February 12, 2014
The East Nantmeal Township Board of Supervisors held its regular meeting on the above date at the Township Building. Present were Supervisors Jenkins, Wren and Cochrane. Solicitor Oeste was also present. Secretary/Treasurer Brumfield was absent due to illness.
The meeting was called to order at 7:15 PM by Chairman Jenkins.
Chairman Jenkins announced that Secretary/Treasurer Brumfield has been ill, was hospitalized and is home recovering.
Motion by Cochrane, seconded by Wren to approve the minutes of the January 6, 2014 Reorganization meeting. All in favor.
Motion by Cochrane, seconded by Wren to approve the minutes of the January 6, 2014 Regular meeting. All in favor.
Due to the Treasurer’s illness, there was no Treasurer’s report.
Chuck Cutlip delivered a routine building inspector and zoning officer’s report. Details can be found in the January 28, 2014 Building and Zoning Report filed in the Township office.
Committee Reports:
Environmental Advisory Council:
No report.
Planning Commission:
Ed Bacon reported that the Commission is reviewing the draft Comprehensive Plan. The meeting for February has been cancelled.
Historical Commission:
Mrs. Gordon-Watson reported that the Bulltown marker is not completed and a date has not been set for placing of the marker. There will be a virtual tour of Nantmeal Village at the Township Building on April 16, 2014. There will be a speaker in May on the history of women’s contributions to Chester County. Mr. Wren asked Mr. Bacon to take some photos of the Village when the weather clears for the Nantmeal Register application.
Ordinance Review Committee:
Mr. Wren stated that the Committee finished its review of the Comprehensive Plan and a draft has been prepared.
Chairman Jenkins read a list of Public meeting dates and other important dates to remember including but not limited to:
- Planning Commission – February13, 2014 – 7:30 PM – cancelled.
- Township office closed February 17, 2014 – President’s Day
- Historical commission – February 19, 2014 – 7:00 PM
New Business (taken out of order):
Mr. John Smirga, PLS, presented a proposed driveway plan for an 18-acre property on Potts School Road owned by Mr. and Mrs. Ted MacKay. The property can be accessed through an easement across a neighbor’s property, Mr. Higgins. Mr. Higgins prefers that the easement not be used.
MacKay has requested four waivers from the Driveway Ordinance for the proposed driveway – width, paving, grade and distance to property line.
The Board indicated it was not inclined to grant waivers from the paving requirement for the first 15 feet of the driveway or the required 10-foot distance from a property line. The Board may be willing to permit delaying the paving for some period. The Board also may be willing to waive the requirement that the entire driveway be paved due to the steepness and the width requirement, subject to receiving more information from the applicant and the Township Engineer. The Applicant will submit a revised plan with more detailed information regarding profiles, tree removal and stormwater management.
Mr. John Philips has resigned from the EAC by letter dated December 31, 2013.
Old Business:
Motion by Wren, seconded by Cochrane to approve the Conditional Use Decision and Order dated February 12, 2014 for the Green Valleys Watershed Association. All in favor.
New Business:
Motion by Wren, seconded by Jenkins to enact Ordinance 2014 – 1 - Stormwater Ordinance. Jenkins and Wren in favor; Cochrane opposed.
Motion by Wren, seconded by Cochrane to pay bills from the General Fund in the amount of $24,618.47. All in favor,.
Motion by Cochrane, seconded by Wren to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 PM. All in favor.
Thomas F. Oeste, Township Solicitor (Acting Secretary)