City of Bruceville-Eddy

143 Wilcox Drive (254) 859-5964 Telephone

Eddy, Texas 76524 (254) 859-5779 Fax

JULY 14th 2016 MINUTES

Workshop Session of the City of Bruceville-Eddy 5:30 p.m.

Council members present were: Connally Bass, Hal Wilcox, Allen Trigg, and Gary Lucas. Also present, City Administrator Koni Billings and Johnny Tabor. Jason Dean excused.

Agenda items were discussed, no action taken. Discussion of the singular award of a meter request by Brenda Cashion due to the removal of many of the vacated meters in that area and the funding of the Old Moody Road project. This should improve the pressure at that area.

Meeting adjourned at 6:12 p.m.

Regular Meeting of the City Council: Meeting convened at 6:30 p.m. Attendance: Mayor ProTem Gary L. Lucas, Allen Trigg, Hal Wilcox, Connally Bass, Koni Billings, and Johnny Tabor. Jason Dean excused.

Mayor ProTem Gary Lucas called the meeting to order, asked Ms. Billings to lead the prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.

·  Council considered the funds for General and Water for month of June, and the approval of moves made to line item budgets in order to begin closing the 2015/2016 fiscal year for the audit and remain balanced.

·  Moved by Connally Bass, seconded by Hal Wilcox. All in Favor.

·  Council consider the minutes of the June 2016 meetings.

·  Hal Wilcox moved to accept the minutes of the June meetings, Allen Trigg Seconded. All in Favor.

Item 1: City Engineer Report was made by Johnny Tabor: The ongoing water improvement projects were reviewed and a request to support Resolution 06-06-16, the rescinding of the meter moratorium on a case by case hydrostatic study only, and the request of Brenda Cashion. The motion was made by Hal Wilcox and seconded by Connally Bass. All in Favor.

Item 2: Police Report: No report this month. Chief excused.

Item 3: Public Works, Ms. Billings noted to the Council the need to get another vehicle for the water department, under an emergency request, because the 2003 Chevy Truck is now out of service. The estimate for repairs ( 880.00 + 1340.00) was just far more than the truck is worth, given the many repairs to it in the past. The request is to ask that Council consider the truck bids that she submitted. There are four. The truck most likely to fit best will be the 2011 Ford F-150 with rat pack tools racks, 55K miles, and a cost of appx. $12k. A motion to purchase this truck under the given emergency of need was made by Connally Bass and a second by Hal Wilcox. All in Favor. Request to send to auction the list of old equipment was motioned by Hal Wilcox and seconded by Connally Bass. All in Favor. (meter discussion made under the meter resolution consideration).

Item 4: Mayor ProTem Lucas has called the 2016 Election. 3- 2 yr. council seats, an unfilled mayor seat, 1 yr. A motion to accept the contract for election was made by Connally Bass, second by Allen Trigg. All in Favor.

Item 5: Regular Meeting Closed. Public Hearing I opened at 6:56. Hearing on water quality report. No remarks taken. Public Hearing I closed at 6:56 p.m.

Item 6: Public Hearing II opened at 6:57 p.m. Hearing on proposed Subdivision Ordinance, 070116. Al Beck of Mackey Ranch asked questions regarding the ordinance and was answered, Frank Warren of Hungry Hill was asked if the new ordinance adopted the county road standards, which Ms. Billings had assumed were to be adopted but was looked up to be absolute. A moment was taken to verify completely the roads were not to be just gravel roads, but need to be up to the standard of paved and measured roads for all newly created subdivisions. The council was grateful for the questions as it gave opportunity for clarification on adoption. Public Hearing II closed at 6:57 p.m. Regular Meeting was reconvened at 6:58 p.m.

Item 7: Council considered the proposed Subdivision Ordinance number 070116, and the adoption of the amended Permit and Platting fee’s, to be considered and included into the Subdivision Ordinance. A motion to adopt the new Ordinance for enforcement in the city its ETJ and the water portions for the water company enforcement, was made by Connally Bass and was seconded by Hal Wilcox. All in Favor. Mr. Lucas thanked all for the questions and illuminations during the hearing, the insights are invaluable when making these decisions.

Item 8: Council considered the contract for the 2015-2016 formal audit of the city. Council elected by motion to contract with BGFN of Temple, TX. Motion made by Connally Bass and seconded by Allen Trigg. All in Favor.

Item 9: Council considered the line change to the bank account #1005, general funds by resolution. A motion to accept the name change to the line item to reflect dividend account was tendered by Connally Bass and a second was made by Allen Trigg. All in Favor.

Meeting adjourned at 7:13 p.m. by Allen Trigg, seconded by Hal Wilcox.


Gary Lucas, Mayor Pro Tem


Koni Billings, City Administrator Minutes approved on: ______