The following policies and procedures have been established for The Maple Tree School Store to ensure the most effective and orderly operations. Each student is to learn and follow these policies at all times. Failure to abide by these policies could result in one or more of the following: loss of points, detention, a failing grade, disciplinary action, legal action, and/or removal from the class.

The store name should be used as a proper noun and spelled and displayed as follows in all written situations:

The Maple Tree

“The Maple Tree” is the complete name of Seaholm’s student-run store.

Note: When denoting currency please follow:

$ Sign should be placed before the amount e.g $1.25 NOT 1.25$

¢ Sign should be place after the amount e.g. .50¢ NOT ¢.50

All businesses succeed or fail depending on the quality of the personnel and the degree of teamwork they exhibit. When one member of the team is away from the job, everyone else must adjust to make up for that person. This can be done without difficulty if it is planned for in advance and all employees know the tasks that must be completed. If a job is left short-handed because an employee does not show up or do the job assigned, it puts an unfair burden on everyone else.


All unexcused absences or tardies will be reflected in your grade through your employee evaluation, participation points and work habit points.

Tardiness is not permitted and is a poor business practice. After three tardies, you will serve a one-hour detention.


Since our business demands a lot of person-to-person contact, good personal hygiene and habits will insure that your contact with customers will be pleasant.

Refer to the following when working in the store:

  1. Clothes should be neat, clean and fit properly.
  2. Make sure your hands are clean, especially when handling clothing and food.
  3. Stay visible on the sales floor. Be available to customers.
  4. Make customers feel welcome in the store. Greet each customer in the store with a friendly greeting.
  5. Helping customers is the most important job within the store. Customers should feel this when shopping at The Maple Tree.
  6. Make eye contact. Face customers directly, smile and maintain a pleasant tone of voice.
  7. Wait on only one customer at a time, if possible.
  8. Always be aware of customers waiting for assistance. Help a customer and then move on!
  9. Do not lean or sit on counters or shelving units. No chairs on the sales floor. Not only is this unprofessional, it can damage store materials and our store image.
  10. No food or drink allowed during your shift!
  11. If you have time to lean, you have time to clean!


You are to display a positive attitude whenever you are working in the store. Complaining and poor attitudes will not be tolerated. Do not engage in arguments, lengthy discussions, or gossip while working. It is unprofessional and deters customers.

As a sales associate, your attitude projects loudly to customers. Customers will not tolerate bad customer service, it is one of the biggest complaints customers have regardless of the type of business.

  1. Appropriate language and behavior is expected at all times in the store.
  2. Respect should be shown at all times to fellow employees, customers, and Seaholm staff.
  3. You are representing not only yourself but also the teacher, Seaholm High School, the Birmingham community, and your parents.

Often we have customers from outside the school, we need to impress at all times! You do not get a second chance to make a first impression. Detentions and loss of points will be assigned and store privileges reduced to individuals who are unable to adhere to this policy.

  1. Your main priority is to help customers. The best salespeople do not push products on customers. They find out what the customer needs and match those needs to a product we have in stock.
  2. Discovering what a customer really needs is part of selling.
  3. Listen to customers.
  4. Ask probing questions.
  5. Determine their needs.
  6. If you have asked a customer for help and they have indicated they don’t need help, do not forget about them. They will probably need assistance within a few minutes once they have had a chance to look around. If you forget about them, more than likely they will simply leave without making a purchase.
  7. Always inform customers of specials, sales, promotions, or other exciting things going on in the store that day.


  1. Be friendly and relaxed when you greet customers. Ask them a question that starts them off by saying yes.
  2. Ask questions that will help you figure out what the customer is looking for.
  3. Listen carefully and clarify anything you do not understand. Don’t interrupt!
  4. Offer your opinion tactfully and only when you’re asked.
  5. Show merchandise in action if possible.
  6. Don’t confuse the customer with too many choices. If they have expressed that they want a particular item set aside as a “Yes” item. Put aside items they have indicated they do not want.
  7. Treat items with respect.
  8. Present the features and benefits of your merchandise. Stress the benefits- that’s what the customer is buying (what the product will do for them).
  9. Learn as much as possible about your merchandise. Learn where things are located so you can retrieve items quickly. By knowing your products, you will be able to help your customer make the right purchase decision efficiently and quickly.
  10. Never forget: ASK FOR THE SALE!
  11. Wear your nametag at all times while working!
  12. All employees must wear a nametag during work hours. This insures that customers can identify you as a Maple Tree employee for assistance when shopping.
  13. The nametag should be worn where it is easily seen, preferably near your chest/shoulder.
  14. Leave your employee nametag in your employee mailbox when your shift is over.
  15. You will be issued one nametag for the semester. You will be charged $2.00 for each replacement nametag. You will be required to turn in your nametag at the end of the trimester.


