The Massachusetts Neuropsychological Society


“Neuropsychology and Rehabilitation—the Joining of Forces”

Boston Marriott Long Wharf

296 State Street Boston, MA 02109

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Dr. Sherer to meet with students/trainees: 4:00-5:00 pm

Registration Check-in: 5:00pm

Poster set-up: 5:00-6:00 pm

Poster Session and Reception: 6:00 pm-7:00 pm

Exhibitors: 6:00 pm-7:00 pm

Introduction, Acknowledgements and Announcements 7-7:30

7:30-8:30 Featured Speaker: Dr. Sherer (One CE)

8:30-9:00 Awards, Prizes, Closing, Socializing to register and for other details

Speaker : Mark Sherer, Ph.D., ABPP, FACRM
Dr. Mark Sherer is Senior Scientist, Director of Research, and Director of Neuropsychology at The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research (TIRR) Memorial Hermann. He is a Clinical Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Baylor College of Medicine and the University of Texas Medical School at Houston. He is a board certified neuropsychologist with over 25 years’ experience as a clinician, administrator and educator in brain injury rehabilitation. He is a fellow of the American Psychological Association, the National Academy of Neuropsychology, and the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. Dr. Sherer has served as principal investigator for grants on TBI recovery, impaired self-awareness, telephone counseling for persons with TBI, TBI community integration, and rehabilitation of brain tumor patients and currently serves as the principal investigator for the Texas TBI Model System of TIRR grant. He has published more than 100 articles and book chapters and has given numerous presentations to state, national and international conferences. Dr. Sherer serves on editorial boards for Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, The Clinical Neuropsychologist, and Rehabilitation Psychology
Dr. Shererwill address MNSon the topic ofNeuropsychology joining forces with Rehabilitation.He brings us insights from his research program on post-traumatic confusional state and will discuss the practicalvalue and process of delivering neuropsychology services within rehabilitation settings.
Learning Goals. Participants will be able to:
1. Describethe nature of acute confusion in early recovery from traumatic brain injury.
2. Discuss an assessment approach for diagnosing post-traumatic confusional state and tracking resolution of this state.
3. List ways that neuropsychologists can bring value to the rehabilitation enterprise for persons with acquired brain injury.

The Massachusetts Neuropsychological Society is approved by the American Psychological Association to offer continuing education for psychologists. The Massachusetts Neuropsychological Society maintains responsibility for the program and its content.