The meeting was opened by the Chairman at 1937hrs

Dedication and silent tribute spoken by IH


Roy Lobley BEM (RL) / Chairman / Standard Bearer / Caseworker/ Wings
Hugh Thompson (HT) / Vice Chairman / Welfare Lead / Temp Treasurer
Ian Hone (IH) / Secretary / Caseworker
Sandie Rule / Assistant Secretary
Vince Taylor / RAFALO
Ian Campbell / BSO


Stu Patton / President
Ian Kent / OC 1244 Sqdn ATC


2.1 The minutes of the last meeting held on the 10th May 2017 were access a true record. Proposed by VT and seconded by HT CARRIED


Minute 6 RAFALO Update

The Duck race is planned for Shrivenham not Brize Norton


4.1 In the absence of the Treasurer elect the report was presented by HT based on a Down Load of the Accounts overview. The Treasurers Account currently remains at £33382.27


Written and presented by HT

5.1 Mr Chairman, fellow members, the Branch Welfare Account as of today, stands at £1411.13. This stated balance includes £944.56 which are monies I am holding on behalf of the RAF Ben Fund against a previous successful grant application, therefore our working Welfare capital to-day stands at £466.57.

As regards on-going casework, I’m still involved with our long running client out at Stratton who now it seems might be using her remaining RAF Ben Fund monies, mentioned a moment ago, for a replacement up and over garage door. I wait to be advised

Last month I reported on the long running saga of an EPV for a well-known member of this club and the storage issues involved. At the time, his landlords had apparently reported to the Ben Fund, when their suppliers had attempted delivery, that he wasn’t suitable for an EPV anymore.

I felt at the time that it was not the beneficiary’s landlords place to say that, or give that opinion, that was the place of the beneficiary’s G.P. or a revised assessment by an RAF Ben Fund appointed O/T.

I suspected that the storage issue within the landlord’s jurisdiction had not been resolved and that they were thereby denying our client the chance to improve and maintain his quality of life with the use of the O/T recommended machine. In fact, I spoke to the beneficiary directly by phone, and he confirms that he would still like to receive the recommended machine and looked forward to its receipt. I therefore, at that time, maintained that we must continue to “fight his corner” until advised otherwise by professional medical opinion.

I reported these facts and my suspicions to both RAFA Area HQ and the RAF Benevolent Fund authorities with a request that they directly seek clarification from the beneficiary’s landlords as to the situation. In the actual event, the landlords rang the Ben Fund themselves and rather rudely pointed out to our colleague there that we were building the clients hopes up unnecessarily as he had now developed dementia.

At no point in the both the G. P’s certification and the subsequent O/T’s assessment was dementia ever mentioned. If it had been the issue of an EPV in the first place would never even have been contemplated by the Ben Fund.

This highlights the Data Protection act of 1998. Towards the end of a Form “A” Application for Assistance is a declaration which is signed by the client, part of it relates to giving us permission to share necessary details with other concerned agencies in dealing with a given case. This was signed by the client, in the presence of his landlord, and he agreed that they be included in what we term” the ring of confidentiality”. Had his landlords “kept us in the loop” as permitted by the signed declaration, about the on-set of dementia, and furnished us with back up documentary medical evidence, the offer of an EPV would have immediately been withdrawn and no further delivery attempts made.

As it is the Fund have now accepted the mentioned telephoned advice and withdrawn the offer of an EPV loan and I have had to write to the client in a diplomatic and according manner. All in all, a sad case.

. Other things I have been involved with are that I, along with an RBL colleague, had a fruitful meeting with a representative from Alzheimer’s Support, Wiltshire. It made me aware of more resources and ideas to put in our “metaphoric” toolbox.

These proved useful recently as I’ve been dealing with two further cases that have come our way involving dementia. One via Area in Cricklade, and one other lady who approached Vince whilst he was out collecting in Cirencester.

Recently at the urgent request of Area I have been dealing with an ex-RAF policeman who’s been abroad for the last five years and having returned to this area was in very real danger of being made homeless and

Having to spend nights on the street. I strongly feel that such a fate should never befall any ex-serviceman, let alone an ex member of the RAF.

I found him in Booth House, the Salvation Army Hostel, down by the bus station, where apparently the maximum stay on any one given occasion is three nights, with no guarantee of being offered any further nights. With Areas help I am funding his stay in a local B&B until Thursday of this week, (tomorrow). After which he will move to a one-bed roomed flat I have sourced in West Swindon with the help of a local letting agents I know from my time on the Property Magazine at the Swindon Advertiser.

Obviously, I have had to react very quickly in this case to ward of any threat of homelessness, however all funds expended on the case will hopefully be underwritten by the RAF Ben Fund eventually as the subject of a form “A” application for assistance and should flow back into our Welfare Account, which, when you think about it, that is what the Welfare account is there for.

Graham as I understand it is now resident in Eastbourne, Roy has just come back from holiday to the prospect of further medical investigations, and Ian is just getting over tripping over a ladder in his garden. With that in mind have either of you got anything to add to this month’s Welfare report?

As usual our weekly RAFA “Welfare Surgery” at the RBL “Pop-In” centre in central Swindon continues nothing unusual to report there.

5.2 RL notified the members present that he is currently involved with a client who is Terminally Ill and bed ridden. Because of his condition he requires to be turned on Hourly bases. The cost of providing care is in the region of £1200-1600 per month and it appears that the Council are reluctant to provide funding. The case remains ongoing.

5.3 RL The long term case under review has been concluded and he has received a referral from the Midlands Area for a case in Gloucester.

5.4 RL proposed that the Branch transfer the sum of £600 from the Treasurers Account to the Welfare Account. Seconded by VT. CARRIED

5.5 Ht requested approval for the issue of a General Needs Grant for a Client who is moving into a Flat from Sheltered Accommodation. Proposed by IH seconded by SR CARRIED



  • The account currently stands at £145.53.
  • Future collections have been approved for:
  • ASDA West Swindon 15th July 2017
  • TESCO Cirencester 14Th August 2017
  • B of B Street Collection 19th September 2017


Past Events

  • 16 May 17 - The Committee, accompanied by the Area RAFA Welfare Officer and Swindon RAFA Branch attended this event on Tue 16 May 17. This provided the Committee with an ideal opportunity to show the Forum how they work closely with the Swindon RAFA Branch promoting the good welfare work that goes on around the Swindon area.
  • 19 May 17 - The Dobbies, Cirencester collection that took place on Fri 19 May 17 raised £283.49.
  • 3 Jun 17 - The Committee raised £54.04 at the Watchfield Summer Fete.
  • 8 Jun 17 - £405.50 was raised for Wings Appeal following the Dambuster function.

Future Events

  • Thu 13 Jul 17 – Shrivenham Music and Fireworks Event. Area RAFA BSO attending with MET.
  • Fri 28 Jul 17 – Collection at Morrison’s, Haydon Wick Swindon.
  • Sat 26 Aug 17 – Committee setting up RAFA gazebo at the Shrivenham Summer Fete.
  • Writing to Swindon FC to see whether a collection can be arranged for Sat 16 Dec 17

Other Matters

  • Over £1000 now been raised to our Wings Appeal amount.
  • OC 1244 ATC Sqn has invited Stn Cdr Shrivenham and myself to their Annual Dining In Evening on Sat 14 Oct 17. Waiting for invitation to pass to Stn Cdr.
  • Pass copies of RAFALO Connect and Shrivenham Community News to Branch for display.
  • WO Taylor spoke with OC 1244 ATC Sqn regarding attendance. Wednesdays are Squadron evening and cannot attend. He was upset that his Sqn Ldr was informed about 1244 Sqn absence when the Stn Cdr Shrivenham attended the last branch meeting.
  • Website – lost the gallery. Asked for advice from CHQ to recover. Never came back to me. I will rebuild. Janet not happy with our picture on front page. Reference made to picture of the club. Not understanding this is a Branch website. However, we could always change

Next meeting is on Wed 12 Jul 17


  • There were no other reports


8.1 IH has recently been approached by the Secretary of the Swindon Rotary Club with a view to holding a Dinner Dance in 2018 in support of RAF 100. It was suggested that the event would be held in conjunction with the Poppy Appeal the benefactor being the RAFBF. It was agreed that IH and VT would meet with the RAFBF area director on 17 July 2017

8.2 HT commented that the Lord Trenchard Field Marshals Baton will be carried through the Area finishing in Swindon in November 2018. The Baton will then be conveyed to Birmingham by the Swindon Branch.

8.3 It is recognised that the Branch has continued to work with 1244 Sqdn with limited success. It was agreed that VT would contact the OC and attempt to establish a working relationship.

8.4 The B of B Service is under review with the Padre.


9.1The next meeting will be held on Thursday 27th July 2017 commencing at 1930hrs

There being no further business the meeting was closed by the Chairman at 2055hrs.

H Thompson

Vice Chairman

27 Jul 17