  1. No food or beverages are to be consumed by any employee while working in the store at any time!! If you are caught eating or drinking while on the job, your store grade will go down. Repeat violation of this policy will result in a loss of store privileges including not working in the store. Do not eat during downtime without teacher permission! It is very unprofessional and this is not your lunch hour!
  2. No offensive gum chewing. If your gum chewing becomes noticeable and annoying to me, you will be asked to get rid of your gum. If I am annoyed by it, chances are so are the customers.
  3. Keep visits with friends to a minimum. You are here to work not socialize. Keep visiting brief. Remember customers are your first priority. If there are no customers in the store, there is always a lot to do.
  4. Keep an ear open for the store phone. When the store gets busy, it can be hard to hear the phone ring. If we miss a phone call, we miss a potential sale for balloons or even an out-of-state order from a Seaholm alumni.

Answer the phone by saying, “The Maple Tree, ______speaking. How can I help you?”

  1. If you are not working, you are not allowed behind the counters, in the office or in the storage room. Friends are not allowed in any of these areas at any time.
  2. Do not use store time to do homework, study for tests, read magazines, etc… Utilize your time effectively and stay productive. Initiative is one of the most important job characteristics employers look for.
  3. Stay self-motivated and busy when working in the store. Your grade will reflect this attitude.
  4. If we are slow, use that time to complete job tasks assigned to you or find something to work on. Ask a manager or teacher for something to do if you can’t find anything on your own.
  5. All Seaholm rules apply at all times.


All employees must be alert to risks that could occur while the store is open. Risk can cost The Maple Tree money in the following areas:

  1. Injury to customers or employees.
  2. Waste of materials.
  3. Shoplifting/Theft.
  4. Breakage of loss of materials.
  5. Damage to materials or store fixtures.


Security is a very important part of any business. Theft can occur from inside or outside the business. In the case of The Maple Tree, employee theft is more prevalent than customer theft. In order to prevent any kind of theft, remember the following tips:

  1. You are the most important tool in preventing theft. Keep your eyes on the products and the customers hands when assisting anyone.
  2. Establish eye contact with all customers while they are in the store. If the potential shoplifter knows they are being watched, the chances of theft are a lot lower.
  3. By maintaining a friendly, positive attitude the chances of theft are also reduced. A thief will more than likely not steal from someone who they view as a positive person.
  4. Smile and be friendly. People don’t steal from someone that they can identify as a friend or who at least acts like one.
  5. Work with your co-workers to combat theft. If you see an employee is busy helping a customer, keep an eye on the rest of the store.
  6. Do not leave the sales floor unattended.

Employee theft can be hard to recognize if you do not directly see the theft. Many times an employee will simply eat or drink something that they did not pay for and claim they paid for it. They may even work with another employee who will claim they rang the person up. This is the main reason there is no eating or drinking during any time in the store.

Employee purchases may only be rung up at the very end of the hour. All employee purchases must be made from the customer side of the counter. You are to purchase just as any other customer would. Make sure a manager or the teacher rings up the purchase. Do not set yourself up to be a suspect.

The biggest deterrent to theft is you!

Anyone caught stealing (including employees) is subject to disciplinary action and/or legal action. Shoplifting is prosecutable in the State of Michigan no matter what the dollar amount is.

If you suspect a customer of stealing:

  1. Notify the teacher right away. This may be done anonymously via notes in the teacher mailbox, email etc.
  2. Keep the person in your sight until a teacher can be reached.
  3. Do not confront the person alone.
  4. Ask the customer in a way that does not accuse them such as, “Did you pay for that already or can I ring you up now?” Always try to give them a way out. If they proceed to steal the item, remember what the person looks like and report it to the teacher.
  5. Never touch a customer you are suspecting of theft.

