Name: / Address:
Tel No:
Mob No:
Date of Birth:

Please tick the volunteer role in which you are interested.

**Please note each role is subject to availability**

q  Delivery Driver (must be over 25 with Full, Clean licence) / q  Office Assistant
q  Depot / Delivery Assistant / q  Events Assistant*
q  Other/Open to suggestion (please give details)

*Mainly weekend not a regular role


Please indicate the times when you are available to volunteer.

We are open from 8:30am until 8:00pm Monday – Thursday

And Friday from 8:30am – 3:00pm

Mon / Tues / Weds / Thurs / Fri
Length of time available to volunteer / Date available to start volunteering

General Information

Are you happy to undergo a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check? If no this may prevent you from volunteering with us.

q  Yes / q  No

Do you have a full clean driving licence?

q  Yes / q  No

Please tell us about any experience, education, training and skills you have (include any particular interests or hobbies you may have)

Please tell us what you hope to gain from volunteering with Fareshare

Do you have any disability or special need which you would like us to take into account?

Yes* / No (If yes, please specify)

Health – to be completed by all applicants

Please specify any serious recurring illness giving brief details (e.g Skin complaints, epilepsy, diabetes, back trouble, mental illness, heart or respiratory ailments). This information will enable us to act swiftly in case of an emergency and will not in any way preclude full consideration of you application. Failure to disclose health issues may mean you are not covered by our public liability insurance.

How did you hear about FareShare?

o Word of Mouth o TV/Radio

o Volunteer Bureau o placement provider………………

o Social Media (facebook/twitter) o Involved in a project receiving

o Other please specify .……………… FareShare Food


Asylum and Immigration Act 1996: (Most nationals of non-EU countries need a permit to take up unpaid voluntary work in the UK). If applicable, do you have permission to do voluntary work?

q  UK/EU National / q  Yes / q  No

Do you have any criminal convictions?

Yes* / No (If yes, please give details below, this should exclude any spent convictions under Section 4 (2) of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, unless the role for which you are applying involves working with vulnerable adults or children in which case cautions, bindovers, pending prosecutions, spent or unspent convictions must be declared.)


I confirm that the information I have given above is correct. In accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, the information provided on this form will be used in the recruitment and selection of volunteers and may be disclosed to all those who need to see it. I agree to the details on this form being kept by the Fareshare Volunteering Team.

Signed: Date:

Thank you for filling out this application form. Please also complete the equal opportunities form and return them to:

Volunteering Team,

Unit 3 Fairway Business Centre

Westergate Road



Tel: 01273 671111 Email: