Town of Koosharem Council Regular Meeting Minutes

Koosharem Town Council Room

April 1, 2015

Roll Call

Town Council: Mayor Lorna Stapley,

Council members: Jeff Hatch, Clark Beard, Clerk: Allison Lewis Treasurer: Lisa Burr

Absent Council Members: Terrin Hampton, Rhonda Robinson

Others Present: Ron Driggs, Brent Bagley, Van Ence

Called to Order

Mayor Lorna Stapley called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.

Public Comments

Van Ence presented the council with an estimate of materials for ATV speed limit signs to be posted. He would like to be added to the next agenda to further discuss the topic.

Mark Charington was responsible for the new Koosharem Sign recently installed.

Jake Bagley’s grandson is looking for an Eagle project. (Possible flower bed next to the Town office building.)

Consent Agenda

March check detail and March 4, 2015 minutes were presented to the Town Council for review and approval.

Council member Jeff Hatch made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Council member Clark Beard seconded the motion. Roll call vote: voting aye – Council members Beard, Hatch and Mayor Stapley


Review of 2015 Water Quality Report:

Council was given the report to review.

Town clean up May 18-26:

May 16th was suggested as a possible community clean-up day. Community will be asked to help in cleaning up around the Town Hall and surrounding areas. Information will be posted in the local businesses.

Firehouse/Ambulance Shed Internet services:

South Central will meet with the Mayor and Ron, to make a plan that would be reasonable for the Town. The county is willing to share the service and cost with the Fire Department.

Electric piano in the Town Hall:

Wana Lou would like to purchase the electric piano located in the Town Hall. The Mayor suggested the piano just be given to her, as it was going unused anyway. Council agreed that the piano could be given to Wana Lou.

Council member Jeff Hatch made a motion to approve Wanna Lou Burr be given the electric piano. Council member Clark Beard seconded the motion. Roll call vote: voting aye – Council members Beard, Hatch and Mayor Stapley

Reports from Departments

Planning Commission

The meetings are ready to begin. The dates and times will be discussed.

Fire Department:

Waxie bid was submitted. The consensus was to buy locally for products needed for the firehouse. A burn application was also submitted for approval of the council. The form will be made available at the Town office. Chief Bagley is using it as a safety precaution, having the community be more responsible when burning, and letting the fire department be aware of when they are burning. The department responded to 2 fires. One in Antimony, the other on Mytoge (Wild land fire). 3 trucks were taken to the Mytoge fire (6 people were on the fire). Ron will submit the forms to the Forestry, for payment to the firemen that were on the fire. The trucks are in need of repair. Mayor approved Ron to purchase the items to repair the trucks. An open house is scheduled for April 25th, 12-4. EMT’s will be available to do blood pressure and oxygen checks. Mayor offered to purchase hotdogs and cookies to have at the Open House.


Clark is preparing the grounds for May. He will be spraying weeds around the firehouse as well. The backhoe needs repairs done. Terry Carlson will be giving an estimate for the repairs.


Potholes will need to be filled this spring. Curtis made a suggestion to get road base from the county, which would last longer. Mayor will talk to the commission to see if they can provide any road base and gravel. The Fishlake road will be ground, this summer. Mayor will check with UDOT to find possibilities to get some of the ground-up road base.


Water Department

Jeff would like to work with Harlow to train for the water testing and reports.


Council was presented with the cash summary, a quarterly report, a shutoff and leak lists. Scada system was discussed.


7:08 p.m.

Council member Clark Beard made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Council member Jeff Hatch seconded the motion. Roll call vote: voting aye – Council members, Beard, Hatch and Mayor Stapley



Mayor Lorna B. Stapley


Approved this 10th day of June, 2015


Allison Lewis, Town Clerk


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Town Council Meeting –April 1, 2015