/ NJLA Executive Board Meeting
MonroeTownshipPublic Library
November 17, 2009
  1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 10:10am by Susan Briant.

2. Roll Call

Members present: Susan Briant, Ingrid Bruck, Nicole Cooke, Heidi Cramer, Cindy Czesak, Trevor Dawes, Susan Fichtelberg, Jane Fisher, Keith McCoy, Cheryl O’Connor, Bill Paullin, Mary Romance, Pat Vasilik, Leah Wagner, Nancy Weiner

Members absent: Jayne Beline, Joe DaRold,

Staff: Pat Tumulty

Guests: Norma Blake, Brett Bonfield, Eleanor Jordan

3. Adoption of the Agenda

Cindy Czesak moved to adopt the agenda; Leah Wagner seconded.

4. Minutes

Keith McCoy moved to approve the minutes; Cheryl O’Connor seconded. Minutes approved unanimously.

5. Financial Report –Keith McCoy

  • Keith noted that we are one third of the way through the year and we are on track as far as income versus expenses. Keith also noted that the portfolios are rebounding. Susan noted the report would be filed for audit.
  • In other financial business, Heidi Cramer asked for an update on the funds for scholarships. Keith noted that there is less money than last year, reporting that $16k-$17k was available for scholarships last year whereas he expects the figures for this year to be in the $11k-$12k range. Keith reported that the Scholarship Committee will be provided with the figures.
  • Keith also reported that the Investment Committee would be meeting in early January. Members of the Committee will be filling out a questionnaire for the advisors at Smith Barney to identify how we want to direct our investments.

6. Reports

President-Susan Briant

  • Committees.
  • Susan thanked everyone for volunteering to serve as Board Liaisons to the various Sections and Committees. Susan also thanked those who signed up to serve on the various Executive Board Committees.
  • Miscellaneous.
  • Susan announced that the December Executive Board meeting scheduled for December 15th has been canceled. There is a program sponsored by the NJLA PAC subcommittee scheduled for that morning. Susan announced that following the program, the Fall Business Meeting would be held and everyone is encouraged to attend the program and the meeting.
  • NJASL Conference: Susan noted that the recent NJASL Conference was well attended and a very successful conference.
  • NJLA/NJASL Joint Committee: Susan announced that Leah Wagner and Cheryl O’Connor volunteered to serve on the Committee, joining Nancy Weiner who is the liaison to NJASL. The joint committee expects to meet sometime before January.
  • Everyday Advocacy: Susan reported that the Public Policy Committee is meeting on December 4 and will be working on transition strategies in light of a new governor being elected.
  • Conference Committee: Susan announced that proposals were due yesterday and that the Committee is moving along with the planning for the conference.
  • NJLABuilding Fair: Susan reported that the Building Fair had 76 attendees and went very well. Susan thanked Leah Wagner for hosting the fair at the Monroe Township Public Library and noted that evaluations indicated that many of the attendees were wowed by the library.
  • Marketing Fair: Susan noted that this has been scheduled for June and that Jane Fisher has volunteered to work on this event.

Executive Director – Patricia Tumulty

  • Activities.
  • Pat noted that it has been a very busy fall and all the programs, many of which were done in partnership with the State Library, were very successful. Pat also noted there is a need for an adult services forum and perhaps it should be offered on a regular basis.
  • Pat reported she received an email from Bill Dressel, editor of the NJ League of Municipalities Magazine, seeking input on the relationship between libraries and job seekers. Pat noted this would be a great venue to highlight the need to expand broadband access within the state and promote the fact that libraries play a vital role for many residents.
  • Pat also reported that the Public Policy Committee is working on a transition paper in light of the election of a new governor.

ALA Councilor – Cindy Czesak

  • Miscellaneous.
  • Cindy reminded everyone that ALA Midwinter is being held in Boston from January 15th- January 19th. Cindy also noted that ALA Council would like to keep chapters informed as to their activities and Cindy, in her role as Councilor, will continue to do so for NJLA.
  • Cindy also discussed how fortunate we are as an organization to have a full time director and that the director happens to be Pat Tumulty. Cindy noted that in recent months a few library organizations, notably California and Missouri, eliminated their staffs and that NJLA is fortunate to be in the position to retain our staff thanks to the continued support of the Association by its members.

7. Committees and Sections

Personnel Administration Subcommittee-Susan Briant

  • Salary Guide & Salary for Library Associate Recommendations.
  • Susan reported that the PAC Subcommittee has asked to present at the next Board meeting regarding their proposed Salary Guide. Susan recommended that the issue be tabled until the January meeting.
  • A few questions were raised about the contents of the documents and discussion ensued. Concerns were raised about the inclusion of all the Civil Service titles, population totals tied to library staff sizes and the grouping of librarian/senior librarians together in a few of the library structures. Consensus was reached on the following issues:
  • A statement/bullet should indicate that increases will keep pace with a particular statistical measure/index.
  • A statement regarding the use of Civil Service titles should be included.
  • Strike “junior” librarian.
  • Remove population totals.
  • Without a member of the PAC Subcommittee present at this meeting to respond to particular questions, Keith McCoy moved to table the PAC report until January. Motion passed and a member of the PAC subcommittee will attend the meeting in January.

