12-11-2017 TOWN COUNCIL

The Santa Claus Town Council metin regular session on December 11, 2017 at the Santa Claus Town Hall locatedat 90 N Holiday Blvd Santa Claus, In. 47579

The meeting was called to order by President John Bowen at5:30pm.

Pledge of Allegiance

Present:Sherrill Clark, Kevin Burke, John Bowen, Michael Johannes, Seth Windell


Also, Present:Attorney; Kevin Patmore, Clerk -Treasurer;Kelly Greulich,ParkSuperintendent; Tyler Dilger,Superintendent; Russ Luthy, Fire Chief; Max Meyer and Police Chief; Joey Brown.

Absent: Phil Brown


Kevin Burke made a motion to approve the November 13, 2017 town council regular meeting minutes as written and Michael Johannes seconded the motion.

Ayes: All Nays: None Motion carried.


Chris Middleton was present to explain the renewal for the town’s liability insurance, first off Middleton thanked the department heads for the excellent risk exposure and excellent driving record the town has. The town experienced a 16% loss ratio which is tremendous. We are on the third year of our three-yearpolicy. A savings of $ 1,353.00 is reflected in the 2017 premium even with having 24 employees, 14 new customers in wastewater, 22 new customers in water and a new back-hoe purchased in 2017. As long as an elected official of the town oversees the parade it will continue to be covered under the town’s policy for no additional charge.


John Bowen

Asked the council members if they had any thoughts on the vacation days and how an employee accumulates their time off. None of council members had anything to say on the matter.

Broadband will be discussed later in the meeting.


Tyler Dilger

Stated Ron Smith has not gotten back with him on the ADA bathrooms, the council recommended to Dilger he find other contractors in the area to give their thoughts and advice on the ADA bathrooms. Last Wednesday the cameras were installed at the community center and now we wait on Felts Lock to install the new door for card access. The town is still waiting on the proper paperwork to be turned in from Felts Lock.

Kelly Greulich stated it is the responsibility of the town council to fill the park board seat vacated by John Tate in May of 2017. The council asked TJ Dilger if the park board recommended either one of the individuals that have expressed interest in the position. The two candidates are Bradley Devillez and Melissa Lueken. The board did not make a recommendation to the council. Sherrill Clark recommended to the park board to contact the two people and invite them to Park board meeting on December 19, 2017 and then bring a recommendation to the council at the end of the yearmeeting.

Chris Middleton asked TJ Dilger to please send her the camera and door information so the insurance can be updated on the new purchase of the equipment.


There was no Building Inspector report for the month of November.

Kevin Patmore stated Casey’s would like to see the trail be moved closer to the road. A committee will be formed for the interviewing of the Building Inspector & Zoning Administrator to include Seth Windell and Russ Luthy at this time.


No report at this time, John Bowen stated the Santa Claus town council should have a conversation with the county concerning a possible interlocal agreement for a Building Inspector and possibly Zoning Administrator.

Chris Middleton spoke up and stated to make sure he or she is bonded.


Joey Brown

Presented theNovemberpolice report to the council as follows:

Citations TOSC-10

Warnings TOSC-31

Crash Reports-8

Vehicle Inspections-4

Domestic Disturbances-1

Assist other Department-8

Medical Emergencies-3


Theft Reports-0

Verbal Warnings-0

Case Reports/Investigations-10

Warrant Service-0

Gun Permits-No information given

Arrests-No information given

Assist Motorist-No information given

No Comp time for town police officers.

Brown stated he is working on a grant for the E-tickets, the police department budgeted in 2017 for the remaining police vehicles E-ticket computers. Asking the council for permission to look for a new vehicle that is budgeted for in 2018. The pool car has had to have more work done on it, can the town take sealed bids on the 2010 Impala, Patmore stated yes you can. Patmore and Brown will work together on the sealed bids for the 2010 Impala. Brown stated he won the beard contest collecting $ 537.00 for Riley Children’s Hospital.

Reserve Officers hours worked for the month of November: Bone = 32, Rickelman = 14, Grindstaff = 58, Sherman = 8


Max Meyer

Presented theNovemberfire department report to the council as follows:

First Responder-8

Fire/Fire Alarms-0

Signal 9-0

Total Runs & Activities- 8

Fire department election results, Max Meyer was elected Fire Chief to a two-yearterm from the volunteer department.

Michael Johannes made a motion to approve Max Meyer to a two-year term as the Santa Claus Volunteer Fire Department Fire Chief and Seth Windell seconded the motion.

Ayes: All Nays: None Motion carried.

Meyer stated Mark Kroeger will be retiring on 12-31-2017.


Russ Luthy


Project was awarded 4/10/2017 to Weddell Brothers at a cost of $1,272,279.00.

Letting Date 4/5/2017

Federal award 80% $871,440.00 Town 20% $ 254,455.80 on construction cost only

Total INDOTexpenses to date $183,349.30(PE, CE)

Town’s amount spent to date $ 489,288.55 (including PE, CE, CN, Quality Craft invoices trees& bridges) Project is substantially complete, budget on target. Installation of hand rails, signs, and reinstall fencing at Rudolph underway.

Sherrill Clark asked Luthy if the paving issues have been taken care of, “Luthy stated yes.”

John Bowen stated TOSCI has received very good comments from the runners at the race. Bowen also thanked the Volunteer Fire Department for being on hand the day of the race.


Project cost $5,349,131.17 Letting date: SCLD Trail 12/12/2018

Federal Award amount 80% $4,441,752.00Town Match 20% $ 888,350.40on construction cost

SCLD Trial total INDOT expenses to date $ 138,508.41

SCLD Trail Town expenses thus far $ 29,183.47

FLAP Letting date: 2/8/2016

SCLD Trail FLAP total INDOT expenses to date $ 254,777.60

SCLD Trail FLAP Town expenses to date$118,330.50

Expense do not include the $ 340,000.00 from Sarbanes Grant that was funded at 100% from INDOT. Working on trial re-alignment on east end of CR 1625 N (SCLD Trail). ROW Services (SCLD Trial) awarded to Beam-Longest & Neff., contract submitted to INDOT for FMIS approval. PE 99% complete working with reps of Casey’s General store to accommodate trail and the store. The SCLD Trail is on target to Let on 12-12-2018 along with the Eastside trail.


Project cost $577,400.00 Letting date 12/12/2018.

Project Federal Award amount 80% $461,920.00.

Project Town Match 20% $115,480.00.

Eastside Trial total INDOT expenses to date $92,088.60

Eastside Trail Town expenses to date$ 18,417.72

Minimal engineering progress due to letting date change.


Project cost $1,117,600.00.Letting date 01/18/2018.

Project Federal Award 80% $890,080.00.

Project Town Match 20% $223,520.00.

Westside Trial total INDOT expenses to date $143,424.72

Westside Trial Town expenses to date %$ 35,690.22

Project ready for contracts on November 8, 2017, letting date on target. Utility conflict with Vectren, cost estimates $ 7,000.00, towns share estimated at $ 1,400.00, no other reimbursement costs incurred.

Treasurer Report on Trails: Kelly Greulich

From the Beginning overall trail amounts INDOT AMOUNTSTOSC AMOUNTS

Yellig$ 183,349.30$ 489,288.55

SCLD Trail Sarbanes Grant$ 340,000.00 0.00

SCLD Trail $ 138,508.41$ 29,183.47

SCLD Trail FLAP$ 254,777.60$ 118,330.50

Eastside Trail$ 73,670.88$ 18,417.72

Westside Trail$ 143,424.72$ 35,690.22

Total Amount$1,133,730.91$ 690,910.46

Luthy stated most of the Community Crossing Grant money received will be used in Holiday Village for road work. Bid proposals went out to the following companies J. H. Rudolph, Metzger, Hunter Paving and Hughes Paving.

Kevin Patmore opened up the following bids:

Hughes Paving:

Walnut Dr.- $ 42,090.00

Brown Rd-$ 58,470.00

Rose Bowl Dr.- $ 30,480.00

Candy Castle Rd- 22,400.00

Re-stripe Club House Rd- $ 3,500.00

Total $ 156,540.00

Hunter Paving:

Walnut Dr.- $ 42,313.50

Brown Rd-$ 64,204.00

Rose Bowl Dr.- $ 30,700.00

Candy Castle Rd- $ 23,270.00

Re-stripe Club House Rd- $ 4,752.00

Total $ 165,239.50

J. H. Rudolph:

Walnut Dr.- $ 43,530.00

Brown Rd-$ 59,790.00

Rose Bowl Dr.- $ 30,530.00

Candy Castle Rd- $ 20,980.00

Re-stripe Club House Rd- $ 4,200.00

Total $ 145,330.00

Metzger Construction:

Walnut Dr.- $ 38,933.00

Brown Rd-$ 55,759.00

Rose Bowl Dr.- $ 26,400.00

Candy Castle Rd- $ 19,980.00

Re-stripe Club House Rd- $ 2,600.00

Total $ 143,672.00

John Bowen made a recommendation that Russ Luthy take the bids under advisement to make sure the proposals meet the town requirements and Michael Johannes made a motion to approve Metzger Construction bid of $ 143,672.00 as long as it meets the requirements after Russ Luthy has reviewed the proposal and Kevin Burke seconded the motion pending the office receives all required documents.

Ayes: All Nays: None Motion carried.

A discussion followed about lighting on the Yellig Trail, Luthy will add the request to his list with Vectren.


Russ Luthy

Presented the November Report:



Nov.2016 6.03MGNov. 2016 2.61 Inches

Nov.2017 11.64 MGNov. 2017 2.85 Inches


Process control testing, plant maintenance


Force main repair at Lift Station 4, pump repair at 4 locations. Jet main on Melchior. Video inspections/viewing. Install LED lighting at maintenance shop. Routine maintenance, Lift stations are check 3 days per week including Holidays.


Revolving Total Lateral Inspections-6

New In: November-2

COC’S Completed 2, Requiring repairs 0, No Repairs 2, Exempt Laterals 0.


Requiring repairs 23, No Repairs 23, Exempt 4

Luthy presented to the councilthe Wastewater 2018 Budget, estimated revenues of $ 1,224,100.00 and expenses of $ 1,212,900.00.

Seth Windell made a motion to approve the Wastewater 2018 Budget of % 1,224,100.00 in revenues and $ 1,212,900.00 in expenses and Michael Johannes seconded the motion.

Ayes: All Nays: None Motion carried.

STREETS- Working on street repairs.


Routine maintenance, eliminate secondary ditches. Cleaning/culvert maintenance. Assist on trail projects. Install Christmas decorations & pot-hole patching.


Russ Luthy

Work Orders- 21

Work Orders Completed-18

Work Orders Pending-3


Final reads, turn on service and work with fiber optic install crew. Water department working on installation of radio read meters. Approximately 468 radios of the original 1070 are complete. Water plant will be out of commission for at least 8 days beginning December 4th for repairs.

Luthy stated to the council a favorable review for David Bertke and asked the council for $ 1.00 per hour raise retroactive to December 1, 2017.

Kelly Greulich stated David Bertke has asked that he receives one month of the Holiday and Safety Bonus since his probationary was up December 1, 2017. This is a council decision.

Michael Johannes made a motion to approve the $ 1.00 per hour raise retroactive to December 1, 2017 and to pay David Bertke the one-month Holiday & Safety Bonus and Seth Windell seconded the motion.

Ayes: All Nays: None Motion carried.

Scot Elliott, President of the water board was present to update the council the 2018 water budget and a motion to approve, revenues estimated at $ 1,506,100.00 and expenditures at $ 1,502,558.00. Elliott stated the softener doors that are pressure vessels that will be installed in the next week or two. The water department hopes to have the 1070 radio meters installed by April 2018. In the 2018 budget the board has added an additional 100 new meters to be installed.

Seth Windell made a motion to approve the Water 2018 Budget at $ 1,506,100.00 in revenues and $ 1,502,558.00 in expenses and Michael Johannes seconded the motion.

Ayes: All Nays: None Motion carried.

Sherrill Clark asked Russ Luthy about OSHA reporting, when the council hired the two employees earlier this year as OSHA Coordinators the council decided on quarterly reports. Luthy stated yes that is correct but our work load has been very heavy, in the future reports will be given to the council. IPEP has not scheduled a class on the required OSHA training for the rest of the employees at this time. If an accident occurs with an employee the council will be notified.


It was brought to the council attention it would cost roughly 2 million to having lighting and take out the large hill at the Industrial Park.


Kevin Patmore

Stated to the council he has sent clarification to Holiday World attorney concerning the revenue that town has received on the Amusement & Commercial TIF District area, Patmore recommendation to the council to ask for a formal audit on the personal property of Holiday World.

Patmore stated for the council the 2nd reading and adoption of Ordinance 2017-14 An Ordinance Amending The Town Of Santa Claus Zoning Ordinance.

Seth Windell made a motion for the 2nd reading and adoption of Ordinance 2017-14 An Ordinance Amending The Town Of Santa Claus Zoning Ordinance and Sherrill Clark seconded the motion.

Ayes: All Nays: None Motion carried.

Patmore also has Ordinance2017-16 An Ordinance The Town Of Santa Claus Zoning Ordinances And Rezoning Certain Real Estate Located Within The Territorial Jurisdiction Of Santa Claus And amending The Zoning Maps for a 2nd reading and adoption for the council.

Seth Windell made a motion for the 2nd reading and adoption of Ordinance 2017-16 An Ordinance The Town Of Santa Claus Zoning Ordinances And Rezoning Certain Real Estate Located Within The Territorial Jurisdiction Of Santa Claus And amending The Zoning Maps and Sherrill Clark seconded the motion.

Ayes: All Nays: None Motion carried.

Patmore has Ordinance 2017-18 for a 1st reading for the council An Ordinance For A Broadband Ready Community Designation.

John Bowen stated the town should be a strong component of Broadband but we should look into the matter farther.

Seth Windell made a motion for the 1st reading of Ordinance 2017-18An Ordinance For A Broadband Ready Community Designation and Michael Johannes seconded the motion.

Ayes: All Nays: None Motion carried.


Kelly Greulich

Ending Bank Balances: November2017

General $2,643,165.25

Water $ 1,829,974.02

Wastewater $1,188,918.28

TIF $ 166,984.80

Greulich presented for a 1st reading Ordinance 2017-17 An Ordinance Fixing Salaries Of Elected Officials And Employees Of The Town Of Santa Claus, Indiana Effective on the Payroll of January 19, 2018 For Hourly employees And Effective January 5, 2018 For Salary Employees.

Michael Johannes made a motion for the 1st reading of Ordinance 2017-17 An Ordinance Fixing Salaries Of Elected Officials And Employees Of The Town Of Santa Claus, Indiana Effective on the Payroll of January 19, 2018 For Hourly employees And Effective January 5, 2018 For Salary Employees and Seth Windell seconded the motion.

Ayes: All Nays: None Motion carried.

Greulich asked the council to make a motion for her to pay invoices up to the end of the year.

Michael Johannes made a motion to have Clerk-Treasurer Kelly Greulich pay invoices thru the end of the year and Sherrill Clark seconded the motion.

Ayes: All Nays: None Motion carried.

Greulich informed the council with landlord/tenant issues the office is experiencing. The town has some landlord’s that are not communicating with the office when a tenant moves out and a new one moves in causing issues with billing. Most of the cities and town’s have went to an ordinance that keeps the property/customer account in the landlord’s name. This eliminates the problem of not receiving the information in a timely manner and also keeps the landlord up to date on the monthly charges on the property they are renting. Making this change will save the office about 2 to 3 hours a week with changes.

Kevin Patmore wasinstructed to draw up an ordinance for the landlord/tenant accounts.

Appointments were tabled until the year-end-meeting.

Year -end-meeting was set for December 27, 2017 at 5:00 pm.

A motion is needed to transfer the funds left in the 446 Fund ($ 44,535.00) from the sewer bond that was paid off with sewer funds back to the 444 Fund.

Seth Windell made a motion to approve the transfer from 446 in the amount of $ 44,535.00 back into Fund 444 and Michael Johannes seconded the motion.

Ayes: All Nays: None Motion carried.

Greulich informed the council that she is looking into a FLEET card for gas/diesel for the town, it would be a universal card that can be used at many different places plus 1% back to the town would be given. The card would be associated with a town vehicle and each town employee would be assigned a 4-digit code to use when filling up also the mileage of that particular vehicle would be entered by the employee as well. All taxes would automatically be taken off and the town would not have to file any tax information the card company would take care of that.