Chapter 21 Notes- Nuclear Chemistry
21.1 Radioactivity[p.894]
- Background information
- Nuclear Chemistry- study of nuclear reactions.
- nucleons– protons and neutrons
- mass numbers determine the isotope of an element
- Stability of a nucleus is dependent on the proton to neutron ration.
- Nuclide is a nucleus with a specific number of protons and neutrons
- Radionuclides- nuclei that are radioactive
- Unstable and spontaneously decay emitting particles and electromagnetic radiation
- Emissions help unstable isotopes become more stable
- Radioisotopes – atoms containing these nuclei
- Nuclear Equations
- Alpha decay (alpha emission)= helium nucleus
- Radioactive decay = spontaneous decomposition of nuclei
- Example
- Note the sum of the mass numbers and atomic numbers for the products and reactants must be equal.
- Radioactive properties of a nucleus is independent of the chemical state of the atom
- Types of Radioactive Decay
- Alpha
- Symbol or
- Stream of helium-4 nuclei
- 2+ charge
- Relative penetrating power of 1
- Beta
- High speed electrons emitted from unstable nuclei
- Symbol or
- 1- charge
- Relative penetrating power of 100
- Beta emission is = to the conversion of a neutron to a proton
- Gamma
- High energy photons
- Does not change the value of the mass number or the atomic number
- Symbol or
- 0 charge
- Relative penetrating power of 10000
- Usually accompany other transmissions
- Generally not shown in nuclear equations
- Positron
- Has same mass and opposite charge of electron
- Symbol
- 1+ charge
- Positron emission converts a proton to a neutron
- Electron Capture
- Capture of an electron by the nucleus
- Symbol or
- 1- charge
- Appears on the reactant side
21.2 Patterns of Nuclear Stability [p.898]
- Neutron-to-Proton Ratio
- Nuclear force or strong force holds the nucleons hold together
- Necessary because protons in nucleus repel
- Neutrons play a role in establishing the strong force
- The greater the number of protons, the greater the number of neutrons needed for stability
- Belt of stability ends at bismuth
- All nuclei with 84 or more protons are radioactive
- Type of reaction depends largely on neutron: proton
- Nuclei above the belt of stability tend to emit beta particles to reducing the number of neutrons and increasing the number of protons to get closer to the 1:1
- Nuclei below the belt of stability (low n:p ) tend increase radios through positron emission or electron capture. Positron more common, but electron capture more common in large nuclear charge atoms
- Nuclei with atomic numbers 84 tend to undergo alpha emssions
- Radioactive series( Nuclear disintegrationseries)- series of nuclear reactions that end in stability
- Further Observations
- Magic Numbers-the number of protons and neutrons that are generally more stable
- 2,8,20,28,50, 82 protons
- 2,8, 20, 28, 50, 82 and 126 neutrons
- Nuclei with even numbers of protons and neutrons tend be more stable
21.3Nuclear Transmutations[p. 901]
- Background
- Nuclear reactions caused by a nucleus being struck by a neutron or another nucleus
- Rutherford performed the 1st conversion of a nucleus
- Transmutations usually written in the following order
- Target nucleus
- Bombarding particle
- Ejected particle
- Product nucleus
- Accelerating Charged particles
- Charged particles must be moving fast to overcome the repulsive force of the target nucleus
- Particle accelerators called “atom smashers” , cyclotrons , and synchrotrons are used accelerate the alpha particles
- Using Neutrons
- Not repelled by nucleus so acceleration is not needed
- Used in the development of most synthetic isotopes used in medicine and scientific research
- Transuranium Elements
- Elements with an atomic number above 92
- Short lived nuclei
21.4Rates of Radioactive Decay[p.903]
- General information
- Radioactive decay- 1st order kinetic process
- Half-live – time required for half of any substance to react
- Each element has its own characteristic half-life
- length of half-life varies greatly
- decay rate is unaffected by external conditions such as pressure, temperature, and state of chemical combination
- Radiometric dating-since radioactive decay is constant, half-life is used for dating objects
- C-14
- Used to date previously living specimens
- Measure the ratio of C-14:C-12 (amount of C-14 decreases after death)
- Can’t be used on objects over 50,000 years
- U-238
- Used to date rocks (nonliving materials)
- Measure ratio of U-238:Pb-206
- Calculations Based on Half -life
- Recall rate = kN where k= decay constant
N= number of nuclei
- Equations used
- Activity= rate at which a sample decays. Expressed in disintegrations/time
- Bequerrel (Bq) SI unit = 1 disintegration/ s
- Curie (Ci) = 3.7 x 1010disintegrations / second (rate of 1g of radium)
21.5Detection of Radioactivity[p.908]
- Film Badges – record extent of exposure to radiation
- Geiger Counters – measures the ionization of matter caused by radiation
- phospors – substances that give off light as electrons return to lower energy levels.
