Officer Candidate Statements


  • Lauren Marica
  • Why do you want to be President?
  • Well last year I took the position as Vice President. I think this year it would be acceptable to take up President after having some experience. But no really, I actually love being in HOSA! These past few years of being a member have been fun and I’ve always been pitching in ideas. I thought it was time to finally step up to the plate to make this year even more fun than it was in the past!
  • What Qualifications do you think you possess that would make you a successful officer in this position?
  • I’ve been in HOSA for the past 2 years. This year would be my upcoming third as a senior. In that time, I’ve seen and experienced how things run and what things have worked so far. This would be a great opportunity to try new things based on the previous work done by other Offices in the past. I’m well organized and can take leadership when needed. I’m always there to help not matter what. I’m pretty open minded so no suggestion will ever go under the bus. I will definitely try my best to have everyone satisfied, as I always strive to do. I’ve taken leadership positions before so I know how important commitments are. I will be responsible in my position and be trustworthy to my fellow officers and members.
  • How can you make this the most successful year for the UCTech’s HOSA Chapter?
  • HOSA isn’t only based on the Officers but as a chapter as a whole. I will try my best to have everyone involved as much as we can because that’s what makes HOSA worthwhile!  It’s all about you, our members. As long as we work together, get everyone to pitch in some ideas, we can do a lot this year. I will put my creative mind to work and find activities we can fulfill as a chapter. We will fundraise, do some activities and most of all have fun! That’s how we’ll be successful this year!
  • Paul Mera
  • I would like to be president because I think I’m ready to take on this very important role. This past summer, I attended the NJASC student leadership conference. There, I got to learn valuable leadership skills such as properly running meetings and organizing things. I would like to bring all of the things I learned this summer as this HOSA chapter’s president.

The qualifications I have that would make me fit to be a successful president for our HOSA chapter is that I previously attended this HOSA conference last year where I got to see HOSA leaders run a really successful meeting. What I got from the meeting was being a HOSA officer takes hard work and preparation. Two things I have as a quality. Other than going to the meeting, I’m currently the vice-president of the junior class at UCTech where I’m working with fellow officers to have a great year this year and the next.

The way I can help this year to be a great HOSA chapter year is working with all of the members to get their ideas and find ways to implement them so our chapter is a great functioning one. Also to make sure when we graduate, the HOSA chapter is healthy financially and laid the grounds on how to run the chapter.

  • Josephine Pokua
  • Hello everyone! My name is Josephine Pokua. I am a UCTech Senior and I am running for the presidential HOSA office. In the past years, I was the HOSA photographer (Sophomore year), and the HOSA Historian (Junior year). However, this year I would be honored to be your president. Why do I want to run for HOSA President, this year, my last year? I have been a historian, a photographer, a treasurer and a secretary, but never a president. It occurred to me that I never tried running because I assumed I would not have a chance. This year, I am taking a change and stepping out of my comfort zone. I think that, considering my past leadership experience, I will be a good fit for the presidential office.

If I am your HOSA President elect then I will focus my term on our chapter’s biggest problem—communication. Often meetings are missed because a member was not even aware that a meeting was scheduled. Also, fundraisers, like bake sales, can only be productive if people know about it. Text message alerts may be better able to get the word out. Again, my name is Josephine Pokua, and I am running for HOSA president. Thanks for “listening” and good luck to all other candidates.

Vice President (You must vote for one Vice President to represent Allied Health (AH) and one to represent Exercise Physiology EXPrs)

  • Samantha Castro (EXPrs)
  • Hi, I’m Samantha Castro and I want to be the ExPhys Vice President of HOSA because I think I am responsible enough to uphold all the duties of this position. I’ve held many leadership positions in my past including HOSA Activities Coordinator and Class Representative for the Class of 2015. In addition, I put in my time and heart into club activities for clubs like this by attending all meetings and contributing many great ideas. This year, my ideas include selling T-shirts, having Donut Sales and Basketball or dodge ball tournaments. Also, I’d like to try getting a Flash Mob together so we could better advertise HOSA’s fundraising activities! I hope you take me into consideration to be your first ExPhys Vice President, and I also hope that this is one of the greatest years of HOSA to come. Thank you for reading.
  • Olivia Chan (EXPrs)
  • Why do you want to be Vice-President?
  • I want to be the Vice President representing the Exercise Physiology students because I feel as if there is a lack of communication between the UCTech HOSA chapter and our program. I will inform my classmates as well as the other students in the Exercise Physiology program about meetings, fundraisers, and competitions. As Vice President, I will also assist in leading the chapter to success by making sure that meetings run well, and our objectives are met. In addition to that, I will make sure to attend all HOSA related activities and help our Chapter raise money for the National competition and to donate towards various health organizations.
  • What qualifications do you think you possess that would make you a successful office in this position?
  • I believe that I possess great attributes that will make me a successful Vice President. I am very attentive so during meetings, I will be able to take note of everything discussed. I can also manage my time well between school work and HOSA. Thirdly, I am an easy person to talk to which will make communication amongst the chapter comfortable. Finally, I have a slight maternal instinct. I will be able to look after and protect the members of the UCTech HOSA Chapter in and outside of school.
  • How can you make this the most successful year for UCTech’s HOSA Chapter?
  • I can make this the most successful year for UCTech’s HOSA Chapter by providing fundraiser ideas, attending all events made by our chapter and providing my all-around support to the chapter as well as to the individual members. I will also clear up the miscommunication between the Exercise Physiology students and the UCTech HOSA Chapter. With such clearance, the UCTech HOSA chapter will have more active members to participate in competitions and raise money for our chapter’s multiple objectives.
  • Monica Lopez (EXPrs)
  • I want to be Vice President, representing Exercise of Physiology, because I want to do something this year. Something that involves getting active with the community, have a sense of belonging and responsibility. Freshman year here at UCVTS was amazing but throughout the entire year I would see my peers having so much fun and being happy with what they participated in. I lied low for my first year of high school and I regret it. I don’t want to do that this year. I want to be apart of HOSA, to truly be apart of it instead of sitting passively throughout the meetings.