If you suspect an employee of stealing:

  1. Report it immediately to a teacher or the manager by one of the following:
  2. Put a note in the teacher’s mailbox.
  3. Send the teacher an email.
  4. Leave a message on the teacher’s voicemail.
  5. Ask to speak to the teacher outside of the store or discreetly.

You will be protected if you report any theft. It is confidential and your name will not be revealed.

  1. If you feel comfortable, confront the employee and ask if he/she just forgot to pay for put the item on credit. At least at that point, they will know that you suspect them of stealing and they still have a pay to avoid it.

Any employee caught stealing will no longer work in the store. You will no longer receive points for any store activities. You cannot receive a grade for the store if you do not work in the store! I.E. You steal, you fail!


The store is open during Retail Management class. The store will also be open during special events such as Parent-Teacher Conferences, Open House(s), Activities Night, etc.. You are encouraged to work one of these nights.

The store is closed on occasional days for training, inventory, guest speakers, field trips, cleaning, employee meetings, etc…

Each employee should know store hours so that when customers ask they will be well informed. This is especially crucial when answering telephone calls.


The manager or teacher makes work schedules for a specified time frame. You will be assigned a specific department and job duty to perform for a specified time frame. Work schedules may not be traded for any reason. You will be rotated between job duties throughout the trimester. You are responsible for keeping track of your schedule. If you do not show up for your assigned shift, you will be marked absent.

Employees are to remain on the job until the manager or teacher dismisses them. The bell does not dismiss you!


1. You may purchase clothing and gift items for $1 above cost. Food and drinks are not discounted. Discounts may not apply to sale merchandise.

2. No items can be purchased during store hours. Make all purchases at the end of the hour.

  1. Never ring up your own purchases. All employee purchases must be made from the customer side of the counter.
  1. You may have a tab within the store. Credit purchases may be made up to $15 provided a signed credit slip has been turned in. All balances must be paid in a timely manner.
  1. This discount is a privilege and therefore must not be abused.


All employee belongings must be placed in the designated cubbie area of the store while an employee is working. Employees may not wear jackets or coats while working. All personal belongings such as purses, backpacks, books, bags, etc.. will not be kept behind any cash counters, within the office, or within any storage areas.


You are now on the “inside” of a real business operation. The Maple Tree is a real retail store. We pay taxes and either achieve a profit or a loss. Any information that you are told as part of your job in the store is not for public consumption. This concerns any areas of profit/loss, markups, sales, pricing, store policies, etc. Please keep this information private and confidential.


The following discount and credit policies apply to the following customers:

Credit Purchases? / Discount
Seaholm Staff / Yes / 10% clothing
Business Tech. Teachers / Yes / $1 above cost
Maple Tree Employees / Yes / $1 above cost
Seaholm Students / No / None

The Business Technology Teachers are:

  1. Barb Slatin
  2. Lori Stone
  3. Michael Munaco
  4. Leisa Passarelli
  5. Connie Irby
  6. Dawn Whitehead


Contact teacher immediately. For clean-up, contact the custodial department.


The following jobs are available for scheduling:

  1. Store Manager
  2. Promotion Assistant Manager
  3. Visual Merchandising Assistant Manager
  4. Inventory Assistant Manager
  5. Accounting Assistant Manager
  6. Department Manager
  7. Cashier
  8. Gift Sales
  9. Food Sales
  10. Cash Officer
  11. Loss Prevention
  12. Social Media Team
  13. Charity/Civic Consciousness Team
  14. Online Retail Business
  15. New Product Research
  16. Sales Promotion Team
  17. Advertising Team
  18. Delivery and Valet Service
  19. Coffee Valet Service
  20. Accounting
  21. Visual Merchandising Team

Some jobs may be combined due to staffing numbers. You will be required to perform all job duties assigned to you by either the manager or the teacher.

You will be scheduled for a job for a specified time frame. Within that time period, you may be required to fill out a job duty sheet for your schedule of daily, weekly and bi-weekly duties for your job. You will be responsible for turning these in to your manager at the end of your schedule. You will not earn job points if the duty sheets are not turned in. It is not your manager’s responsibility to remember this, it is YOURS!