Assignment 1 - Data, Information and Knowledge (1500 words (+/- 10%))

A key understanding within knowledge management is to be able to define and differentiate between data, information and knowledge.Your essay should provide a very brief introductory overview of knowledge, information and data, considering the challenges identified in the literature in defining and differentiating between these terms.

You are then going to undertake a knowledge audit of a job that you select. You are to select a job that includes the use of computer technology (For example: engineer, manager (specify the type of manager), computer programmer, lecturer, etc) . Identify the knowledge, information and data that the person needs to undertake their job. With jobs that are multifaceted and complex you may need to further identify a specific part of that person's job.

Note: The example jobs listed here are just that, they are examples. You may choose any job that includes the use of technology.

As part of this assignment you will:

  • Define and describe knowledge, information and data in a general sense, as well as providing specific examples for the job that you have selected.
  • Describe how21stCentury technology assists the use of the knowledge, information and data.
  • Describe what challenges come with the use of the technology in relation to the knowledge, information and data.
  • Does the technology remove or alter the knowledge, information and data required?
  • Propose how the knowledge needed in this job contributes to organisational and personal operational efficiency and strategy.

In this assessment, you should aim to make use of recent primary academic journal articles and theJashapara(2011) textbook. A video presentation on this assessment task will be available on theMoodlesite for this course, to give you further support.

Please note the following details:

  • As a guideline, the length of the main body of your essay should be around 1500 words or so excluding references - essays that are substantially longer than this (say over 2000 words) or shorter than this (say less than 1000 words) are unlikely to score as highly as those that make the best use of the 1500 word length (being on target and making the best use of the word allocation is always better than being off-message). However, you should not worry about a few words either way (this is a guideline only, and I do not have a 'negative marking scheme' where marks are deducted if the word count is more than 10% over the guideline).
  • Text should be word processed, with appropriate layout and use of headings/sub-headings. Font and line spacing are not part of the assessment criteria, listed below.
  • Diagrams should be used to illustrate specific aspects - a picture paints ten thousand words! (please ensure that you correctly cite/reference all sources of diagrams used, unless they are original and composed by you, since this is an important aspect of academic integrity).
  • The list of references should form the last page or two, at the end of the assessment. Referencing should be inHarvard style.
  • Please save/upload your file in either a Word format (.doc or .docx) or in a basic text format (for example, .rtf), so that I can open the files in Word.

Assessment Criteria:

Assessment Rubric
5 marks / 4 marks / 3 marks / 2 marks / 1 mark / 0 marks
Content / Effectively and insightfully develops a point of view on the issue and demonstrates outstanding critical thinking, using clearly appropriate examples, reasons, and other evidence to support the position. / Effectively develops a point of view on the issue and demonstrates strong critical thinking, generally using appropriate examples, reasons, and other evidence to support the position. / Develops a point of view on the issue and demonstrates competent critical thinking, using adequate examples, reasons, and other evidence to support the position. / Demonstrated a point of view on the issue, demonstrating some critical thinking, but may do so inconsistently or use inadequate examples, reasons or other evidence to support the position. / Develops a point of view on the issue that is vague or seriously limited, and demonstrates weak critical thinking, providing inadequate examples, reasons, or other evidence to support the position. / Develops no viable point of view on the issue, or provides little or no evidence to support the position.
Organisation / Well organised and clearly focused, demonstrating clear coherence and smooth progression of ideas. / Well organised and focused, demonstrating coherence and progression of ideas. / Generally organised and focused, demonstrating some coherence and progression of ideas / Limited in its organisation or focus, or may demonstrate some lapses in coherence or progression of ideas. / Poorly organised, demonstrating serious problems with coherence or progression of ideas. / Disorganised or unfocused, resulting in a disjointed or incoherent essay.
Language / Exhibits skilful use of language, using a varied, accurate, and apt vocabulary. / Exhibits facility in the use of language, using appropriate vocabulary. / Exhibits adequate but inconsistent facility in the use of language, using generally appropriate vocabulary. / Displays developing facility in the use of language, but sometimes uses weak vocabulary or inappropriate word choices. / Displays very little facility in the use of language, using very limited vocabulary or incorrect word choice. / Displays fundamental errors in vocabulary and word choices.
  • Spelling, punctuation, capitalisation, references / citations
/ Free of most errors in grammar, usage and mechanics. / Generally free of most errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics. / Some errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics. / Contains an accumulation of errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics. / Contains errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics so serious that meaning is somewhat obscured. / Contains pervasive errors in grammar, usage or mechanics that persistently interfere with meaning.

Student declaration:

In submitting this assessment I certify that is my own work, based on my own personal study and/or research, and that I have acknowledged all material and source used in the preparation of this assignment/report whether they be books, articles, reports, lecture notes, any other kind of document, electronic or personal communication.

I acknowledge that the University, through its academic staff, may require from me further written communication and/or oral discussion that clarifies my understanding of my submitted work.

I also certify that this assignment has not been previously submitted for assessment in any other course or at any other time in this course, unless by negotiation, and that I have not copied in part or whole or otherwise plagiarised the work of other students and/or persons. I have read the CQU Academic Misconduct Procedures and understand their implications.

Submission status

Attempt number / This is attempt 1.
Submission status / No attempt
Grading status / Not graded
Due date / Thursday, 23 April 2015, 12:00 PM
Time remaining / 1 day 14 hours
Grading criteria / Content / Develops no viable point of view on the issue, or provides little or no evidence to support the position.
0points / Develops a point of view on the issue that is vague or seriously limited, and demonstrates weak critical thinking, providing inadequate examples, reasons, or other evidence to support the position.
1points / Demonstrates a point of view on the issue, demonstrating some critical thinking, but may do so inconsistently or use inadequate examples, reasons or other evidence to support the position.
2points / Develops a point of view on the issue and demonstrates competent critical thinking, using adequate examples, reasons, and other evidence to support the position.
3points / Effectively develops a point of view on the issue and demonstrates strong critical thinking, generally using appropriate examples, reasons, and other evidence to support the position.
4points / Effectively and insightfully develops a point of view on the issue and demonstrates outstanding critical thinking, using clearly appropriate examples, reasons, and other evidence to support the position.
Organisation / Disorganised or unfocused, resulting in a disjointed or incoherent essay.
0points / Poorly organised, demonstrating serious problems with coherence or progression of ideas.
1points / Limited in its organisation or focus, or may demonstrate some lapses in coherence or progression of ideas.
2points / Generally organised and focused, demonstrating some coherence and progression of ideas
3points / Well organised and focused, demonstrating coherence and progression of ideas.
4points / Well organised and clearly focused, demonstrating clear coherence and smooth progression of ideas.
Language / Displays fundamental errors in vocabulary and word choices.
0points / Displays very little facility in the use of language, using very limited vocabulary or incorrect word choice.
1points / Displays developing facility in the use of language, but sometimes uses weak vocabulary or inappropriate word choices.
2points / Exhibits adequate but inconsistent facility in the use of language, using generally appropriate vocabulary.
3points / Exhibits facility in the use of language, using appropriate vocabulary.
4points / Exhibits skilful use of language, using a varied, accurate, and apt vocabulary.
Conventions Spelling, punctuation, capitalisation, referencing / citations / Contains pervasive errors in grammar, usage or mechanics that persistently interfere with meaning.
0points / Contains errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics so serious that meaning is somewhat obscured.
1points / Contains an accumulation of errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics.
2points / Some errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics.
3points / Generally free of most errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics.
4points / Free of most errors in grammar, usage and mechanics