Minutes, Meeting of the Board of Trustees
August 11, 1998
The meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Long Beach Community College District, County of Los Angeles, California, was held in Room 101, I Building, Liberal Arts Campus, 4901 East Carson Street, Long Beach, on August 11, 1998. .
The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m., the items to be discussed in closed session were announced, and the meeting was adjourned to closed session.
The meeting was reconvened in open session at 5:00 p.m. in Room 101. President McNinch reported that, in closed session, the Board approved Dr. Kehoe’s goals for 1998-99.
New faculty member, ESL instructor, William Brazda, led the Pledge of Allegiance.
President McNinch: Thank you very much. It was a delight to look through the papers to see that we “grew a lot of our own,” and that’s not to take anything away from those of you who we have imported.
Present:President McNinch, Vice President Lofland,
Member Clark, Member Polsky, Member Thorpe
Absent:Student Trustee Beatty
President McNinch: Is there a motion for approval of the minutes of July 7, 1998?
It was moved by Member Clark, seconded by Member Lofland, that the minutes of the meeting of July 7, 1998, be approved as distributed. The motion carried, all voting aye.
President McNinch: I’d like to reorder the agenda so that item 5.1, which includes the employment of new faculty for fall 1998, be approved at this time.
It was moved by Member Polsky, seconded by Member Clark, that item 5.1, Academic Personnel, be approved.
The motion carried, all voting aye.
President McNinch: At this time I’d like to turn the meeting over to Dr. Marilyn Brock, Vice President, Academic Affairs, who will introduce the mentors who will be presenting each new faculty member. Immediately following all the introductions we will adjourn for a reception in honor of our new faculty.
Vice President Brock: I would like to congratulate the faculty who have worked extremely hard in bringing these wonderful new people to us, and all the hours that were spent in these interviews, and so forth. We had an outstanding group of people working with them on faculty orientation. They have been on campus all day today, they will be here again all day tomorrow and again on Thursday, with College Day on Friday.
Gerry Eldred, of Staff Development, has been working very hard, and Janice Tomson, as Faculty Senate President, has been working very hard and Frances Shelby has really worked very hard with these new folks. They all have mentors and their mentors are going to introduce them to the Board tonight.
The following faculty were introduced by their mentors:
New Full Time Faculty Members Mentors
Fred Beebe, EconomicsFrances Shelby
William Brazda, ESLAlicia Andujo
Scott Brueckner, Learning/Study SkillsWilla Nelson
Patricia Bucho, Health Occupations/Medical AssistingChristina Guillen
Karyn Daniels, SociologyGreg Florence
Ralph De La Ossa, Fire ScienceWill Shaw
David Dominguez, EnglishJoan Zuckerman
Paula Fisher, Child DevelopmentWendy Hornsby
Joan Gallangher, Computer and Office TechnologiesGerry Eldred
John Garrison, MathematicsTil Eneyew
Rachel Hollenberg, PhilosophyDelia DuRoss
Charlotte Jackson, Spanish/FrenchJeri Florence
Mathew Lawrence, PhilosophyCraig Hendricks
John David Lehman, HistoryPat McKean
Marvin Miller, Physical EducationRich Weber
Mehdi Mirfattah, MathematicsGary Scott
Ann Mithchell, PhotographyFrances Shelby
David Morse, EnglishSandy Rittman
Jennifer Lynn Musick, HealthJulie Simpson
Yuel-Ling O’Connor, GeologyApril Mansfield
Zenaida Pancho, Vocational NursingLinda Bridge
Michael Reisbig, Assistant Football CoachDelia DuRoss
Gary Rhodes, WeldingCarolyn Williamson
Helen Sabin, ReadingLinda Gordon
Rodolfo Sanchez, Auto BodyDarlene Bartosik
Coleen Sterritt, SculptureJohn Smith
Don Fonsay Turner, EOPS & CAREDavid Thrift
Ramalingum Rajen Vurdien, ReadingMike Avila
Laura Scavuzzo Wheeler, EnglishBrad Roa
Judith Wisenbaker, Vocational NursingGene Carbonaro
At 5:30 p.m. the meeting was convened for a reception in honor of these new faculty members.
President McNinch reconvened the meeting at 6:00 p.m.
Committee Reports
Member Lofland: This is actually the minutes of the Budget Advisory Committee meeting:
"1.The committee approved the June 18, 1998, BAC Minutes without changes.
"2.Catalina provided a handout that brought the BAC up-to-date on the status of the Partnership for Excellence (PFE) saga. It appears that the college will receive approximately $1.8M in PFE funds. At present we have no guidance on how the additional funds will be provided, because the State’s budget is not yet approved. We are hopeful the Governor’s workshop on August 5, 1998, will provide the appropriate guidance. BAC members are encouraged to attend the Southern California session held in Newport Beach. Entry information can be found on the Community College League web site. The BAC concurred that the Academic Council would be a good forum to address the recommendation process for “handling” the PFE funds and associated requirements.
"3.Catalina provided an update on the budget close-out and preparation schedules. Due to several scheduling conflicts, and the requirement for the formal Budget Workshop in early September, the BAC set August 24, 1998, as the next meeting to review the budget and make appropriate recommendations before it goes to Dr. Kehoe and the Board for approval.
"4.The BAC discussed the need for correcting “breakdowns in communication” on budget issues and better information for the faculty, especially at the department head level. In addition to budget workshops offered in the fall, the BAC recommended an information booth for College Day. BAC members will be encouraged to help support the booth by calling Janice Tomson and volunteering to assist for an hours on August 14. Fiscal Affairs is also available to attend training sessions that the deans or administrators may schedule to discuss the budget process.
"5.The next meeting will be August 24, 1998 at 1:30-4:00 in the English Lounge."
Member Clark: The Legislative Advocacy Team met today and reviewed legislation that is proposed -- various legislative bills. There will be several more meetings of the committee which has representation from the Board, President McNinch and myself, and all the organizations here. There will be meetings next Tuesday, August 18 and August 25. Then there will be a report that we will have before the Board on September 1 of various bills that we have indicated as to what positions we should take.
President McNinch: Sherlyn is not available this evening, so I will be giving her report. This is August 11.:
"I will be flying to Sacramento with Mrs. Florence, ASB Advisor, to attend the CCLC Student Trustee Workshop this weekend. I am anxious to meet fellow student trustees from throughout California and learn more about my responsibilities as LBCC’s student trustee.
"Fall semester classes begin on Monday. Welcome Back activities will be held on Tuesday at LAC and on Thursday at PCC. Both activities will begin at 11 a.m. and will feature refreshments and entertainment compliments of the ASB.
"Join-A-Club day at LAC will be held on August 25th at LAC and September 3rd at PCC. Campus clubs and organizations will have membership information available to all interested students and all those with a valid College Service Card will be treated to a free lunch.
"On behalf of the entire student body, I would like to add my welcome to our new faculty members. Students attend Long Beach City College knowing that they will receive an outstanding education and thus be prepared to pursue a higher degree at a four year university or begin their career. You have a wonderful opportunity to not just broaden their knowledge of a particular subject area, but to motivate and encourage them to become well-rounded individuals by contributing to campus and community activities. LBCC has a wonderfully diverse student activity program. Your assistance in helping to advertise events on campus to your students would be most appreciated. The activity hour is held on both campuses every Tuesday and Thursday from 11 a.m. to 12 noon. If your schedule permits, walk over to the College Center lawn at LAC or in front of the Student Center at PCC and join in the festivities. Funding is available through the ASB for campus speakers and programs. I hope that you will share your ideas for cultural and academic programming with me or other members of the ASB Cabinet and allow us to work with you. I am excited that you have joined the Viking family and I extend my very best wishes for a successful and fulfilling academic year.
"This concludes my report."
Since most of the new faculty is no longer here, may I request that copies of this be put in their mailboxes.
Janice Tomson: Good evening. In the interest of good communication with the Board, I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce the Senate Executive Committee for 1998-99. They’ll have to stand. The Vice President is Connie Sears and Connie teaches Physical Education. Our Secretary for this year is Priscilla Remeta, and Priscilla teaches voice. Our Treasurer is Craig Hendricks, and Craig teaches History. The LAC Representative is Mary Ellmann, and Mary teaches Reading. Our other LAC Representative is Frances Shelby and Frances is a Counselor. Our Curriculum Committee Chair is Patrice Kaska, and Patrice teaches Basic Adult Education and works with Disabled Student Services. Our PCC Representative is Bruce Yoho, and he’s not here today; Bruce teaches Aviation Maintenance; and our Past President is Bonnie Brinkman and Bonnie teaches English and she’s doing her civic duty on Jury Duty. That concludes my report.
President McNinch: Opportunity will be given to citizens to address the Board of Trustees on matters of general District business. This is the time for members of the public to speak and be heard and share their comments with the Board and for the Board to listen. Therefore, the public should not expect the Board to comment or respond to public comments. A particular position should not be inferred if there are no Board member comments during this time.
The time limits are five minutes for items appearing on the agenda and three minutes for items not appearing on the agenda. The time limits may be extended with approval of the Board. Action may not be taken on items not appearing on the agenda. After receiving testimony, the Board may recommend placing such item(s) on the agenda of a future meeting or referring the item(s) to staff for a report.
At this time, Mr. Art Andrade, CSEA President, is going to be addressing us on Agenda Item 12.9, and you have five minutes, sir.
Art Andrade: Good evening.
To: Dianne McNinch, President, Board of Trustees
Patricia Lofland, Vice President, Board of Trustees
Dr. Thomas Clark, Member, Board of Trustees
Trudy Polsky, Member, Board of Trustees
Darwin Thorpe, Member Board of Trustees
Dr. Kehoe, Superintendent-President
Randall Wooten, Vice President, Administrative Services
Subject: Agenda Item 12.9, Subject: The Pulse Copy and Technology Center
Agenda item number 12.9 is an action item to enter into a contract with CET for Pulse Copy and Technology Center. CSEA is requesting that this item be tabled until after our scheduled meeting with the District, on this subject, Thursday, August 13, 1998.
We are opposed to contracting out of unit positions. In addition, we have not been provided the opportunity to review the proposed contract with CET.
Since our meeting to discuss this issue with the District is already scheduled, we feel that it is premature to take action on this issue until it is resolved with the exclusive representative of classified employees at Long Beach City College.
Thank you.
Member Clark: I don’t know whether to bring it up at this point or not. We’re still going to have discussion on 12.9?
President McNinch: Yes.
Member Clark: O.K. I’ll wait until then.
The following items were part of the Consent Agenda
It was recommended by the Administrative Dean, Human Resources, and the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the following actions:
New Contract Faculty11
Temporary Contract1
Special Project Assignments3
Hourly Instructors - Spring2
Hourly Instructors - Summer65
Hourly Counselors - Summer3
Hourly Instructors - Fall133
Hourly Counselors - Fall12
Hourly Substitute Instructors11
In-Service Changes
Department Head Election1
Changes to Previous Board Actions - Contract8
Change to Previous Board Action - Hourly1
It was recommended by the Administrative Dean, Human Resources, and the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the following actions:
Probationary 4
Working Out of Class 5
Exempt From the Merit System256
In-Service Changes
Administrative Leave With Pay1
Leaves of Absence Without Pay4
Change to Previous Board Meeting2
Personnel Commission Action3
Retirement 2
It was recommended by the Vice President, Administrative Services, and the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the following actions:
Appropriation Transfers
Salary Warrants
Ratify issuance of salary warrants listed on Register 3638 through Register 3650 for the period June 15, 1998, through July 17, 1998, in the amount of $2,613,877.07 as listed.
Register No. 3638Warrant Nos. 0619617 - 0619996$ 153,020.45
Issued 06/16/98
Register No. 3639Warrant Nos. 0619997 - 0619998$ 7,072.50
Issued 06/16/98
Register No. 3640Warrant Nos. 0619999 - 0620108$ 35,800.55
Issued 06/16/98
Register No. 3641Warrant Nos. 0620109 - 0620110$ 3,595.33
Issued 06/16/98
Register No. 3642Warrant Nos. 0620111 - 0620165$ 142,140.00
Issued 06/16/98
Register No. 3643Warrant Nos. 0620166 - 0620296$ 1,167,507.68
Issued 06/30/98
Register No. 3644Warrant Nos. 0620297 - 0620527$ 475,474.20
Issued 07/09/98
Register No. 3645Warrant Nos. 0620528 - 0620859$ 278,527.00
Issued 07/09/98
Register No. 3646Warrant Nos. 0620860 - 0621115$ 158,990.15
Issued 07/16/98
Register No. 3647Warrant Nos. 0621116 - 0621131$ 14,355.09
Issued 07/16/98
Register No. 3648Warrant Nos. 0621132 - 0621185$ 26,040.62
Issued 07/16/98
Register No. 3649Warrant Nos. 0621186 - 0621186$ 393.50
Issued 07/16/98
Register No. 3650Warrant Nos. 0621187 - 0621242$ 150,960.00
Issued 07/16/98______
Commercial Warrants
Ratify issuance of commercial warrants for the period June 15, 1998, through July 17, 1998, in the amount of $2,120,471.26 as listed.