Truth be told, I’ve never been one to be a leader because there were always others who were much more vocal and active about wanting it. I love having ideas and getting people involved but I always backed down from being a leader because I was scared that I would fail the responsibilities given to me. I still have those fears but I know I will do my absolute best in my position of vice presidency. I promise to do the best I can. I promise this to the chapter, myself and you. Will this be the most successful year for UC Tech’s HOSA chapter? I have no idea but I will certainly try my best.

  • Ramon Calvin Ombrete (Allied Health)
  • I want to be a Vice-President of HOSA because I want to help lead this club into an era of success and excellence. I am passionate about wanting to be Vice-President because I want to help this HOSA chapter and all its members to achieve whatever goals it has and overcome any obstacles in its path.
  • There is no question as to how qualified I am for this position and how successful I will be in this position if I were to be chosen to be Vice President. I have numerous qualities that make me suitable for this position such as being a hard worker, good listener, creative thinker, and an overall confident person. I feel as if I am very easy to communicate to and am able to make strong bonds with classmates as well as teachers. I am committed to helping this club and caring for the well-being of its members. Even among my peers I exhibit a strong leadership attitude that is just right for a position such as this, just ask the juniors! My strongest qualification that I think makes me suitable for this position is my ability to just make sure ANYTHING and EVERYTHING gets done. Not only just done, but done RIGHT.
  • I can make this the most successful year of UCTECH’s HOSA CHAPTER by using my qualifications and can-do attitude to make sure it’s the most successful year ever. I will participate in all HOSA functions and fundraising and oversee them. I WILL make sure they all end up successful. With the help of fellow HOSA members, I will help generate various ideas for events and such so we can be a successful as can be. I will work closely with all chapter members and officers to help our chapter achieve greatness and success. I will fulfill my duties for this chapter and beyond that so that I can, with your help, make this the most successful year of UCTECH’s HOSA CHAPTER.


  • Immanuella Boah
  • I want to be secretary of UCTech’s HOSA chapter because I enjoy being in this club and want to contribute my abilities in order to better our chapter.
  • I was the secretary of the class of 2015 in my freshman and sophomore year. Although I am not in that position as a junior I continue to participate in the student council. Having held position of class secretary for two years I am aware of the position’s responsibilities and know what is expected of me. Also, I am reliable, organized, hardworking and work well with others which are crucial traits for secretaries or any office position.
  • To make this the most successful year for UCTech’s HOSA chapter I will stay committed and try to get more members involved in competing. I attended my first HOSA competition last year and it was a great experience. HOSA is not solely about winning but also meeting new people who have similar goals as you and learning how to be a good health care provider. By telling other members about this experience I hope that it will convince more people to compete and participate in fundraisers.


  • Jeffrey Chukwuma:
  • I was very indecisive about what I wanted to run for. I asked so many people what suited me but no one could answer. In the end, I chose Treasurer as my role in the HOSA chapter. I want this position because I love handling and solving issues and disputes when it comes to money. It would bring me great pleasure to be a Treasurer.
  • Honestly, this is my first year running for anything in my life. Let’s pray that did not discourage just now. I enjoy, like I said, working for pay and raising money. The sense of accomplishment is overwhelming. I remember when I saved enough money just to buy a pair of sneakers—without an allowance. Pathetically enough I had to use lunch money but I got it done.
  • If I try hard enough, I probably would make this the most successful year forUCTech’s HOSA chapter. I will put my utmost effort and take care of the money. Sure, I can’t scam people with fraudulent deals or sell enough Poptarts to participate in Relay. But I can keep your money safe, secure, and growing. Thank you for your time.
  • AlshaimaaElhoussainy
  • Why do you want to be a treasurer?

