
Khadeijah A. Stephens

Copyright © 1984-2012 by

Khadeijah A. Stephens

Bismillah Ir Rahman Ir Raheem

Lady Zaynab and Al-As Rabia’s son

The Koraysh Caravan

In Jumada Al-Ula 6H news reached Medina that a richly laden Koraysh caravan was homeward bound from Syria. When the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) learned of the news he placed Zayd, Haritha’s son in command of a cavalry of one hundred and seventy and sent them after it.

The expedition was successful and the Koraysh merchandise confiscated, including silver that belonged to Safwan. There were also captives, but several managed to escape amongst whom was Al-As, the son-in-law of the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam).

Shortly after the encounter, Al-As who had lost everything, made his way to Medina where, his estranged wife, Lady Zaynab lived with their daughter Umama. Al-As waited until all was still in the City and under the cover of night made his way to Lady Zaynab's house.

Lady Zaynab was indeed surprised to see him after such a long time and invited him into her home. A while after, Bilal arose to call the believers to prayer and so Lady Zaynab left Al-As and Umama in the house whilst she went to pray. After the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) had exalted Allah, their was a brief pause and Lady Zaynab announced for all to hear, "O people, I have given protection to Al-As, Rabi's son." Then she joined the congregation in prayer.

The Protection of the Weakest is Binding

At the conclusion of the prayer the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) asked the congregation, "Did you hear what I heard? By Him in whose hand is my soul, I knew nothing of this until now. The protection of even the weakest Muslim is binding upon all other Muslims." Then the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) went to his daughter telling her to treat her estranged husband honorably but not to allow him the rights of a husband, because he was not yet, in appearance, a believer.

The Honorable Character of Lady Zaynab’s Husband

Lady Zaynab told her father that Al-As, who was one of the most trusted men of Mecca, had gone to Syria on behalf of several Koraysh to trade for them and was deeply troubled because he had lost it all. The Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) approached those who had confiscated his trusts saying, "This man is related to us, and his entrusted property has come to you. If you would like to return it to him that would please me, but if you choose not to, then it is bounty which Allah has given you and you have a better right to it." None of the Companions choose to keep the merchandise and everything was handed back to him, including old water-skins, some small leather bottles and a few pieces of wood.

A Standard to Emulate

Now that everything had been returned one of the Companions asked him, "Why don't you enter Islam and keep these things for yourself; they are the property of idolaters!" But Al-As replied, "If I did such a thing then my entrance into Islam would not be good and I would have betrayed my trust."

Shortly afterward, Al-As took leave from his family and set off to Mecca. Upon reaching Mecca, Al-As wasted no time and distributed his trust whilst asking everyone if they considered they had received their dues. Everyone was in agreement that everything was in order whereupon he returned to Medina to embrace Islam and was reunited once more with his wife and daughter.

The Tribe of Mustalik

Needless to say, the successful raid against the Syrian caravan was a thorn in the side of the Koraysh. Some time before, the Koraysh had allied themselves with the tribe of Mustalik, a branch of the Khuzah whose territory lay along the coast of the Red Sea. The Koraysh now approached the Mustalik urging them to attack Medina with the hope that their kindred tribes would support them. However, the Koraysh had not realized that the other tribes inclined more to the Muslims than they did toward themselves and it wasn't long until the news reached Medina of the intended attack.

The Mustalik were unaware of the fact that the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) knew anything of their plans so they took their time before even starting to prepare themselves for the encounter. Meanwhile, the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) decided not to wait for them to make the first move and ordered his forces to march to the Mustalik territory. The forthcoming encounter was not expected to be very dangerous so the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) allowed Ladies Ayesha and Umm Salamah to accompany him. Eight days later he reached the Mustalik territory and, unknown to the Mustalik, struck camp near a watering hole.

The element of surprise was a great advantage and it wasn't long until they were able to surround the Mustalik settlement. Some of the Mustalik warriors took up arms and fought, ten were killed, however, there was very little resistance, and only one Muslim was martyred. The spoils of war were considerable, just under two hundred families were taken captive, and large herds of two thousand camels and five thousand sheep and goats were confiscated.

Amongst those who had ridden out with the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) were hypocrites. They were not ill-disposed to join him on account of the brevity of the march with the expectancy of reward for their minimal effort. However, they resented the fact that they would be obliged to share the spoils with the impoverished Muhajirin who they considered to be intruders, and were of the opinion that all the spoils should belong the tribes of Aws and Khazraj.

Two days after the encounter, a dispute over the ownership of a bucket erupted between two coastal tribesmen, one from the Ghifar and the other from the Juhaynah. Omar had hired the services of the tribesman from the Ghifar who wrongfully laid claim to the bucket and struck its owner, but, he shouted out to the Muhajirin for help whilst the Juhaynah tribesman called upon his long-time allies from the Khazraj to support him. Both the Ansar and Muhajirin came running, swords were drawn and had it not been for the quick intervention of the Prophet's closer Companions, the matter might have got out of hand.

In another part of the camp, Abdullah, Ubayy's son, the hypocrite who persistently tried to cause dissension between the Muslims was sitting with some of his close friends as the disturbance broke out and asked one of them to go and find out about it. His companion returned and told him that the trouble had been initiated by Omar's man and this added further to Abdullah’s contempt. Abdullah, was a proud man and felt that the power of leadership should have fallen into his hands and resented the Prophet's presence among them.

Not long before, he had seen his Jewish allies, who betrayed the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) during the recent encounter at the Trench, punished and now this incident had occurred. He refused to take into account that the incident had been settled fairly and disregarded the established fact that the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) would never entertain injustice, no matter whether the complainants were Muslim or not. After having listened to his companion he became enraged and urged, "Spend nothing on those who follow the Messenger of Allah (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) until they have dispersed!" Then exclaimed, "If we return to the City, the strong will expel the more humiliated!"

The Truthfulness of Zayd, Arkam’s son

Zayd, Arkam's son, a Khazraj youth, overheard Abdullah and went to either his uncle or Omar who reported the matter to the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam). The Prophet's displeasure was clear upon his face and he called for Zayd to repeat what he had heard. Thereafter he sent for Abdullah and his companions but they denied having said such and swore an oath that they had not done so. Zayd was stricken with distress, the like of which he had never felt before, as he hated to be thought that he might lie to the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam), so when he returned home he confined himself to his home.

Soon after their return to Medina, the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) received a new Revelation exonerating Zayd:

In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Most Merciful

“When the hypocrites come to you they say:

‘We bear witness that you are the Messenger of Allah’.

Allah knows that you (Prophet Muhammad) are indeed His Messenger,

and Allah bears witness that the hypocrites are truly liars!

They have taken their oaths as a cover and barred others from the Path of Allah.

Evil is what they have done. That is because they believed, then disbelieved,

because of this a seal has been set upon their hearts

so they are unable to understand.

When you see them their bodies please you,

but when they speak and you listen to their sayings, they are like propped-up timber.

Every shout (they hear) they take it to be against them.

They are the enemy - be wary of them. Allah kills them!

How perverse they are! When it is said to them,

'Come, the Messenger of Allah will ask forgiveness for you,’

they turn their heads in pride and you see them go away.

It is equal for them whether you ask for their forgiveness

or you do not ask for their forgiveness,

Allah will not forgive them.

Allah does not guide the evildoers.

It is they who say, ‘Spend nothing on those who follow

the Messenger of Allah until they disperse.’

Yet to Allah belong the treasuries of the heavens and the earth,

but the hypocrites do not understand.

They say, ‘If we return to the City, the strong will expel the humiliated.’

But the might belongs to Allah, and His Messenger and the believers,

but the hypocrites do not know.

Believers, do not let either your possessions

or your children divert you from the Remembrance of Allah.

Those who do that shall be the losers.

So spend of that with which We have provided you

before death comes upon any of you and he then says:

‘O my Lord, if only You would defer me to a near term,

so that I could give in charity and be among the good-doers.’

But Allah will never defer any soul when its term comes.

Allah is Aware of what you do.”

Koran Chapter 63

Whereupon the Prophet (salla Allahu alihi was sallam) recited it to Zayd and said, "O Zayd, Allah has confirmed your statement!" And Zayd became the most happy of all the Muslims.

The Prophet (salla Allahu alihi wa sallam) called for Abdullah and his companions so that they might ask Allah for forgiveness, but they in their arrogance declined and turned away.

Lady Zaynab and Al-As Rabia’s Son


Back Cover


The Koraysh Caravan

The Protection of the Weakest is Binding

The Honorable Character of Lady Zaynab’s Husband

A Standard to Emulate

The Tribe of Mustalik

The Truthfulness of Zayd, Akram’s son