SEPTEMBER 20, 2011

The Faribault County Board of Commissioners met pursuant to the recess of September 6, 2011 at the Courthouse in the City of Blue Earth at 9:00 a.m. on September 20, 2011. The following members were present: Bill Groskreutz, Tom Loveall, John Roper, Tom Warmka, and Greg Young Commissioners. Auditor/Treasurer/Coordinator John Thompson and County Attorney Troy Timmerman were also present.

The meeting was called to order by Chair Warmka.

The pledge of allegiance was recited.

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Roper/Young motion carried unanimously to approve the synopsis and official proceedings of the September 6, 2011 regular meeting.

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Groskreutz/Roper motion carried unanimously to approve the agenda of September 20, 2011.

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The calendar was updated.

Committee reports were given. Groskreutz reported on Minnesota River Board, Faribault County Economic Development Authority, Association of Minnesota Counties, and Minnesota Valley Action Council; Loveall reported on Region 9 and transit; Roper reported on SHIP and Association of Minnesota Counties, Three Rivers Resource Conservation and Development, and Minnesota Valley Action Council; Young reported on insurance committee, Fair Board Regional meeting, Prairieland, and Blue Earth City Council; and Warmka reported on Greater Blue Earth River Basin Alliance.

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Curtis Bentson of Winnebago appeared during public comment.

Loveall/Young motion carried unanimously to approve the repurchase of Parcel No. 31.200.2250, Lot 1 and 2 except the West 4 feet of Lot 2 of Block 19 in the Original Plat of the City of Winnebago to Curtis Bentson upon the payment in full of all taxes, special assessments, penalties, interest, and fees in the amount of $2,208.78 that were cancelled upon forfeiture for non-payment of property taxes. Said taxes shall be paid in full before October 15, 2011. The County Board has determined that the repurchase will correct any hardship and is in the best interest of the public.

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Central Services Director Brenda Ripley met regarding office business.

Roper/Young motion carried unanimously to hire Dennis Siegling of Midwest Benefit Solutions as our insurance agent/broker for one year effective November 1, 2011 at 2% broker fees.

Loveall/Groskreutz motion carried unanimously to accept the resignation of Deputy Todd Duit in the Sheriff department effective September 19, 2011.

Groskreutz/Loveall motion carried unanimously to approve hiring Pat Campbell of Blue Earth as deputy in the Sheriff department effective October 2, 2011.

Roper/Young motion carried unanimously to accept the resignation of Nancy Haas as paralegal in the County Attorney’s office effective December 31, 2011.

Loveall/Groskreutz motion carried unanimously to ratify the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) union contract for 2011.

Loveall/Groskreutz motion carried unanimously to accept International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE) Local 49 contract effective January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2013.

Young/Groskreutz motion carried unanimously to appoint Joe Udermann as County Assessor for a four year term beginning September 20, 2011.

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Blue Earth Chamber of Commerce Director Cindy Lyon met to discuss tourism and county contribution of $500.

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Faribault County Development Corporation Director Linsey Warmka met regarding office business. A handout of agency activities was reviewed.

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Soil and Water/Planning and Zoning Program Administrator Michele Stindtman, Assistant Program Administrator Brandee Douglas, and Resource Conservation Technician John Meyer met regarding office business.

Meyer updated the board on drainage items. Vickie Hanson, representing landowner Harold Ogburn, met to request that the tile be completely crushed in regards to County Ditch 14. There is 3800 feet of tile to be abandoned.

Roper/Young motion carried unanimously to abandon 3800 feet of tile on County Ditch 14 of the main tile line in Section 1 of Blue Earth Township. Private tile connections to the main tile being abandoned are to be extended to the open ditch channel of County Ditch 14 and to direct Resource Conservation Technician John Meyer to develop a plan to be presented at the October 4, 2011 board meeting and that staff is also directed to draft an order for such abandonment.

Stindtman reported on the progress of the interim pipeline ordinance. Douglas updated the board on grants.

Roper/Young motion carried unanimously to authorize the Faribault County Soil and Water Board to apply for CWF Accelerated Implementation grants for “East Branch Blue Earth River Targeting Tools” for $37,574 and “Faribault County Drainage System Online Targeting Tool” for $41,344. Each grant, if approved, will require a 25% local match from Faribault County.

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Public Works Director John McDonald met to discuss office business. A construction update was given.

Groskreutz/Roper motion carried unanimously to approve Resolution 11-RB10-39 for snowmobile trail maintenance grant. Commissioners Groskreutz, Loveall, Roper, Warmka, and Young voted yes.


WHEREAS,The County of Faribault desires to maintain the existing public snowmobile trail; and,

WHEREAS,The Minnesota Trails Assistance Program provides grants to localunits of governments for the maintenance of recreational trailspursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 84.83(1995); and,

WHEREAS,The Faribault County Public Works has applied to the State for a grant aid and presented the agreement for said trails and has submitted the Minnesota Assistance Program’s application forms.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Faribault County Board ofCommissioners fully supports and approves the application and grant agreement.

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Tax Clerk Lorrie Bosma met regarding SSTS business.

Loveall/Roper motion carried unanimously to approve the following SSTS loans: $7,699.20 to Randy and Pam Anderson on Parcel No. 08.013.060 in Emerald Township and $5,888.48 to Michael and Debra McCarty on Parcel No. 19.031.0501 in Walnut Lake Township.

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A public hearing was held regarding the County Water Plan. Soil and Water/Planning and Zoning Program Administrator Michele Stindtman, Assistant Program Administrator Brandee Douglas attended. Douglas explained the hearing process. No public comment was offered. The public hearing was closed.

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Loveall/Groskreutz motion carried unanimously request from S. Cory to attend course challenge for Assessment Laws and Procedures; G. Johnson to attend a 4-day Assessment Laws and Procedures course at Plymouth; and S. Robbins and J. Udermann to attend a 4-day Mn Assoc. of Assessing Officers conference in Cohasset; D. Bullerman to a 2-day Krav Maga defense tactics system training in St. Paul.

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Byron Jost, Chuck Pettipiece, and Judd Schiltz from Pettipiece and Associates met regarding Small Cities Development Program. Chuck Pettipiece discussed future grant opportunities. Pre-application is due by November 17, 2011.

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Young/Roper motion carried unanimously to authorize the payment of $21,500 to Prairieland Compost Facility from solid waste fees.

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Groskreutz/Roper motion carried unanimously to pay bills totaling $361,655.19 as follows:





DITCH FUNDS 10,675.72

$ 361,655.19

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The meeting was adjourned for September 2011.


Tom Warmka, Chairman John Thompson, Auditor/Treasurer/Coordinator

