Present: Pam Peitz, Tom Pagano, Stacey Black, Cecily Ludka, Lakeesha Colbert, Mary Beth Linthicum, Debra Lunda
The meeting was called to order at 9:30am by Stacey Blank, MACVPR President
Treasurer’s Report: we currently have $23,630.72 in our account
Conference update:
- Pam discussed vendor support for the conference. At this point 8 have committed and Mary Beth has already received payment from most of them. There are a few we are still waiting to hear from and one that Pam submitted a grant application to. We should try to find a vendor for cath lab wires since Dr. Trost is doing an interventional talk. Stacey said she would try to get me contact information for them.
- CEU’s- we have already received approval from AACVPR for CEU’s, the AARC CEU’s are pending
- We discussed how to handle conference registration fees for those who are speaking at the conference but not receiving an honorarium. It was decided that the conference fee would be waived entirely.
- Door prizes: the following folks have agreed to provide baskets/door prizes: Mary Beth, Pam , Stacey, Tina, Doctor’s (Lakeesha and Cecily), Futurecare and Carroll Hospital.
- Pam will take care of having punch cards made for the vendors. We discussed handouts and it was decided power points would be mailed to individuals who register for the conference and they can print them if they choose. We do need to distribute an evaluation form as well as something which lists all the sponsors. Pam will look into the specifics of the vendor letter and what we are required to offer. Pam will find out if Meritus print shop is able to do the printing for us and send us an invoice.
- Pam will ask the Maritime Conference center if they will include tablets for taking notes
- Some folks are having difficulty registering on the website (see below under website). We will accepts checks as payment for the registration and membership fees.
- Debbie and Emily will be visiting the conference center soon to check out the layout, parking, signage etc.
Website update: Our website offers several layers of security. Some members are reluctant to use the website because they do not see the small lock which denotes security. That lock icon would cost MACVPR $1500 each year but it doesn’t really add any extra security beyond what we currently have. It was decided to continue with the present security we have.
Brett recently performed an update on the website and it is now working better although some members are still having difficulty with registering or paying dues. Stacey will contact Brett our webmaster regarding the issues.
We will provide Mary Beth’s home address in upcoming e-mails for folks who cannot or will not use the website.
Day on the Hill- we have 6 members attending Day on the Hill March 13th and 14th. Topics to be discussed include daily supervision by an N.P. or P.A, off-site program reimbursement and pulmonary rehab reimbursement. There is a class on “The Road to Reform” which individuals will participate in on Monday.
Off-site- Tina has recently done research on the rules and regulations for off-site programs so questions regarding that can be referred to her.
The group is looking in to how we can allow folks to conference call in to the meetings when they are unable to physically come. Debbie will look into the options at Baltimore Washington Hospital where meetings are held. Pam will look in to other options.
Fall dinner meeting- Would be either November 7th or 14th in Baltimore. Pam will check availability at Timbuktu. We discussed possibly having two short presentations, one pulmonary and one cardiac since the pulmonary dinner meetings are not a big draw.
The meeting was adjourned at 1130am.
Submitted by,
Pam Peitz, RN, BSN, MS
MACVPR Secretary
Addendum: since the meeting, the AARC CEU credits have been approved.