Period Ending June 19, 1998
General Fund$ 505,468.58
Student Financial Aid Fund 3,446.12
Child Development Fund 68.02
Payroll Clearing Fund 775.67
Capital Project Fund 14,885.54$ 524,643.93
Period Ending June 26, 1998
General Fund$ 195,070.03
Student Financial Aid Fund 48,800.42
Child Development Fund 62.47
Capital Project Fund 87,235.30$ 331,168.22
Period Ending July 3, 1998
General Fund$ 359,500.62
Payroll Clearing Fund 6,004.63$ 365,505.25
Period Ending July 10, 1998
General Fund$ 601,163.42
Student Financial Aid Fund 79,251.57
Payroll Clearing Fund 4,962.48
Capital Project Fund 34,780.76$ 720,158.23
Period Ending July 17, 1998
General Fund$ 151,327.02
Payroll Clearing Fund 27,668.61$ 178,995.63
FIVE WEEK TOTAL $ 2,120,471.26
Included in the total expenditure of $2,120,471.26 are the following payments greater than $10,000, excluding employee benefits and utilities:
General Fund - Fund 01
Group A (General Fund Programs - Unrestricted):
1.$ 287,400 to the Long Beach School District Workers’ Compensation Agency for partial payment of the 1998-1999 membership assessment.
2.$ 41,665 to Gateway 2000 for computer equipment for Computer and Business Information Systems, Pacific Coast Campus Dean, Academic Services Dean, and Human Resources.
3.$ 37,200 to Image IV Systems, Inc., for quarterly maintenance agreement for copy machines for the District.
4.$ 15,794 to Trend Offset Printing for printing of the Summer 1998 Schedule of Classes.
5.$ 13,833 to B & Z Printing Incorporated for printing of the 1998 Long Beach City College catalog.
Group B (Categorically Funded Programs - Restricted):
1.$ 42,555 to Gateway 2000 for computer equipment for Computer and Business Information Systems, Child Development, VATEA Coordinator, Counseling, and Student Support Services.
2.$ 28,379 to Polaris Fitness Corporation for fitness equipment for the Human Performance Labs at the Liberal Arts Campus and the Pacific Coast Campus.
3.$ 26,281 to Hoffman Video Systems for audiovisual equipment for Music and Radio/Television.
4.$ 25,502 to Megatech Corporation for computerized transportation technology program and advanced alternate fuel program for Automotive Repair.
5.$ 23,517 to Via MEDIA for design and printing of Trade and Industrial brochure, Economic Development.
6.$ 19,211 to Audio Graphic Systems for audiovisual equipment for Media Equipment Circulation.
7.$ 19,006 to Premier Professional Video.Com for video equipment for Music and Radio/Television.
8.$ 13,974 to StairMaster Sports Medical Products, Inc., for physical fitness equipment for the Human Performance Labs at the Liberal Arts Campus and the Pacific Coast Campus.
9.$ 13,590 to Community Products LLC for playhouse equipment for Child Development.
Group C (Multi-Year Competitive Grants - Restricted):
1.$ 21,544 to Gateway 2000 for computer equipment for Title III, Strengthening Institutions Program 1.
Group J (Competitive Grants - Restricted):
1.$ 24,000 to The PMR Group, Inc., for payment for report on the composition and products of Signal Systems Expert Group and the design and development of marketing plan.
2.$ 14,088 to Federal Bureau of Prisons for refund of overpayment for the Culinary Arts instructional program for the federal fiscal year ending September 30, 1997.
Fund 15 (Capital Project Fund - Unrestricted):
1.$ 55,531 to Nelson Roofing Inc., for partial payment for reroofing Buildings AA, BB, and DD, Pacific Coast Campus.
2.$ 25,004 to Kruger Bensen Ziemer for partial payment for architectural and engineering oversight of the remodel of Building D, Liberal Arts Campus.
3.$ 13,500 to R.M. Myers Corporation for labor and materials for asbestos removal, Building EE, Room 258, at the Pacific Coast Campus.
4.$ 11,464 to Caldwell Architects, Inc., for partial payment for architectural services provided in the review of the existing DSA approved disabled accessibility plans.
Bid Awards
C9425 - Maintenance, Service, and Supplies for District Copiers - With Image IV to extend the period of agreement to July 1, 1998, through June 30, 1999, with the District reserving the option to renew for an additional one-year period, not to exceed five years, at the same prices plus allowance for contractor’s increased cost of materials and/or labor.