- Zinc sulfide – responds to alpha particles
- Measured using a scintillation counter
- Radio Tracers
- Uses a radioisotope to trace the path of an element
- Scintillation counters are used to follow the path
21.6Energy Changes in Nuclear Reactions[p. 911]
- Einstein’s Equation
c= speed of light 3.00x 108 m/s
m = mass in kg
- Indicates that mass and energy are proportional
- Due the constant of c2 being so large, the mass changes resulting large quantities of energy are very small.
- Mass in chemical reaction are too small to detect, but mass changes in nuclear reactions are much greater
- Nuclear Binding Energies
- Mass of nucleus and individual parts in the nucleus are always different
- Mass Defect – name given to the difference
- Nuclear binding energy- energy needed at separate the nucleons in a nucleus
- Larger the bonding energy the more stable the nucleus
- Changes in nuclear binding energy amounts indicate that heavy nuclei gain stability and therefore give off energy when split (fission)
- Fusion –method of fusing to masses together to generate energy.
21.7Nuclear Power: Fission [p. 870]
- General information
- Chain reaction- reactions that multiply by increasing the number of collisions with additional outside forces.
- Example – fission reactions started by a target nucleus and a neutron
- Can’t cause a violent explosion if left unchecked
- Chain stops if too many neutron are lost
- Critical Mass- amount of fissionable material large enough to maintain a chain reaction with a constant rate
- usually allows for 1neutron/each fission is effective in producing another fission
- super critical mass- mass in excess of a critical masss
- Nuclear Reactors
- Reactor basics
- Fuel – U-235 or UO2 pellets (typically enriched to about 3% U-235)
- Controls rods- regulate the flux of neutrons (typically cadmium and boron)
- Moderator- slows down neutrons so they can be more readily captured by the fuel
- Cooling liquid or gas- circulated through reactor to carry away heat generated
- Multiple styles of reactors exist
- Spent fuel
- Can be reprocessed
- Usually stored on site
- Must be stored until safe for human exposure (could take up to 600 years)
- If fuel rods are processed Plutonium -239can be recovered and reused
- Get deal of research being on disposal
21. 8 Nuclear Power Fusion[918]
- Fusion (thermonuclear reactions)occurs when energy is produced by the fusion of 2 light nuclei to form a heavier nuclei
- Appealing as an energy source
- Problem :
- requires high temperatures and pressures to work
- Difficulty to find a vessel to contain at such high temps
- Advantage: waste not radioactive
21.9 Radiation in the Enviroment and Living Systems [919]
- Types of radiation
- Ionizing Radiation
- Radiation removes an electron
- Harmful to biological systems
- Forms Free radical- substance with one or more unpaired electrons
- Nonionizing Radiation
- Usually lower energy (radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation or slow-moving neutrons)
- All radiation comes with some level of danger
- Greatest risk is at the sites that rapidly reproduce
- Radiation Doses
- Measured in Grays , rads, and rems
- Relative biological effectiveness- factor that measures the biological damage caused by radiation
- Effective doses are measured in Sievert
- Fatal exposure = 600rem
- Average 1 year exposure of a person to all natural sources = 360 mrem
- Radon
- Unreactive radioactive material found in the US
- Contributes to lung cancer
- Has a half-life of 3.82 days
- Decay particle Po-222 has half-life of 3.11 min which causes even greater danger
- Can test homes for Radon levels