of Practice Transformation / 3
NURS 558 / Practice Transformation Project I: Data Collection & Program Design / 3
NURS 559 / Practice Transformation Project II: Implementation, Evaluation, Dissemination / 3
SUBTOTAL PRACTICUM REQUIREMENTS (Check with your advisor on practicum requirements): ______12______
TOTAL CREDIT HOURS: (74—Post Baccalaureate DNP, 33—Post Master’s DNP; 67—Post-Master’s DNP with NP): ______74______
WSU Graduate School
[1]Washington State University GRADUATE SCHOOL Policies and Procedures Manual, 2012-2013