Susan P. Johnson
3120 W. Riley Thompson Rd.
Whitehall, Michigan 49461
231-759-7909 (work)
231-670-6722 (cell)
Publication Achievements
2010 In Progress: Book chapter on Latino youth, homelessness and mental health issues with colleagues from Michigan State University and the University of Arizona. ABC-CLIO, Santa Barbara.
2008 First Author: CPS and Battered Women: How Child Protection Workers Support or Further Victimize Battered Mothers. (In publishing). Affilia Journal of Women and Social Work, V 23, # 3, August 2008.
2006 Author: Workforce Innovation Best Practice Review: Key Themes and Strategies from the Literature. Published Report, Commissioned by the Community Research Institute, Johnson Center for Philanthropy, Grand Valley State University. Grand Rapids, MI.
Teaching Experience
2010 Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan
Temporary Faculty: School of Social Sciences. Teaching graduate students (both Masters and Doctoral) course on Adolescent Development
2008-Present Arizona State University, Phoenix/Tempe, Arizona
Adjunct Professor: School of Public and Community Affairs, Lodestar Center for Public and Non-Profit Education. Teaching distance learning courses (on line) for graduate students including Grant Seeking and Program Evaluation
2006-Present: Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids/Allendale, Michigan
Adjunct Professor: School of Public and Non-Profit Administration, School of Social Work. Teaching both undergraduate and graduate students in Grant Writing, Research Methods, Non Profit and Public Boards of Trustees, and Voluntarism
2002 Michigan State University, Lansing, Michigan
Teaching Assistant: Assisted Dr. Francisco Villaruel in an on-line seminar course for graduate students in adolescent social issues
2004-2006: Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan
Instructor: Provided seminars on domestic violence, family violence and child abuse to Masters of Social Work candidates
2002-2003 Baker College, Muskegon Michigan
Instructor: Taught undergraduate courses in Family Violence, Child Welfare and Adolescent Development
2002-2005 Muskegon Community College, Muskegon, Michigan
Instructor: Provided seminars on domestic violence, family violence and child abuse to Bachelor-level students for a “Social Issues” class
2003 Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan
Adjunct Faculty: Taught Balanced and Restorative Justice Distance Learning Seminar, a class on Poverty, Policy and Family Economics, and Homeless Youth On-campus Symposium to Master’s Level students.
Research Interests:
Families in Crisis, Marginalized/Vulnerable Populations, Inter-and Intra-systemic Issues, Child and Adolescent Development
Theoretical Frameworks:
Theoretical Perspectives: I am most comfortable and experienced in the following frameworks: Social Interaction, Rational Choice, Feminist and Conflict Theories.
Educational Experience
1999-2006 Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan
Ph.D. Child and Family Ecology: Child and Family Studies
GPA: 3.93 Dissertation Title: Child Welfare and Domestic Abuse: The Intersection of Safety and Accountability
2004: University of South Carolina: Research Associates
Certified Grants Specialist: Completed certification program (120 hours of study) on grant writing, grant reviewing, and contract analysis and implementation
1998-1999 University of Wisconsin
Madison, Wisconsin
Certification: Excellence in Non-Profit Leadership
1995-1997 Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo, Michigan
Masters of Public Administration, Summa Cum Laude GPA: 4.0
Runner-Up Award for Pi Alpha Alpha/University Thesis of the Year Award
1993-1995 Spring Arbor University
Spring Arbor, Michigan (Grand Rapids Cohort MOD-19)
Bachelor of Management and Organizational Development
Summa Cum Laude GPA: 3.92
1970-1972 Muskegon Community College
Muskegon, Michigan
Diploma, Nursing GPA: 3.85
Organizational Memberships
Muskegon County Community Coordinating Council (Multi-Purpose Collaborative Body): Past Chair, Budget Committee Chair, Member
Human Services Advisory Committee: Baker College: Member, Curriculum Development Committee, Member: Department of Human Services Steering Committee
Michigan State 4-H: Registered Horse Show judge, Clinician, State Judge’s Advisory Council
National Pi Alpha Alpha Society: Western Michigan University Chapter, Kalamazoo, MI: Member since 1998, Winner: Runner-up Thesis of the Year Award (for Master’s Thesis)
National Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society: Western Michigan University Chapter, Kalamazoo, Michigan: Member since 1998
Omicron Nu Society: Michigan State University Chapter, East Lansing, Michigan: Member since 2003
United Way of Muskegon County Director’s Advisory Board: Member, Director, Past Chair
Muskegon County Continuum of Care Homelessness Coalition: Past chair, Member, Co-author of Continuum of Care Plan, HUD grant
Muskegon County Emergency Needs Committee: Member
Muskegon County Multi-Cultural Committee: Member
Professional Experience
May, 1997-Present: The Almond Center for Women and Children --
Every Woman’s Place & Webster House Youth Services
Muskegon, Michigan
CEO: Responsible for day-to-day operations of a large non-profit organization serving adult and child survivors of domestic violence and/or sexual assault, homeless youth, delinquent youth, and families in crisis. The agency provides both residential and non-residential services, and was recognized by the US Congress in 2003 and again in 2005 as one of the top three youth-serving non-profits in the country. The CEO supervises a diverse staff of eight-five, over 150 volunteers, and reports directly to a volunteer Board of Directors. In addition, the CEO also is responsible for writing grant applications for funding amounting to 2.1 million dollars annually. Responsible for the compliance of all contracts and readiness for state and federal site reviews. I am well-versed in research-based programming, and outcome-based evaluations using both qualitative and quantitative measures.