Public Policy Committee-Cindy Czesak

  • Resolution on 2009 Reauthorization of the USA Patriot Act
  • Cindy reviewed the document that was previously distributed and noted that the original language is from ALA and that the Public Policy Committee made minor changes to document.
  • After review, Cindy moved to amend Public Policy’s Resolution and add under #6 “New Jersey Congressional Delegation”. Keith McCoy seconded; motion to amend passed unanimously.
  • Discussion continued about the length of the document and some of the language. Cindy explained this is an ALA document and only part of it can be modified by each chapter.
  • Cindy Czesak moved to adopt the resolution as amended; Keith McCoy seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Nominations & Elections Committee-Heidi Cramer

  • Heidi reported there will be multiple positions open on the Executive Board in 2010. Elections to fill the following positions will be held: Treasurer, Secretary, Three (3) At-Large positions, One (1) College & University Section member and One (1) vacancy to be filled by an ALA Councilor.
  • Heidi noted that the Nominating Petition was sent to Pat for review and would be available at the Fall Business Meeting. Those seeking office need signatures from 15 NJLA members to be placed on the ballot.

Miscellaneous Committee-Susan Briant

  • Susan announced that an ad-hoc committee has been formed to scout out locations for a permanent home for the NJLA office. Susan and Pat will be on this committee, along with Brett Bonfield, Cindy Czesak, Keith McCoy and Bill Paullin.

8. Reports

Snapshot Day-Heidi Cramer

  • Heidi reported on Snapshot Day, which was held on October 7. Some of the highlights:
  • Fewer participants than February, but we still had 200 libraries reporting their statistics, with 150,000 patrons walking through the doors of libraries.
  • Questions about employment help totaled around 1,000 for the day and 900 patrons learned computer skills.
  • Fewer comments were collected from libraries, but almost 1,000 pictures were uploaded to the Flickr site.
  • Heidi noted that the pictures, quotes and feedback will be shared with government entities and that the statistics from the two days will be averaged.
  • Heidi also reported that she, along with Peggy Cadigan and Pat Tumulty, will be talking with ALA on Friday to discuss the possibility of taking Snapshot Day national.

New JerseyState Library – Norma Blake

  • Norma reported on a number of activities and programs. Highlights include:
  • The State Library received a Gates Grant which will provide a consultant who will work out of the State Library for 14 weeks compiling the grant proposal. If BTOP (Broadband Technology Opportunities Program) funding is awarded to the NJ State Library, the Gates Foundation will pay the 20 percent matching funding required by the BTOP. Norma also reported if we receive this grant, that Rob Zangara, who is relocating to Seattle, will continue to help with the project.
  • Norma announced that Mike Rasimowicz has been hired to replace Rob and he is slated to start on November 30.
  • The SWAT Team of library transformers will be helping four libraries with their interiors. There was a tremendous response to the program and 34 libraries applied.
  • The Celebrity Champions campaign is garnering attention.
  • The State Library has extended participation in the Pennies for Peace Campaign.
  • The 2011 budget has been posted to the website.
  • The Library Regional Response Network Initiative grant will fund the contents of one library emergency response “locker” or “container” that includes approximately $10,000 of emergency supplies meant to be used in the case of a large-scale disaster.
  • The Tutor.com is being continued in Burlington, Hudson, Morris, Essex and Passaic counties thanks to the State Library and PSEG.
  • The Talking Book & BrailleCenter has received the digital talking book cartridges and the Open House for the library is scheduled for May 5.
  • Snapshot Day was very popular at various State Librarians’ Conferences.
  • Marc Mappen will present during the Library’s lunchtime authors’ program, “There’s more to New Jersey than the Sopranos” on November 19.
  • Norma also reported that Governor Corzine wants $400 million dollars back and has requested proposals on how to cut money from budgets by December 1.

RutgersSchool of Communication –Nicole Cooke

  • Nicole reported for Marie Radford who was at a conference and noted that Joe Sanchez has joined the faculty at Rutgers, SCI He received his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin in 2009, and his dissertation research involved an ethnographic study in the virtual world Second Life.
  • Nicole also noted two upcoming events, the Beta Phi Mu program on November 18th at 7:30pm that will be held at Alexander Library and the PhD Program information session that is scheduled for November 24th in the SCI building.

New Jersey Association of School Librarians –Eleanor Jordan

  • Eleanor noted that NJASL is looking forward to working with the joint committee to discuss plans for legislative day in March.
  • Eleanor also reported on having the opportunity to meet ALA Presidential Candidate, Sarah Kelly Johns at the recent NJASL Conference. Johns is a school media specialist in Lake Placid, New York and a past president of AASL.

New Jersey Library Trustees Association-Pat Tumulty

  • Pat reported on a recent program presented by the New JerseyState Library & the
    New Jersey Library Trustee Association, “Resources, Law & Competencies for Library Trustees”. Held on two dates at two locations, Essex and Morris counties, the programs were a success and very well attended.
  • Pat noted that for a variety of reasons, the annual Friends Celebration was not well attended and we will look for ways in the coming year to increase participation. Jane Fisher suggested going to Friends Groups and asking for someone to be a liaison to the NJLA Friends group or perhaps designate a liaison.


The meeting was adjourned at 11:55am

Respectfully submitted by

Nancy Weiner, NJLA Secretary

NJLA Executive Board Meeting Minutes November 17,2009Page 1