The Maine Dance Academy
August 2016 Newsletter
Hello my dear TMDA dancers,
Can you believe it is already August? The summer is just flying by but I am hoping that you are all enjoying our beautiful weather and some needed rest. Thanks to the many of you who took part in our summer programs…they were a huge success and a lot of fun! We had a lot of great kids and our instructors went way beyond the call of duty! Thanks again for making our summer camps such a huge success for everyone who participated in them!! Now we need to change our focus to Audition/Registration day and to “Hercules”. WHEW what a year we have ahead of us!
1-Audition/Registration day is Wednesday, August 17th, 2016 from 4-6:30PM so please do not miss this important day. We must have everyone registered by this day so that we may put our fall schedule together. Many of you are asking what the dance class schedule is for fall 2016 but we cannot put it together until we receive all of the registrations. Therefore, I am asking for you all to please get them to me ASAP. We will be charging a late fee on all reg. fees received after the 17th as this delays us on putting our classes and schedules together so please…..REGISTER ON TIME. Those of you who got their registrations and registration fees to me by August 1st will have a $10 CLOTHING credit on their account.
2- All new dancers 5 and older must audition on the 17th however, new tumblers do not. This is the audition schedule for the 17th as well as the semester tuition fees for 2016-17:
Wednesday, August 17,2016.
4-5pm: 2-4 year olds, registration only
5-5:30pm: 5-8 year olds, registration and auditions are required.
5:30-6pm: 9-12 year olds, registration and auditions required
6-6:30pm: 13 and up, registration and auditions required
Only new DANCE students 5 and older are required to audition.
Returning dance and tumbling students do not need to audition.
New tumbling students are not required to audition...these will
take place during the first two weeks of the fall classes.
All registrations are due on or before August 17, 2016.
Registration Fee for New Dance/Tumbling Students are as follows:
2-4 year olds: $45.00
5 and up: $50.00 (audition required)
Registration Fee for Returning Dance/Tumbling Students: $40.00
Registration Fee for Pointe: $40.00
All late registrations will be $60.00.
Late Auditions will be $70.00.
Multiple registration Fees: Deduct $5.00 from each fee per student.
**Please download Dropbox so that you are able to receive choreography by email starting the first of September. Copy and paste the link below to your browser and follow the instructions for the download. We will explain all of this to you on the first day of classes. This is crucial to the success of your child’s dance education @ TMDA!
Dance Tuition fees are as follows for 2016-17:
45 Minute to 1 hour class: $195.00 per semester
1 hour and 15 minute class: $240..00 per semester
1 Hour and 30 minute class: $285.00 per semester
Tumbling Tuition fees are as follows for 2016-17:
45 minute to 1 hour class: $160.00 per semester
1.25 hour class: $200.00 per semester
1.5 hour class: $240.00 per semester
A $10 discount will be given per tuition fee if tuitions are paid for by September 22, 2016 and January 5, 2017.
$63.30 Costume deposit required for each student per class he/she takes.
Fall Semester: September 20 through December, 15, 2016: Tuition due September 28, 2016 without any late fees.
Spring Semester: January 3, 2017 thru May 7, 2017: Tuition due January 11, 2017 without any late fees.
Christmas Recital at C-Pac on Sunday, December 11, 2016 @2pm.
Year End Recital at the Caribou Performing Arts Center.
Friday, May 5, 2017 @ 7pm
Saturday, May 6, 2017 @ 7pm
Sunday, May 7, 2017 @ 2pm
Dance begins September 20 and 21, 2016
Tumbling begins September 22, 2016
3-If you have not downloaded Dropbox by now please use the above link and do so ASAP. It is free and this is how we will be sending you all the choreography and important updates. The first choreography will come to you before dance starts so please…learn how Dropbox works and if you have any questions, we will answer them the first week of dance at Parent-Watch.
4- Please remember that everyone is required to wear TMDA logo’d black clothing to dance. Everyone. One top and one bottom is all that is required so please purchase these items before dance starts. I will have all the new clothing line ready for you at audition and registration day on the 17th. A new sweatshirt line will be available for purchase in 4 colors in child and adult sizes as well.
5- Thanks to my NYC trip attendees for an amazing weekend. Moms…thank you for always being so positive with everything we did and girls, thanks for being mature, well-mannered and the best kids in any dance program..EVER! I still get choked up every time I hear “He lives in you”…probably my best memory of any NYC trip yet. It was fun from beginning to end and I thank you all for being part of it!!!
6- August 17th is also Audition Night for Senior and Child parts for Hercules.
Seniors need to be ready for their auditions to start at 6:45pm. You have two songs that were sent to you and you must be prepared to perform both of them. You will sing and act out “Sounds of Silence” and then you will sing/dance and act to “Let’s be bad”. You will be given only one chance so when the music starts that is when your audition starts.
The 8-12 year olds that are trying out for parts need to be prepared to dance/sing and act with their song “I love me”. The schedule for the evening is as follows: 8 year olds will start at 7:30pm, 9 year olds at 7:45pm, 10 year olds at 8pm, 11 year olds at 8:15pm and 12 year olds at 8:30pm. You will be given only one chance so when the music starts that is when your audition starts.
There are a lot of children auditioning on this night so we ask for your patience. We will do our best to stay on schedule.
We ask that the parents of the children auditioning to prepare their children of the fact that there are 30 kids trying out for 6 parts so not everyone will get a part and we do not want them disappointed. We have opened this up this year to kids auditioning but we need to keep this a positive move….we do not want to lose any dancers over this audition process. I am proud that so many kids want to audition as this is a wonderful experience and will only help them prepare for when they audition as seniors as well. Thanks for your support with this matter.
August 17, 2016 from 4-6:30pm: Audition and Registration Day
August 17, 2016: 7-9pm Senior Auditions and Children Auditions
September 9, 2016: Class rosters will be posted on our website.
September 20, 21 & 22, 2016: Dance and Tumbling resumes. #23!
Good luck to Miss Danielle with her upcoming delivery….you really are the most beautiful pregnant Mommie. Also, good luck to Miss Emma as she leaves us to further her dance education at U. Maine. We will miss you so hurry home!!!
That’s all for now. Please read your September newsletter, this will have the class roster ….I will do my best to post by September 9…I promise. But you HAVE TO REGISTER!! We have missed you and we look forward to another amazing year of dance, tumbling and fun. We will see all of you the week of September 20th!!!
Love you all,
Miss Colleen and the gang!