June, 2007-Present: Tri-Dox Consulting
Muskegon, Michigan
Part-Owner: One of a three-member consulting group providing research, analysis, and white paper reporting for a variety of professional organizations. My role is most often centered on the research and written reporting functions.
2006-Present: Non-profit Consultant
Facilitator: Facilitated strategic planning, evaluation research and board development activities for non-profit organizations in Michigan. Consulted with organizations including Habitat for Humanity, the Urban League, Domestic Violence Survivor Services, Animal Welfare Organizations and Homeless Youth Service Providers
Non-Profit Consultant: Trained and certified as a consultant for the purpose of organizational development and capacity building by the NonProfit Alliance (Kellogg Foundation)
2006: Michigan Network for Youth/Michigan Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence
Trainer: Provided training for professional members of the Michigan Network for Youth and Michigan Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence on program collaboration, competing theories and organizational mergers
2003-Present Michigan State Department of Social Services
Lansing, Michigan
Site Review Analyst: Completed site review audits for DHS at fourteen agencies receiving state and federal funds. Reviews were conducted in the following areas: Policy and Governance, Financial Procedures and Oversight, Facilities, Programming, Staff and Volunteer Management, Income Development/Fundraising, Contract Compliance and Systems Change Efforts. Completed written report and submitted to DHS to determine viability, risk of fraud, and functionality of the agencies reviewed. I am currently under contract with the state to audit additional agencies this coming year.
2006: Woman’s Leadership Network
Muskegon, Michigan
Presenter: Created and presented a seminar for sixty professionals on poverty and interrelated social issues as part of an awareness campaign by the local United Way.
2004-2005 Administration for Children, Youth and Families
Lansing, Michigan
Grant Reviewer: Reviewed and made funding recommendations for the state on McKinney Vento grant applications from across Michigan
1999-2003 Baker College
Muskegon, Michigan
Faculty Member: Taught Associate and Bachelor level students enrolled in the Human Services program. Courses taught included Introduction to Humans Services, Abuse and Neglect in the Family, Bachelor level Internship seminars/supervision and Human Service Resources.
1997-2006 GVSU, University of Notre Dame, Western Michigan University, Michigan State University, Central Michigan University, Baker College
Field Instructor: Conducted on-site supervisory responsibilities for graduate and undergraduate students in their internships. Mentored and evaluated the performances of interns, participated in periodic performance reviews with student and faculty advisor.
1995-2006 Muskegon Area Labor/Management Committee
Consultant/Instructor: Provided day-long experiential seminars for High School Seniors in Contract Negotiations. Provided evaluation services to the Committee on the effectiveness of the seminar and satisfaction of the participants/instructors.
1995-1998 Volunteer Muskegon!
Muskegon, Michigan
Executive Director: Responsible for day to day operations of a nonprofit organization dedicated to securing and allocating volunteers, enhancing community service and service learning in secondary schools, and mentoring youth at risk.
1993-1995 Child Abuse Council of Muskegon County
Muskegon, Michigan
Director of Programs and Prevention Services: Responsible for the research, development and implementation of abuse prevention programs for children and adolescents, parental support services, children’s sexual assault forensic services, court-appointed special advocates and public awareness campaigns.
1972-1993 Muskegon Area Intermediate Schools
Muskegon, Michigan
Nurse; Vocational and Safety Trainer: Responsible for the care of developmentally disabled students, classroom and community support programs for parents, vocational training for medically fragile students entering the workplace, developed and implemented abuse prevention curricula for developmentally disabled individuals.
1991-1992 Michigan Department of Education
Lansing, Michigan
Consultant for Curriculum Development: Responsible for the research and development of personal safety curricula for the Michigan Model Health Education Project.