I would like to be the UCTech HOSA treasurer because I would like to help organize our HOSA chapter financially and help the HOSA chapter carry out all its duties without worrying about being financially unable. Also, each year the HOSA chapter sends its students to HOSA competitions and I would like to make sure that each student is able to go without having to worry about how to pay his/her dues. Each well-established organization needs to be financially organized and as treasurer I will do my best to make sure that happens.

  • What qualifications do you think you possess that would make you a successful officer in this position?

Being a treasurer means being responsible, organized, and financially educated. I think I possess all these qualities. I have helped out during the summer of my freshmen year as a secretary in the summer school and I was responsible in doing all the filing and paperwork and making sure it was all organized. I have also helped maintain financial paperwork and make sure everything adds up properly at the end of each week. Mathematics is my favorite subject and I excel at it and I think it will help me a lot in being a good treasurer and making HOSA financially stable.

  • How can you make this the most successful year for UCTech HOSA?

As treasurer, I will be responsible for the financial side of UCTech HOSA with Mrs. Felezzola. I will also be a part of the fundraising committee. I will try my best to make sure that HOSA students are able to attend HOSA competitions, especially nationals, even if they are not able to pay. I will make sure that UCTech HOSA is secure financially and that any money spent is put in the right place and will help HOSA become successful. Also, together with the fundraising committee I will try my utmost best to make sure that our UCTech HOSA chapter is able to carry out all of its plans and have the money it needs put in the right place to ensure that.

  • Jasmine Jones
  • I want to be an officer in our HOSA chapter that will get things done and stay organized in the process. I have actually been a member of OHSA for two years now, and from the meetings I’ve attended, and the officers I’ve observed before me, I know I’ve seen enough to feel comfortable in a Treasurer position. Being treasurer is not an easy task. Everyone wants money, everyone needs it, and everyone wants to spend it. Not many people think about budgeting before they spend or figuring out creative ways to earn and save. I want to help our chapter stay afloat and send more students than ever before to nationals. With me as a treasurer, I believe we can do just that!
  • Movie ticket fundraisers have always been of interest to me. With this fundraiser, we can earn a profit and give a family of four an opportunity to see a movie without spending a good fifty dollars. I would love if you gave me the opportunity to work alongside you all as a chapter, and our adviser Mrs. Felezzola. I am up for the challenge that this year may bring, but I am also ready for excitement and new adventures. My organization skills, attentiveness to important matters, and dependability are just a few of my qualifications. Words honestly don’t mean much in this world today, so vote me as your 2013-2014 HOSA treasurer and watch me as I deliver.

Committee Chairpersons (Scrapbook)

  • Gem Polius
  • I would like to be the scrapbook committee chairperson because I love to be creative and organized. Scrapbooking is a very enjoyable thing to do when everyone is being led in a certain direction by a leader. I believe that by being a chairperson, I would become more involved in HOSA and get to know some of my fellow members better. The qualifications that I possess to make me a successful officer in this position are my leadership skills, creativity and determination. I like to take charge without being overpowering but also would like to hear what other people’s thoughts and ideas are. Whenever I say I will do something, I am determined to do it without any distractions. I can make this the most successful year for UCTech’s HOSA Chapter because we will make sure that we can manage work and fun. I would like to see everyone involved in HOSA and hopefully by being on a committee I can encourage them to do so.
  • Allison Ramos
  • My name is Allison Ramos, and I am running to hold the position as this year’s UCTech HOSA Scrapbook Committee Chairperson. Through my experiences and past involvements in HOSA, the scrapbook committee and other community service, I think I am well-prepared to hold this position. I love getting involved in events and contributing ideas, and I also love working with other people. Through other leadership experience, I learned how to multi-task, stay focused on the task at hand, and guide my teammates. I believe that a strong team is led by a skillful leader who is open to new ideas and tactics. A strong leader acts as a guide and strives to lead his or her team in a successful direction by making good decisions and being confident in their abilities. I am very interested in leading the Scrapbook committee, as I have been actively involved in this committee ever since I first joined HOSA. I enjoy working on this committee as it helped me break through my shell and continue to stay involved in the HOSA events. Even though the scrapbook is only a small part of the HOSA chapter, I take pride in its existence and its contributions; it represents the accomplishments and all the successes that one HOSA chapter is capable of having. Through this committee, I wish to get as many people involved as I can; not only is scrapbooking fun, but joining HOSA overall is a very rewarding experience. If elected, I will do my best to make a scrapbook that the UCTech HOSA Chapter will never forget. Thank you for reading and I hope you consider me as your next Scrapbook Committee Chairperson.

Any Committee Chairperson: