Sligo MS Physical Education
The middle school physical education instructional program is focused on individual, dual, and team activities,
Team building, and responsibility. Emphasis is placed on cooperative tasks and the process of working together
to achieve common goals. Students in grade 6 learn to develop individual psychomotor skills, physical fitness,
and skill development. Students in grade 7 continue to develop physically and cognitively and accept
increased responsibility for monitoring their own performance. Instruction emphasizes the value of physical fitness. Students in grade 8 receive guidance in setting realistic lifetime goals for maintaining and/or improving their skills and fitness.
MCPS Physical Education Curricular Framework
Units of Study / ConceptsMovements related to:
- Skillfulness
- Motor learning
- Biomechanics / Motor skills, skill themes, skill analysis
Application of skills
Strategies and tactics
- Physical activity
- Exercise physiology / Health related –cardiovascular, flexibility, muscular
strength & endurance, and body composition
Personal/ Social Responsibility / Respects self & others; Self directed; Persistent practice:
Demonstrates appropriate safety practices;
Positive interaction with others in class; Sportsmanship;
Goal setting
Student Expectation
Be on time to class – To the locker room and class meeting area
Expect your best – Complete all in class and homework assignments
Use appropriate language
Demonstrate proper care of equipment and follow the rules of the games
Respect others space and belongings/willingness to share the equipment
Late Work
All assignments are expected to be submitted by the due date. Work turned in after the duedate will be marked down no more than 1 letter grade. Deadlines indicate the last day assignments will be accepted for a grade by the teacher. In some cases, the due date and the deadline may be the same. Work not turned in by the deadline will be considered missing and recorded in the grade book as a “zero”.
All work must be made up when a student is absent. Any assignments previously announced will be due on the day the student returns to class. You are responsible for all work and instruction missed. A “Z” will be recorded in the grade book if an assignment was missed and needs to be made-up.
P.E. Lockers
Each student will be assigned an individual locker to store his or her PE uniform, sweats, and shoes.
Students may not bring cameras or cell phones into the locker room.
Students should refrain from bringing valuables into the locker room such as purses, large sums of money, expensive jewelry, etc.
Students must lock up all belongings and not tell anyone else theircombination.
PE Staff are not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Students are encouraged to purchase a Sligo physical education uniform or bring clothes from home which meets the following requirements: Blue, gray, white or gold tee shirt (no mid-waist, tank top or sleeveless muscle shirts), blue, black or white shorts, blue, black or grey sweat clothes and lace up athletic shoes (no flipflops, sandals, boots or open toe shoes). Uniforms may be purchased anytime during the school year from our Sligo PE/Health Department.
DRI-Fit Tee – Shirts$ 12.00Cotton Tee-shirts $10.00
Mesh Shorts $ 12.00 Hooded Sweatshirts$25.00 Sweatpants $ 20.00 Sweatshirts $20.00
PLEASE make checks payable to Sligo Middle School. (Please write your child’s name and grade in thememo section of the check)
Physical Education Grading Policy
Grades will be determined based on the completion of educational objectives. These objectives will be a direct outgrowth of the Maryland standards.
Included in the formative and assessment categories are: fitness activities, motor skill development, personal and social responsibility (PSR), and exit cards.
Category / Weight / DescriptionSummative Assessments
-Unit Tests
-Formal Assessments / 30% / Portions or entire Assessment may NOT be retaken. Examples of Summative Assessments include tests and quizzes, final reports, essays, portfolios, skills tests, demonstrations and culminating projects.
Formative Assessments
- Fitness Grades
- Movement Skill Concepts
- PSR Grade / 60% / Students must complete required activity (ies) as determined by the teacher. Examples of informal assessments include, warm ups, exit cards, self and peer assessments, skill tests, reading and writing assignments, and journal entries.
Homework Assignments / 10% / Homework is expected to be turned in by the due date or before if completed. It will be homework for practice.
Attainment of these objectives will result in a grade of: 100-90 = A, 89-80 = B, 79-70 = C, 69-60 = D, 59 and below E.All retakes must be completed by the end of the Unit or within 1 week of the deadline. Reassessment grade replaces the original grade.
PLEASE NOTE THAT HEALTH BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT WILL BE Tuesday SEPTEMBER 9 at 7:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. Any questions contact Ms. Benner or Mr. Brewer.
Communication (P.E./Health Department)
Brian (Content Specialist)