Request for Expression of Interest Number: SADC/GF/1/2014

Request for Expression of Interest Title:

Consultancy to Review and Finalise Three GF SADC HIV/AIDS Cross Border Initiative Best Practices.


Reference Number: SADC/GF/1/2014

Consultancy to Review and Finalise Three GF SADC HIV/AIDS Cross Border initiative Centres Best Practices Document

1.SADC Secretariat – HIV/AIDS Cross Border Initiative (Global Fund)is inviting Individual Consultants to submit their CV and Financial Proposalsfor the following services:Consultancy to Review and Finalise Three GF SADC HIV/AIDS Cross Border Initiative Best Practices.

The Terms of Reference defining the minimum technical requirements for these services are attached as Annex 1 to this Request for Expression of Interest.

2. Only Individual Consultants are eligible for this assignment provided that they do not fall in any of the following situations:

a) they are being bankrupt or wound up, are having their affairs administered by the courts, have entered into arrangements with creditors, have suspended business activities, are being subject of proceedings concerning those matters, or are being in any similar situations arising from a similar procedures provided for in the national legislation or regulations of the SADC member states;

b) they have been convicted of offences concerning their professional conduct by a judgment which has the force of res judicata; (i.e. against which no appeal is possible);

c) they have been declared guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means which SADC Secretariat can justify;

d) they have not fulfilled obligations related to the payments of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which they are established or with those countries where the contract is to be performed;

e) they have been the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation or any other illegal activity detrimental to the SADC Secretariat' financial interests; or

f) they are being currently subject to an administrative penalty.

3.The maximum budget for this contract is US$5,304.00. Proposals exceeding this budget will not be accepted.

4.Your Expression of Interest must be presented as per Standard Expression of Interest Forms attached as Annex 2 to this REOI in English language and be accompanied by copies of all the indicated supporting documents. If the supporting documents are not in English, these shall be accompanied by a certified translation into English.

5.Your proposal clearly marked “Consultancy to finalise wellness Centres Best Practices Document” should be addressed and submitted to:

The Project Coordinator,

Global Fund HIV/AIDS Project,

SADC Secretariat, CBD Plot 54385.

Private Bag 0095, Gaborone – Botswana.

Contact person: Puleng Ramaloto,

Phone: 3641808

Email address:

6.The deadline for submission of your proposal, to the addressindicated in Paragraph 5 is:21STFebruary, 2014, 14:30 hours.

7.Proposals submitted by Fax or E-mail are notacceptable.

8.Your CV will be evaluated against the following criteria.

Criteria / Maximum points allocated
Qualifications and Competence of Consultant
(i) General qualifications / 30
(ii) Adequacy for the project / 60
(iii) Experience in region / 10
Total / 100

9.Your proposal should be submitted as per the following instructions, and in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the Standard Contract attached as Annex 3 to this REOI:

(i) PRICES: The financial proposal shall be inclusive of all expenses deemed necessary by the Individual Consultant for the performance of the contract and “must” include any of the following taxes in Purchaser country: value added tax and social charges or/and income taxes on fees and benefits.

(ii)EVALUATION AND AWARD OF THE CONTRACT: Expressions of Interest determined to be formal and technical compliant to the requirement will be evaluated by comparison of their prices. An Expression of Interest is considered compliant to the requirements if: fulfils the formal requirements (see Paragraphs2,3,4,5,6 and 7 above), has received minimum 70 points at the technical evaluation, and the financial proposal does not exceed the maximum available budget for the contract. The award will be made to the applicant who obtained the highest technicalscore and submitted administrative and technical compliant Expression of Interest.

(iii) VALIDITY OF THE EXPRESSION OF INTEREST: Your Expression of Interest should be valid for a period of 90 days from the date of the deadline for the submission indicated in Paragraph 6 above.

(iv)The assignment is expected to commence within four (4) weeks from the signature of the contract.

10.Additional request for information and clarifications can be requested, no later than 5 working days prior to deadline indicated in the paragraph 5 above, from:

Procuring entity:

SADC Secretariat – HIV/AIDS Cross Border Initiative (Global Fund)

Contact person: Puleng Ramaloto 3641808/Tresphor Chisanga 3641904

Telephone:3641808 /3641904



ANNEX 1: Terms of Reference

ANNEX 2: Expression of Interest Forms

ANNEX 3: Standard Contract for Individual Consultants


Name: Puleng Ramaloto

Title:Assistant Procurement Officer – Procurement Unit

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Request for Expression of Interest Number: SADC/GF/1/2014

Request for Expression of Interest Title:

Consultancy to Review and Finalise Three GF SADC HIV/AIDS Cross Border Initiative Best Practices.

ANNEX 1: Terms of Reference


The SADC region is the worst affected by HIV and AIDS globally and continues to grapple with the spread and impact of the epidemic accumulated over the last three decades. Despite years of national programmes to combat and mitigate the impact of the epidemic, Member States from the region hardly have specific interventions targeting mobile populations. The situation is even gloomier when considering the issue of access to healthcare services beyond national borders. Various studies conducted in the region have shown that young adults are more vulnerable to HIV infection and other related illnesses relative to elderly members of the population (UNGASS Country Reports, UNAIDS 2010). As is widely known, young people tend to be more mobile, as they are the engine behind movement of goods and services between Member States and beyond. This has also resulted in increased risk of HIV infection among key populations such as Long Distance Truck Drivers (LDTDs) and Sex Workers (SWs), which are composed largely of young people.

Currently, there are eight functional learning sites in six countries. These project learning sites have been engaged in implementing different interventions under the Global Fund through the SADC HIV/AIDS Cross Border Initiative in the member states. Each of these cross border learning sites will incorporate broadly similar activities such as BCC, VCT, STI care/treatment, integrated TB/HIV care, community outreach programs. However, emphasis and implementation modalities will vary depending on the needs of each site, with an emphasis on learning what works in what circumstances.

This Consultancy seeks to review and finalise the draft documents of Best Practices that were identified during a Best Practice training workshop held in February, 2012. The selected documents were initially subjected to the SADC Best Practice framework and this will be reference document for this consultancy.

2.0 Objectives of the Consultancy to finalise Wellness Centre’s Best Practices Document

2.1 Broad Objective

Broadly, this consultancy seeks to review the five selected BP documents from the eight learning sites and ensure that they conform to the SADC BP framework.

2.2 Specific Objectives

Specifically, the Consultancy is expected to deliver the following:

i)A report on the processes of the review of the BP documents.

ii)Edited copies of the BP practices

iii)A final document of the three BPs that will be disseminated to all member states

iv)Recommend future and detailed BP processes based on the SADC framework.

3.0 Qualifications and Competence of Consultant

The ideal Consultant should possess the following:

i)Minimum of a Degree in Public Health, Medical Sociology, Health Promotion or related field.

ii)At least five (5) years programming experience in HIV and AIDS, two of which should be from at least one SADC member state.

iii)Proven track record of Consultancy work in the SADC region with experience in BP documentation.

iv)Fluency in English is required. Working knowledge of French and Portuguese would be an added advantage

4.0 Methodology

The Consultant is expected to conduct a review of the five BP documents and select three which meet the SADC BP framework. The consultant will then, based on the review, finalise three BP for future dissemination. All these processes will need to be documented.

5.0 Duration of the Consultancy

The Consultancy is expected to take one week, i.e. five (5) working days.

6.0 Expected Outputs

Below is a list of expected outputs and timelines within which they will be delivered:

  1. Finalised Best Practices document - at the end of the consultancy
  2. Report on the processes-at the end of the consultancy

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Request for Expression of Interest Number: SADC/GF/1/2014

Request for Expression of Interest Title:

Consultancy to Review and Finalise Three GF SADC HIV/AIDS Cross Border Initiative Best Practices.

ANNEX 2: Expression of Interest Forms




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Request for Expression of Interest Number: SADC/GF/1/2014

Request for Expression of Interest Title:

Consultancy to Review and Finalise Three GF SADC HIV/AIDS Cross Border Initiative Best Practices.


Consultancy to Review and Finalise Three GF SADC HIV/AIDS Cross Border Initiative Best Practices SADC/GF/1/2014

[Location, Date]

To:SADC Secretariat, HIV/AIDS Cross Border Initiative (Global Fund) Private Bag 0095, Gaborone – Botswana

Dear Sirs:

I, the undersigned, offer to provide the consulting services for [insert title of assignment] in accordance with your Request for Expression of Interests number [insert the number], dated [insert date] and my Financial Proposal for the sum of [Insert amount(s) in words and figures1[1]]. This amount inclusive of all expenses deemed necessary for the performance of the contract in accordance with the Terms of Reference requirements, and [“does” or “does not” delete as applicable] includeany of the following taxes in Procuring Entity’s country: value added tax and social charges or/and income taxes on fees and benefits.

I hereby declare that all the information and statements made in CV are true and accept that any misinterpretation contained in it may lead to my disqualification.

I take note that under the provisions of the SADC Procurement Policy applicable to this Request For Expression of Interest, a contract cannot be awarded to applicants who are in any of the following situations:

a) they are being bankrupt or wound up, are having their affairs administered by the courts, have entered into arrangements with creditors, have suspended business activities, are being subject of proceedings concerning those matters, or are being in any similar situations arising from a similar procedures provided for in the national legislation or regulations of the SADC member states;

b) they have been convicted of offences concerning their professional conduct by a judgment which haves the force of res judicata; (i.e. against which no appeal is possible);

c) they have been declared guilty of grave professional misconduct proven by any means which SADC Secretariat can justify;

d) they have not fulfilled obligations related to the payments of social security contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with the legal provisions of the country in which they are established or with those countries where the contract is to be performed;

e) they have been the subject of a judgment which has the force of res judicata for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organisation or any other illegal activity detrimental to the SADC Secretariat' financial interests; or

f) they are being currently subject to an administrative penalty.

I confirm that I am not in any of the situations described above, and I hereby declare that at any point in time, at the SADC Secretariat request, I will provide certified copies of documents to prove that I do not follow in any of the situation described above.

I am aware that the penalties set out in the Procurement Policy may be applied in the case of a false declaration, should the contract be awarded to me.

My proposal is binding upon me for the period indicated in the Paragraph 9(iii) of the Request for Expression of Interest.

I undertake, if our Proposal is accepted, to initiate the consulting services related to the assignment not later than the date indicated in Paragraph 10 of the Request for Expression of Interest, and to be available for the entire duration the contract as specified in the Terms of Reference.

I understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive.

Yours sincerely,

Signature [In full and initials]:

Name and Title of Signatory:


[insert the full name]

1.Family name: / [insert the name]
2.First names: / [insert the names in full]
3.Date of birth: / [insert the date]
4.Nationality: / [insert the country or countries of citizenship]
5.Civil status: / [insert: married/ divorced/single/ widower]
6.Purchase Order details: / Address:[insert the physical address]
Phone :[insert the phone and mobile no.]
E-mail: [insert the email]
[Date from – Date to] / Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained:
[indicate the month and the year] / [insert the name of the diploma and the specialty/major]
[indicate the month and the year] / [insert the name of the diploma and the specialty/major]

7.Language skills: (Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5) (1 – excellent; 5 – basic)

Language / Reading / Speaking / Writing
[insert the language] / [insert the no.] / [insert the no.] / [insert the no.]
[insert the no.] / [insert the no.] / [insert the no.] / [insert the no.]
[insert the no.] / [insert the no.] / [insert the no.] / [insert the no.]
8.Membership of professional bodies: / [indicate the name of the professional body]
9.Other skills: / [insert the skills]
10.Present position: / [insert the name]
11.Years of experience: / [insert the no]
12.Key qualifications: (Relevant to the assignment)
[insert the key qualifications]

13.Specific experience in the region:

Country / Date from - Date to
[insert the country] / [indicate the month and the year]
...... / ......
[insert the country] / [indicate the month and the year]

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Request for Expression of Interest Number: SADC/GF/1/2014

Request for Expression of Interest Title:

Consultancy to Review and Finalise Three GF SADC HIV/AIDS Cross Border Initiative Best Practices.

  1. Professional experience:

Date from – Date to / Location of the assignment / Company& reference person (name & contact details) / Position / Description
[indicate the month and the year] / [indicate the country and the city] / Name of the Company:
Address of the company:
Name and title of the reference person from the company: / [indicate the exact name and title and if it was a short term or a long term position] / Name of the Purchase Order:
Beneficiary of the Purchase Order:
Brief description of the Purchase Order:
[indicate the month and the year] / [indicate the country and the city] / Name of the Company:
Address of the company:
Name and title of the reference person from the company: / [indicate the exact name and title and if it was a short term or a long term position] / Name of the Purchase Order:
Beneficiary of the Purchase Order:
Brief description of the Purchase Order:
[indicate the month and the year] / [indicate the country and the city] / Name of the Company:
Address of the company:
Name and title of the reference person from the company: / [indicate the exact name and title and if it was a short term or a long term position] / Name of the Purchase Order:
Beneficiary of the Purchase Order:
Brief description of the Purchase Order:
...... / …………….. / ……………………. / …………… / …………………………………………………………………………..
[indicate the month and the year] / [indicate the country and the city] / Name of the Company:
Address of the company:
Name and title of the reference person from the company: / [indicate the exact name and title and if it was a short term or a long term position] / Name of the Purchase Order:
Beneficiary of the Purchase Order:
Brief description of the Purchase Order:

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Request for Expression of Interest Number: SADC/GF/1/2014

Request for Expression of Interest Title:

Consultancy to Review and Finalise Three GF SADC HIV/AIDS Cross Border Initiative Best Practices.

  1. Other relevant information: (e.g. Publications)

[insert the details]

  1. Statement:

I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes myself, my qualifications, and my experience. I understand that any wilful misstatement described herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.

I hereby declare that at any point in time, at the SADC Secretariat request, I will provide certified copies of all documents to prove that I have the qualifications and the professional experience and indicated at points 8 and 14 above[2], documents which are attached to this CV as photocopies.

By signing this statement, I also authorized the SADC Secretariat to contact my previous or current employers indicated at point 14 above, to obtain directly reference about my professional conduct and achievements.


ATTACHMENTS:1) Proof of qualifications indicated at point 8
2) Proof of working experience indicated at point 14

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Request for Expression of Interest Number: SADC/GF/1/2014

Request for Expression of Interest Title:

Consultancy to Review and Finalise Three GF SADC HIV/AIDS Cross Border Initiative Best Practices.


[insert name and reference number]

N° / Description[3] / Unit[4] / No. of Units / Unit Cost
(in US$) / Total
(in US$)
Fees / Day
Reimbursable expenses, out of which / Total
1 / Per diem allowances / Day
2 / Flights[5] / Trip
3 / Miscellaneous travel expenses[6] / Trip
4 / Insurances cost, out of which: / Lump sum
i) / Life insurance (including repatriation) / Lump sum
ii) / Heath insurance / Lump sum
iii) / Third party liability insurance / Lump sum
iv) / Professional liability insurance / Lump sum
5 / Drafting, reproduction of reports / Lump sum
6 / Office rent / Per month
7 / Others4 / TBD
TOTAL FINANCIAL OFFER (Fees + Reimbursable expenses)

Signature [In full and initials]: