2015 Application Form for the
Australian Lebanese Foundation –The University of Sydney


This application form must be received by

20March 2015

Late, faxed or emailed applications will not be accepted.

You may only submit one scholarship application.

If your application is successful you will be notified by mail by 27 March.


Brief description of the scholarship

Awarded on a combination of School examination results, University Admission Index (UAI) and other achievements (eg leadership, creativity, self-motivation, communication skills).

Preference will be given to students with a Lebanese background.

The Australian Lebanese Foundation Scholarships are one-off entry awards for students entering into a Bachelor degree. In 2015, awards will be worth $3,000 for 1 year only.


  • You must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident.
  • You must be completing your secondary studies in 2014;

or have completed them in 2013;

or be starting a graduate entry Bachelordegree course (eg medicine, dentistry).

  • You must have received an offer of admission to The University of Sydney.
  • The Scholarship may not be deferred.
  • You must start your University course in 2015.


Your background details

Family name

First name/other name

Date of birth – (Day Month Year e.g. 12 May 1996)

Gender (tick) MaleFemale 

Residential status (tick)

Australian citizen/permanent resident 

Address – (number and street)

Suburb/town State Postcode

Mobile Phone number


Subjects you have taken at the NSW HSC, or equivalent, in 2014

Subject Name / Units / 2014 HSC result (if available) / Position in year (if available)

Did you completeyour HSC (or equivalent) in 2013 but not begin university study? (tick)

Yes  No If yesattach your 2013HSC results and UAI score.

Are you starting a graduate entry course?

Yes  No If yesattacha transcript of your first degree resultsand include achievements at university in your personal statement (HSC results not required).

Your school

Please provide the name and address of the school where you sat the HSC (or equivalent)


Your eligibility for the scholarship

1. Chosen degree and UAC course code

The scholarship is offered for all undergraduate degrees at the University. However, you must choose one and only one degree from the UAC Guide (eg B Commerce) or combined degree (eg B Arts/B Commerce) that you wish to apply for. In the case of graduate entry programs the course name is sufficient:

The degree I am applying for is:

The UAC course code for this is:

2. Personal statement about you, and why you think the scholarship will be helpful

Attach a personal statement (not more than one A4 page) about yourselfplus passport photo.

As a guide, you might focus on the following:

  • Academic achievements, e.g. prizes, competitions, favourite subjects, clubs.
  • Positions of leadership, e.g. prefect, captain, youth team leader, club president.
  • Communication skills, e.g. debating, writing, participation in clubs and school activities.
  • Sporting participation and achievements.
  • Other activities such as work experience, study tours, extra-curricular activities, community involvement.
  • Future plans, the type of career you have in mind, and how your chosen University course will help you achieve this.

3. Your most recent school report

Attach photocopies of your most recent school report and your HSC results. The school report must be only the most recent. (not required for Graduate course entry applicants)

4. Your school/university reference

Attach a copy of your school reference, or reference letter from your undergraduate institution if available.

5. An endorsement from your school/university lecturer as appropriate

To be filled in by your School Principal, Year 12 Coordinator, or Careers Advisor.

I have read this application and agree with the student’s comments.

Alternatively, attach a copy of a letter endorsing your application from your School Principal, Year 12 Coordinator, Careers Advisor, a teacher; or from your first degree course coordinator where relevant.


Declaration and checklist


I declare that the information provided in this application form and attachments is correct and complete.

I hereby give permission for the Australian Lebanese Foundation to contact my school principal, teachers or universitylecturers in respect of my results and achievements.



Mail the original and one copy of this form and attachments to:

The Australian Lebanese Foundation

Level 2, Services Building (G12)

The University of SydneyNSW 2006

Email: (for enquiries only)

IMPORTANT: Make 2 photocopies of this form and all attachments.
Send the original of this form and attachments plus one full photocopy of the form and attachments to the Australian Lebanese Foundation (address above). Do NOT send originals of your UAI, HSC results, school reports etc. Keep one full copy of your application.



Complete all parts of this form, including endorsement from School Principal/Coordinator/Careers Advisor/university course coordinator

Attach yoursigned personal statement (one A4 page limit) with your photograph

Attach photocopies of your HSC (or equivalent)and your UAIresults

Students who did not sit the 2014 HSC or equivalent must attach a copy of your 2013 HSC or equivalent and UAI results or your first degree results transcript.

Attach a photocopy of your most recent school report (not required for graduate entry applicants).

Attach a photocopy of your school reference or letter from your course coordinator (for graduate entry applicants) if available

Mail this completed form and all attachments together with a full photocopy of this form and all attachments to the Australian Lebanese Foundation

Keep a full photocopy of this form and all attachments for your reference

This application form must be received by

20March 2015

Late, faxed or emailed applications will not be accepted.

You may submit only one application for this scholarship.

The Australian Lebanese Foundation will acknowledge receipt of your application form by email.If you have not received an acknowledgement within 10 days please contact the Australian Lebanese Foundation at

If your application is successful you will be notified by phone by 27March 2015.Successful applicants and their families will be invited to an official presentation ceremony at The University of Sydney.

Good luck!

Thank you for applying.
