The man who bought his mother birds that could sing, dance and talk.
Does God Still Speak to us Today?
John 14: 23-27
Joe Rantz – His opening story. Can God heal that much pain a person’s life?
23 Jesus replied, “If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. 24 He who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me.
25 All this I have spoken while still with you. 26 But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my Name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. 27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
Does the Holy Spirit still speak to us today? Jesus said we could expect Him to do so. But when He does it will always be consistent with God’s Word. While there is no new revelation since the Bible is complete, Jesus promised the Holy Spirit is here to provide ongoing application (what some theologians call illumination).
In this passage Jesus explains the requirements, the content and the results of the Holy Spirit speaking to our hearts.
A. What is required to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit in our lives? (vss. 23-24)
1. We must live a life of intentional obedience to God’s Word (vs. 23a)
The man who prayed for God to send him a car with only headlight if he was supposed to go to seminary.
2. We must have God living in our hearts (vs. 23b)
3. We must have a real love for God (vs. 24a)
4. We must believe the Father speaks to us through Jesus (vs. 24b)
We ask Jesus three things? What did this do to my heart? What lies are attached to this wound? What would you do to heal that hurt? The story of the woman who was rejected by her mother when she turned 13. Jesus took the thorns in her heart and made a crown.
B. What will the Holy Spirit say when He speaks to us? (Vss. 25-26)
1. He will counsel us or come alongside us (vs. 26a)
2. He will be sent in the Name of Jesus not his own authority (vs. 26b)
3. He will teach us everything we need to know when we need to know it (vs. 26c)
The story of our call to First Free – The Nineveh travel agency.
4. He will remind us of the words of Jesus when we need them (vs. 26d).
C. What will be the result of hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit? (vs. 27)
1. He will bring peace to our lives (vs. 27a).
2. He will intervene in a supernatural fashion (vs. 27b).
The story of the Brooklyn Tabernacle miracle – You’re problem is faith. You don’t believe.
3. He will remove trouble (pain and sin) from our hearts (vs. 27c).
4. He will set us free from our deepest fears (vs. 27d).
Chuck’s heart surgery and the rainbow story.
Some closing questions to consider:
1. Do we live each day with the expectation that the Holy Spirit is going to speak to us?
2. Do we regularly put ourselves in a place where the Holy Spirit can speak? Namely, living a life of regular life of spiritual disciplines: a systematic study of God’s Word, fasting and prayer, worship with God’s people, listening to the preaching of God’s Word, small group study and fellowship, serving and giving generously to God’s work, and a life of witnessing to others?
3. Do we believe God can heal the deepest wounds of our hearts through the voice of the Holy Spirit?
The ending of the story of Joe Rantz. Trust won the Gold Medal. What is God saying to you today?