The Maverick Informer Publication Class 2016-2017


Mrs. Jessica Tompkins

Rm. C136 - Journalism Lab

The paper will be planned, created and produced as a part of the Newspaper curriculum. Students will become information gatherers, reporters and photographers in order to capture the school year through a series of 4 to 12 page student newspapers. They will learn to interview, gather data from multiple sources, and sell advertisement space to the community. Newspaper is more than a class—it is a business. The students will present data accurately and objectively and create a product that will be read and cherished by MHS students and staff, as well as by the community. Publications staff members are very important to the MHS campus, as they touch every student on campus through hard work every day.

Course Objectives:

*Students will write clearly, concisely, correctly, and in an appropriate style for print.

*Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of basic journalism theory.

*Students will demonstrate understanding of, and ability to apply, principles and practice of journalism law and ethics, including development of personal standards and an analytical system for resolving ethical conflict.

*Students will demonstrate dynamic, effective, and persuasive communication skills.

*Students will demonstrate ability to act the part of the professional journalist: i.e., to function as reporters, photographers, editors, and producers in print, broadcast, or other media.

* Demonstrate an effective use of the conventions and mechanics of Standard English throughout the writing process.

* Students will critique and edit work for improvement.

Text and supplies:

There is no text book for this class, but there are ample guidebooks and resource books located in the journalism lab.

Each student is responsible for needed supplies as the year goes on. Each student is required to bring a simple folder with brads to store the publication handbook and style guide. Students should obtain a spiral notebook where they write all interviews and quotes for stories.

Assignments and Activities: Throughout the year, the instructor will assign many writing and news gathering assignments in addition to stories, photos and other responsibilities required of the student. During individual student “down times” alternate assignments will be given so all students are constantly working and learning.


Deadlines are huge. Make all deadlines. If a student misses a deadline, the 9 weeks grade can potentially decrease by an entire letter grade. The publication cannot operate if students do not turn in stories and finish layouts on time. Further explanation of grades is located in the MHS Publication Guidebook. However, below breaks down how students are graded:

_____% Major grades- deadlines, tests, etc.

Test grades are considered to be deadline layouts, stories or other assignments. Up to 30 points can be lost for missing the deadline. Next, accuracy, thoroughness, and effort are considered. Just turning something in to make the deadline won’t cut it. Meeting the deadline also means turning in a quality assignment. Deadline grades will be weighted twice.

___% Daily work, participation/ ads

Progress grades on deadline spreads or assignments will be given frequently. The adviser will either check stories and layouts on the computer personally, or have the staff print. Also, attitude and effort is included in daily grades.

Each student must turn in two ad attempts every Friday. Turn in to the adviser the ad contract and money for successfully sold advertisements. If the business owner declines, have them write “No thanks” on the ad contract and sign the bottom. The student will get credit for successful and unsuccessful ad sales attempts.

General Information: The adviser will base the grades on creativity, accuracy, completeness and effort. Students will not be successful in this class by doing “just enough to get by.” The more students put into the newspaper, the greater the rewards. Newspaper is much like running and working for a business, and students will be graded on work ethic.

Academic Honesty:

Plagiarized work will not be accepted and the student will fail the assignment. If this continues to be a problem, the student will “written up” and it is possible that he/she will fail the course. Cheating on tests, stories, homework or any sort of assignment is completely unacceptable. The teacher will clarify when group work is allowed.

Classroom Rules:

 Communicate: speak with a positive purpose

 Respect: yourself, others and all property

 Promptness: arrive on time, meet deadlines

 Preparedness: be ready for class, assignments, etc

 Responsibility: don’t let others down, do what’s yours

 Integrity: you have an important job, don’t abuse it

Student and Parent Agreement Contract

I,______, have read the course syllabus as well as the MHS Publication handbook. I clearly understand the expectations of being a member of the 2017MHS newspaper staff. I agree to participate in the whole newspaper process: creating the paper, writing stories, photography, ad sales and layout design.

Also, I clearly understand the NP grading policies.

Student Signature and date: ______.

Parent Signature and date: ______.

Student and Parent Agreement Contract

I,______, have read the course syllabus as well as the MHS Publication handbook. I clearly understand the expectations of being a member of the 2017 MHS newspaper staff. I agree to participate in the whole newspaper process: creating the paper, writing stories, photography, ad sales and layout design.

Also, I clearly understand the NP grading policies.

Student Signature and date: ______.

Parent Signature and date: ______.

Student and Parent Agreement Contract

I,______, have read the course syllabus as well as the MHS Publication handbook. I clearly understand the expectations of being a member of the 2017 MHS newspaper staff. I agree to participate in the whole newspaper process: creating the paper, writing stories, photography, ad sales and layout design.

Also, I clearly understand the NP grading policies.

Student Signature and date: ______.

Parent Signature and date: ______.